Guess Who feat. Feli - Mă Faci Să Simt Că... - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guess Who feat. Feli - Mă Faci Să Simt Că... - Live

Mă Faci Să Simt Că... - Live
Make Me Feel Like... - Live
Uită-te-n ochii mei
Look into my eyes
Spune-mi nu mai vrei
Tell me that you don't want me anymore
ai pe alta, roata se întoarce dacă minți
That you have someone else, the wheel turns if you lie
Văd pari OK, oricum faci doar ce vrei
I see that you seem OK, you do whatever you want anyway
Vorbesc degeaba, asta-i dovada nu simți
I'm talking in vain, this is proof that you don't feel
Nu ești făcut iubești
You weren't made to love
Tu vrei greșești
You want to make mistakes
Nu știu cine ești
I don't know who you are
Nu ești ce pari a fi, nu știi
You're not what you seem to be, you don't know
toate ți se întorc la fel într-o zi
That everything will come back to you one day
Nu cred cunoști, nu, deloc
I don't think you know me, no, not at all
Rămâne doar scrum, dacă ia foc tot
Only ashes remain, if fire ignites everything
Eu nu mai întorc, nu pot
I can't go back, I can't
Orice efort e în zadar, așa stop
Any effort is in vain, so stop
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Și tu vezi totul atât de ușor
And you see everything so easily
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Nici nu te recunosc uneori
I don't even recognize you sometimes
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Și tu vezi totul atât de ușor
And you see everything so easily
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Nici nu te recunosc uneori
I don't even recognize you sometimes
Dacă am fi știut tot de la început
If we had known everything from the beginning
Oare am fi făcut exact ce n-am făcut
Would we have done exactly what we didn't do?
Ce înseamnă prea târziu, spune-mi ce nu știu
What does too late mean, tell me what I don't know?
Nu pierzi niciun pariu, nu-i despre cine ai vrea fiu
You never lose a bet, it's not about who you want me to be
Eu cred uiți ideea, cauți din nou scânteia
I think you're forgetting the idea, you're looking for the spark again
N-auzi nimic din ce zic, comunicarea-i cheia
You don't hear anything I say, communication is key
Discuția e aceeași, nu crezi, spune-mi de ce
The conversation is the same, you don't believe, tell me why I should
Trage de timp încă un pic, așa au fugit vreo trei ani
Stall for time a little longer, that's how three years have passed
Te-mpac cu o orhidee, subiectul se încheie
I'll make peace with an orchid, the subject is closed
Îți fac pe plac, complac, scutur de clișee
I'll please you, I'll indulge, I'll shake off the clichés
Da' știu nu-i de ajuns, tu cauți un răspuns
But I know it's not enough, you're looking for an answer
Nu umpli niciun gol cu lucruri care sunt în plus
You can't fill any void with things that are extra
Asta nu-i normal, suntem diametral
This is not normal, we are diametrically
Opuși, da, da, de la început pân' la final
Opposed, yes, yes, from the beginning to the end
Spui lucruri prea ușor, de parcă nu te dor
You say things too easily, as if they don't hurt you
Când știu pe interior
When I know that on the inside
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Și tu vezi totul atât de ușor
And you see everything so easily
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Nici nu te recunosc uneori
I don't even recognize you sometimes
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Și tu vezi totul atât de ușor
And you see everything so easily
faci simt mor, mor, mor, mor
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
Nici nu te recunosc uneori
I don't even recognize you sometimes

Авторы: Dragos George Nichifor, Laurentiu Mocanu

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