Guy Béart - Le quidam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guy Béart - Le quidam

Le quidam
The Nobody
Ecoutez l'histoire à coup sûr obscure
Listen to the story, surely obscure,
D'un pauvre quidam et de ses tourments
Of a poor nobody and his torments,
Tout ce qu'il subit comme mésaventure
All the misadventures he endures,
Pour connaître enfin la gloire du moment
To finally know the glory of the moment.
Il était simple quidam, son père était quidam
He was a simple nobody, his father was a nobody,
Son frère était quidam et lui était quidam aussi
His brother was a nobody, and he was a nobody too.
Pour gagner l'appui de quelque mécène et l'actualité par action d'éclat
To gain the support of some patron and the spotlight with a splash,
Il commença par se jeter dans la Seine
He began by throwing himself into the Seine,
Mais aucun canard ne passait par
But no ducks were passing by,
Il fut repêché grelottant de gouttes
He was fished out, shivering with drops,
Par un vieux passant, un quidam parfait
By an old passerby, a perfect nobody,
Qui le réchauffa, lui paya la goutte
Who warmed him up, paid for his drink,
Et lui dit "Adieu!" sans s'être nommé
And said "Goodbye!" without giving his name.
Il était simple quidam, son père était quidam
He was a simple nobody, his father was a nobody,
Son frère était quidam et lui était quidam aussi
His brother was a nobody, and he was a nobody too.
Jamais ne parut sa photographie sur aucun placard, sur aucun trottoir
His photograph never appeared on any poster, on any sidewalk,
Alors une nuit, pour corser sa vie, il brûla le siège d'un journal du soir
So one night, to spice up his life, he burned down the headquarters of an evening newspaper,
Il eut beau clamer qu'il était coupable
He might as well have claimed he was guilty,
On l'ignora car il était trop pâle
He was ignored because he was too pale,
Puis on arrêta d'autres misérables
Then they arrested other wretches,
Qui tous avouaient comme il était normal
Who all confessed, as was normal.
Il était simple quidam, son père était quidam
He was a simple nobody, his father was a nobody,
Son frère était quidam et lui était quidam aussi
His brother was a nobody, and he was a nobody too.
Pourtant un beau jour, il fut pris, c'est bête
Yet one fine day, he was caught, it's silly,
Pour un crime qu'il n'avait pas commis
For a crime he didn't commit,
Quand le procureur demanda sa tête, il fut condamné par chance inouïe
When the prosecutor asked for his head, he was condemned by incredible luck,
Ce jour-là, on vit partout sa bobine
That day, his mugshot was seen everywhere,
Dans tous les journaux de notre contrée
In all the newspapers of our country,
Puis elle parut sous la guillotine, ce fut le début de sa renommée
Then it appeared under the guillotine, it was the beginning of his fame.
Il n'est plus simple quidam, son père reste quidam
He is no longer a simple nobody, his father remains a nobody,
Son frère reste quidam et lui est mort célèbre, enfin!
His brother remains a nobody, and he died famous, finally!
Malheureusement une coquille infime
Unfortunately, a tiny typo,
Se glissa dans l'orthographe de son nom
Slipped into the spelling of his name,
De sorte qu'hélas, toujours anonyme, il mourut quidam et sans rémission
So that alas, still anonymous, he died a nobody and without remission.
Il était simple quidam, son père était quidam
He was a simple nobody, his father was a nobody,
Son frère était quidam et lui était quidam aussi.
His brother was a nobody, and he was a nobody too.

Авторы: Guy Béart

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