H.Roto - Ambición - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H.Roto - Ambición

Si todo lo que escribí no sirvió de nada
If all I wrote was for nothing
Solo pienso en el futuro eso me está matando
I only think about the future, it's killing me
Antes volaba una cometa, con eso bastaba
Before I flew a kite, that was enough
No lo que paso, hoy salimos más caros
I don't know what happened, today we are more expensive
Andando por el centro dueños de miradas
Walking through the center, owning glances
Con la evilla por fuera del polo
With the evil outside of the polo
El taxímetro sube, dime donde vamos
The taximeter goes up, tell me where we're going
Disfruta del paisaje, esto cuesta oro
Enjoy the scenery, this is worth gold
Yo y mis ganas de comerme el mundo
Me and my desire to eat the world
A fuuego, aunque caiga en el intento
On fire, even if I fall in the attempt
Mucho tiempo observando sus fallos
A long time observing their mistakes
No puedo pecar en lo mismo que ellos
I can't sin in the same way as they did
Ver oir y callar, tantos no lo hicieron
To see, hear, and keep quiet, so many didn't do it
Pagaron el precio, no estuve allí,
They paid the price, I wasn't there,
Lo juro gánate el ascenso
I swear you'll earn the promotion
Gato encerrado, la ciudad en silencio
A locked cat, the city in silence
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)(MC is my ambition)
Yo ya cambié de preguntas, noté ilusiones
I already changed the questions, I noticed illusions
Detrásde la hoja había mas
There was more behind the page
Escucho clásicos siendo vanguardia
I listen to classics while being avant-garde
Para los que se criaron fuera del portal
For those who were raised outside the portal
Te quiere, no te quiere, último pétalo
He loves you, he doesn't love you, last petal
Pierdes la cuenta, debes volver a empezar
You lose count, you must start over
Porque cambiar la bombilla, que parpadea
Why change the light bulb, I know it's flashing
Pero cogí cariño a esa pequeña oscuridad
But I took a liking to that little darkness
Cuando sale a la luz, lo bueno se cuestiona
When it comes to light, the good is questioned
Bajaros de la rama y aceptar la realidad
Get off the branch and accept reality
No lo consuguieron, te dirán que no podrás
They didn't get it, they'll tell you you can't
Vas a creerles, haz lo que debas
You're going to believe them, do what you must
En la esquina, mi quinta, cambia ambición por droga
In the corner, my fifth, exchange ambition for drugs
Pierden la cabeza por un par de piernas
They lose their minds over a pair of legs
Hermano, la calle no perdona
Brother, the streets don't forgive
Si no sales a buscarlo el pan no llegará a tu puerta
If you don't go out and look for it, bread won't come to your door
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)
Mi ambición al paraíso o la ruina
My ambition to paradise or ruin
Llevame donde quieras, pero no me olvides nunca
Take me wherever you want, but never forget me
Dae fuerzas para seguir hacia arriba
Give me strength to keep going up
Matén vivo mi deseo, yo me encargaré de que se cumpla
Keep my desire alive, I'll make sure it's fulfilled
Mi ambición mi fortuna,
My ambition, my fortune,
Mi habitación una sauna
My room, a sauna
Báilame salsa desnuda
Dance salsa with me naked
Si las palabras sobraban
If words were not enough
O eso chillaba tu blusa,
Or so your blouse screamed,
Mientras contaban estrellas, nos convertinos en una
While they were counting stars, we became one
Rulando mierda, dándome un baño de espuma
Rolling in the dirt, taking a bubble bath
El espejo empañado por el vapor de mis dudas
The mirror is fogged up by the steam of my doubts
Mil perfumes y del suyo se acuerdas
A thousand perfumes and you remember hers
Salir de esta selva,
Get out of this jungle,
Bebiendo amarula
Drinking Amarula
Vivir rápido, morir jóven
Live fast, die young
Dejar mi hulla con la música
Leave my mark with music
Mi música, en las alturas
My music, up high
Mis manos en tu cintura
My hands on your waist
El que no corre, vuela
He who does not run, flies
Mi generación suicida
My suicidal generation
(MC is my ambition)
(MC is my ambition)

Авторы: Danilo Amerise Diaz, Adrian Nadales Orea

H.Roto - Ambición
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