H16 feat. DMS - Nebojím Sa Nikoho - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H16 feat. DMS - Nebojím Sa Nikoho

Nebojím Sa Nikoho
I Fear No One
Ye, 16, DMS, Yeaah
Yo, 16, DMS, Yeaah
Vidíš to v očiach, počuješ to v hlase, strach ma netrase.
You see it in my eyes, you hear it in my voice, fear no longer shakes me.
Nebojím sa nikohoPocítiš to v mojej prítomnosti ja nebojím sa ničoho.
I fear no one. You'll feel it in my presence, I'm no longer afraid of anything.
Mám sa báť? Nič necítim.
Should I be scared? I feel nothing.
Žiadny strach a to pred nikým.
No fear, not in front of anyone.
Posilnený som všetkým tým,
Strengthened by all I've been through,
čím som prešiel aj všetkým zlým.
Including all the bad.
Pred ničím nemám strach.
I'm not afraid of anything anymore.
Stále hrám lebo ja som hráč.
Still playing the game, because I'm a player.
Bol som na dne jak potápač.
I was at the bottom like a diver.
Ale jebem na to... A A
But fuck it... A A
Selfmade bez pomoci,
Self-made, without help,
Stále ťahám tie šichty do noci.
Still pulling these shifts until night.
Nebojím sa smrti ani roboty.
I'm not afraid of death or work.
som bol všade ale kde si ty.
I've been everywhere, but where are you?
Steve Wonder ne ja ťa nevidím.
I'm no Steve Wonder, I don't see you.
Žiadna fikcia môj rap je zažitý.
No fiction, my rap is lived experience.
Holá piča chlapci potebujú Vagisil
Bald pussy, boys need Vagisil
Skončím a ten beat bude zabitý.
I'll finish and this beat will be killed.
Skončím a ten beat bude KO,
I'll finish and this beat will be KO'd,
Ja tým živím moju rodinu ty blázon.
I feed my family with this, you fool.
Ja som inde jak ty ja som takto.
I'm on another level than you, I'm like this.
Mohol by som mať sex s tvojou matkou.
I could have sex with your mother.
Zajebem čo chcem do tých riadkov,
I'll fuck whatever I want into these lines,
Som žralok a ty si len planktón.
I'm a shark and you're just plankton.
Som uličný autor skutočný OG,
I'm a street author, a real OG,
Proti mne si tu len krátko.
You're just a newbie compared to me.
Bráško ja hrával som po všetkých kluboch keď ty si sa hrával len s kokotom.
Bro, I was playing all the clubs when you were just playing with your dick.
A makal som keď si ty sedel a všetko si nehával na potom.
And I was working when you were sitting and leaving everything for later.
Chcem urobiť niečo dobré a správne so svojím životom.
I want to do something good and right with my life.
Idem za tým jak Rambo #NebojímSaNikoho
I'm going for it like Rambo #IFearNoOne
Mám sa ťa báť? jebe jebe... Ti musí jebať
Should I be scared of you? Fuck, fuck... You must be kidding.
Jediný koho som sa v živote bál je len samého seba.
The only one I've ever been afraid of in my life is myself.
Lebo ja som zbraň, občas vystreliť treba
Because I am the weapon, sometimes I need to shoot
Si aj zo seba, nebojím sa výsmechu od teba.
Even at myself, I'm not afraid of your ridicule.
Nebojím sa lebo viem že idem do neba
I'm not afraid because I know I'm going to heaven
Každé sústo jak posledná večera.
Every bite like the last supper.
Nemodlím sa za zajtra no za teraz.
I don't pray for tomorrow, but for now.
Prestrielam si cestu ako Banderaz.
I shoot my way through like Banderas.
Snažím sa len užiť si ten karneval.
Just trying to enjoy this carnival.
Tancujem s úsmevom na perách.
Dancing with a smile on my lips.
Jak keby ma stále berie kamera,
Like the camera's always on me,
Aj keď občas bolí to jak nevera.
Even though it sometimes hurts like infidelity.
Šlapem pravá, lavá, červená
Right foot, left foot, red light
Je mi to jedno idem jak tereňák.
