Güler Duman feat. Mustafa Özarslan - Behey Vicdansız - Öl Deseydin - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Güler Duman feat. Mustafa Özarslan - Behey Vicdansız - Öl Deseydin

Behey Vicdansız - Öl Deseydin
Hey Heartless - If You Had Said Die
Be hey vicdansız yüreksiz
Oh heartless soul
Öl deseydin ölmez miydim?
If you had said die, wouldn't I have died?
Sen efendi ben de köle
You the master, I the slave
Ol deseydin olmaz mıydım?
If you had said be, wouldn't I have been?
Tutuşurdum ateşinle
I would have set myself ablaze with your fire
Ölürdüm senin uğrunda
I would have died for your sake
Diz çöküp önünde secde
Kneeling before you in prayer
Kıl deseydin kılmaz mıydım?
If you had said pray, wouldn't I have prayed?
Tutuşurdum ateşinle
I would have set myself ablaze with your fire
Ölürdüm senin uğrunda
I would have died for your sake
Diz çöküp önünde secde
Kneeling before you in prayer
Kıl deseydin kılmaz mıydım?
If you had said pray, wouldn't I have prayed?
Gerek yoktu yanmalara
There was no need for this burning
Yanıpta kül olmalara
For burning and turning to ash
Benim için ummanlara
For me, into the depths
Dal deseydin dalmaz mıydım?
If you had said dive, wouldn't I have dived?
Bilirsin sevdandır ahtım
You know my oath is from love
Ne taç isterim ne tahtın
I desire neither crown nor throne
Yüreğinde bin yıl mahkum
A prisoner in your heart for a thousand years
Kal deseydin kalmaz mıydım?
If you had said stay, wouldn't I have stayed?
Bilirsin sevdandır ahtım
You know my oath is from love
Ne taç isterim ne tahtın
I desire neither crown nor throne
Yüreğinde bin yıl mahkum
A prisoner in your heart for a thousand years
Kal deseydin kalmaz mıydım?
If you had said stay, wouldn't I have stayed?
Yanardım yanardağ gibi
I would have burned like a volcano
Püskürürdüm lavlar gibi
I would have erupted like lava
Sonbaharda yaprak gibi
Like a leaf in autumn
Sol deseydin solmaz mıydım?
If you had said wither, wouldn't I have withered?
Şansım ayrılıktan yana
My fate lies in separation
Kül olmuşum yana yana
I have burned to ash, burning and burning
Erkan Yoksuli sen bana
Erkan Yoksuli, you would have called me
Kul deseydin olmaz mıydım?
A slave, and wouldn't I have been?
Şansım ayrılıktan yana
My fate lies in separation
Kül olmuşum yana yana
I have burned to ash, burning and burning
Erkan Yoksuli sen bana
Erkan Yoksuli, you would have called me
Kul deseydin olmaz mıydım?
A slave, and wouldn't I have been?

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