Guz - Colectionez Suflete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guz - Colectionez Suflete

Colectionez Suflete
Collecting Souls
Luand pozele, privind in trecut
Looking at the photos, looking back
Vad lumea ce s-a schimbat de tot
I see the world that has changed a lot
Pe unii nu i-am recunoscut
I didn't recognize some
Cu altii, sa vorbesc nu mai pot
With others, I can no longer speak
Si, totusi, in cutie gasesc
And yet, in a box I find
Poze pline de zambete
Pictures full of smiles
Le pun in rame, le atasez
I put them in frames, I attach them
Eu colectionez suflete
I collect souls
Gasesc o poza intre cutii
I find a photo between boxes
Cu mama, tata, pe la bunici
With Mom, Dad, at Grandma's
Unde eram atat de micuti
Where we were so small
Unde erau atat de voinici
Where they were so strong
Si dau de una in care tu
And I come across one in which you
Legata la ochi, pasesti pe nisip
Blindfolded, you walk on the sand
Si nu-mi fac griji ca ai sa spui "Nu"
And I don't worry that you'll say "No"
Caci ai zis "Da" si m-ai facut fericit
Because you said "Yes" and made me happy
Prietenii vechi, zorii pe cer
Old friends, the dawn in the sky
Primul sarut, vad lumea de ieri
The first kiss, I see the world of yesterday
Ramasa in trecut, zambete au ars
Left in the past, smiles burned
Eu mi-am recunoscut, vreau sa nasc zambete si azi
I recognized myself, I want to create smiles even today
Parinti fiind, nopti nedormind
As parents, sleepless nights
Tot alergand, ne pozam cu pici
Always running, we take pictures with the kids
Sa ne cunoasca, oricat de maturi vor fi
So that they will know us, no matter how mature they may be
Pe noi, la fel de voinici
Us, just as strong

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