I don't care, I'm going like an SUV.
Prekážky za sebou na sebe Bompard a zdvihnutá pravica
Obstacles behind me, Bompard on me and a raised right hand
No není som Kotleba, není som posratý chodiaca cholera.
But I'm not Kotleba, I'm not a scared walking cholera.
Jebem tento systém mám iba fakera,
Fuck this system, I only have a faker,
Stále ten tým väčší jak Habera,
Always the bigger team like Habera,
Niečo jak Hummer prejdeme cez teba.
Something like a Hummer, we'll go through you.
Strach je len povera nedám sa pásť,
Fear is just superstition, I won't be grazed,
Zložiť na kolena bo ja chcem rásť.
Brought to my knees because I want to grow.
Každý deň preskočiť vlastný tieň, na konci tunela to svetlo nájsť.
Every day to jump over my own shadow, to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
Jak mladý Weiss hrajeme to tak, že používame tie hlavy
Like young Weiss, we play it so that we use our heads
šampióni z Blavy, výťazné typy, triafame brady vždy keď rozdávame sady.
Champions from Blava, winning types, we hit chins every time we deal out sets.
Anjela, démona, človeka ne ja nebojím sa nikoho.
Angel, demon, human, no, I'm not afraid of anyone anymore.
Diabol je mýtus a Boh je so mnou ja nebojím sa nikoho.
The devil is a myth and God is with me, I'm not afraid of anyone anymore.
Čo prísť príde neobíde ma ja nebojím sa ničoho.
What's coming will come, it won't bypass me, I'm not afraid of anything anymore.
Strach je ten vrah snov a preto žijeme s odvahou.
Fear is the dream killer, and that's why we live with courage.
A sme peacemakery ale daj nám znamenie a môžme ísť do toho.
And we are peacemakers, but give us a sign and we can go for it.
Skús to a zmeníme naspäť to zlato na olovo. Raz dva a hotovo.
Try it and we'll turn that gold back into lead. One, two, and it's done.
Ne oko za oko, práveže naopak keď nejaké oko tak Hovorovo.
Not an eye for an eye, on the contrary, if any eye, then Hovorovo.
Nikdy nie sólovo, ideme vzorovo, zborovo s pokorou.
Never solo, we go exemplary, in chorus with humility.
A žiadne zbrane sformované proti nám nikdy neprosperujú,
And no weapons formed against us will ever prosper,
Nikdy neoslabia nás jazyky jedovaté neotrávia nás.
No venomous tongues will ever weaken us, poison us.
Reči drblých, hejty nerozladia nás, neodstrašia nás.
The talk of the stupid, the hate will not upset us, will not scare us away.
Žiadne také ani za žiadne prachy,
No such thing, not for any money,
Buď si žiješ svoje sny alebo svoje strachy.
Either you live your dreams or your fears.
Každý zomre ale niekto ani nežil.
Everyone dies, but some never even lived.
Sleduj, my sme leaderi novej doby,
Watch, we are the leaders of the new age,
Naše poslanie je naše hobby.
Our mission is our hobby.
Všetci šampióni ako Kobe.
All champions like Kobe.
Šampus párty v hotelovej lobby.
Champagne party in the hotel lobby.
Hennessy párty v hotelovej lobby.
Hennessy party in the hotel lobby.
Či sám som alebo s mojimi,
Whether I'm alone or with my people,
Ja sa nikoho nebojím.
I'm not afraid of anyone.
Videl miesta, videl ľudí, ktorých sa vraj treba báť.
I've seen places, I've seen people who are supposedly to be feared.
Zažni svetlo keď si decko strach ti nedá spať.
Turn on the light when you're a kid, fear won't let you sleep.
U nás vonku je tak temno, že tam behá mráz.
It's so dark outside that frost runs there.
Vyjebancov plný dvor źe sa tam nedá stáť.
The yard is full of assholes, you can't stand there.
Nevadí mi to lebo som není mimo.
I don't mind because I'm not out of it.
Strach je vyjebaná choroba jej vplyvom,
Fear is a fucked up disease, its influence,
Padajú ľudia dole na hubu, domino.
