Guess Who - Somn Ușor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Guess Who - Somn Ușor

Somn Ușor
Somn Ușor
Si iar n-am pic de somn
And I still can't sleep
Ma uit aiurea-n telefon
I'm staring aimlessly at my phone
Lasati mesajul dupa ton
Leave a message after the beep
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Imi fac un joint sa zbor
I'm rolling a joint to fly
De acolo nu vreau sa cobor
I don't want to come down from there
De dimineata pic din nori
I fall from the clouds in the morning
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Sa ma prefac nu e usor, nu
It's not easy to pretend, no
Ca nu-s actor si nu e vreun rol, nu
Because I'm not an actor, and it's not some kind of role
Ce e real e mai nasol
What is real is worse
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Ajung la mal, dupa o sticla de alcool
I reach the shore, after a bottle of alcohol
Amarul meu s-a scufundat ca un vapor
My bitterness has sunk like a ship
Si nimeni n-a vazut semnalul meu de ajutor
And no one has seen my distress signal
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Nimic nu e intamplator
Nothing is a coincidence
Ce credeam ca-mi face bine acum e daunator
What I thought was good for me is now harmful
Trecutul mi-a soptit ce sa nu fac in viitor
The past has whispered to me what not to do in the future
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Tic-tac, ceasul merge-n gol
Tick-tock, the clock is running idle
Ziua trece, noaptea n-are pic de somn
The day passes, the night has no sleep
Asta-seara nu cred ca o sa ma-ntorc om
I don't think I'll be back tonight
Somn usor
Sleep well
Raze de soare, nu lumina de neon
Rays of sun, not neon light
Ea-mi schimba stare, zici ca sunt cameleon
It changes my mood, like I'm a chameleon
E ora de culcare, cand ne fuge orice somn
It's bedtime, when we lose all sleep
Somn usor, somn usor, somn usor
Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well
Alt cadru, alt scenariu, alt decor
Another frame, another scenario, another setting
Astept sa-nceapa episodul urmator
I'm waiting for the next episode to start
Simt cum ma vindec pe interior
I feel myself healing on the inside

Авторы: guess who

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