People fall down on their faces, domino.
Na pičovine ich uvarili jak víno.
They were cooked on bullshit like wine.
Mňa nezobere rieka som hráč, a som jazero môžeš tie kamene hádzať.
The river won't take me, I'm a player, and I'm a lake, you can throw those stones.
Nebojím sa nikoho, ničoho plávam,
I'm not afraid of anyone, of anything, I'm swimming,
Tak to byť neberem kým nedávam.
That's how it should be, I don't take what I don't give.
No nechceš mi stáť v ceste vtedy keď zajebem prúser,
You don't want to stand in my way when I fuck up,
Keď mám nervy lietajú mi tie kladivá z rúk.
When my nerves are on edge, those hammers fly out of my hands.
Jebať na to nechcem byť taký dvíhať tlak.
Fuck it, I don't want to be like that anymore, raising my blood pressure.
Nerob formu načo život ľuďom kalí zrak.
Don't act tough, why are you spoiling people's eyesight?
Nechci ma stretnúť, keď som najebaný
You don't want to meet me when I'm drunk
A robíš depku, tým čo s nami.
And you're messing with the people who are with us.
Nechci ich stretnúť, keď najebaní
You don't want to meet them when they're drunk
Chlapci ťa vypnú, nebuď prijebaný.
The boys will turn you off, don't be a dick.
Nemám z toho strach, preto mi to ide jak tebe ide vlak.
I'm not afraid of it, that's why it goes for me like a train goes for you.
Nemám možnosť stáť, stále niečo robím lebo všetko chcem mať.
I don't have the option to stand still, I'm always doing something because I want everything.
Nedám šancu hrať, tým jebom aby ovládali život je to tak.
I won't give a chance to play, to those fucks to control life, that's how it is.
Tak keď necháš vyhrať strach, bude ti navždy každý len na hlavu srať.
So if you let fear win, everyone will just shit on your head forever.
Keby som sa došťal z toho čo ty si sa dosral,
If I was as fucked up as you are,
Zostal by som tam kde každý ťa poslal.
I'd stay where everyone sent you.
Počkaj asi som na teba zas moc dal,
Wait, I probably gave you too much again,
Si pozadu jak komunizmus, Klement Gotwald.
You're behind like communism, Klement Gottwald.
Nemám stres, lebo nebojím sa nikoho, nebojím sa ničoho.
I have no stress, because I'm not afraid of anyone, I'm not afraid of anything.
16, DMS nebojím sa ničoho, nebojím sa nikoho.
16, DMS, I'm not afraid of anything, I'm not afraid of anyone.
Netreba sa báť žiadnej výzvy, keď chceš žiť život mimo tej krízy.
There's no need to be afraid of any challenge, if you want to live life outside of that crisis.
Treba to hrýzť, nenechať sa trýzniť.
You have to bite into it, not let yourself be tormented.
Nemože nám nikto nič ako mestskí fízly.
Nobody can do anything to us like city cops.
Je to easy mať v piči jak piercing.
It's easy to not give a fuck like a piercing.
Strach je zlý jak fejkové yeezy.
Fear is bad like fake Yeezys.
Nemaj strach, nemaj stres, nemaj schýzy.
Don't be afraid, don't stress, don't have schizos.
Ži všetkým kým nedojde posledný výdych.
Live with everything until your last breath.
(Nejsom jak deckooo) nemám z toho strach lebo
(I'm not like a kidddd) I'm not afraid of it because
(Budem mať všecko) toto by chcem mať lebo
(I'll have everything) I want this because
(Nebuď jak deckooo) nemám z toho strach je to
(Don't be like a kidddd) I'm not afraid of it, it's
(Zbytočný stres môj) netreba sa báť.
(Unnecessary stress, my) There's no need to be afraid.
Vidíš to v očiach, počuješ to v hlase, strach ma netrase.
You see it in my eyes, you hear it in my voice, fear no longer shakes me.
Nebojím sa nikohoPocítiš to v mojej prítomnosti ja nebojím sa ničoho.
I fear no one. You'll feel it in my presence, I'm no longer afraid of anything.

Авторы: H16

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