Ooh yeah, here's another one... yeah, Uncle Spirit
Som z tých čo idú stále s dušou aj keď idú s dobou,
I'm one of those who always go with their soul, even if they go with the times,
Stále posúvam pravdu niečo jak posol bohov,
Always pushing the truth, something like a messenger of the gods,
Niečo ako svetlo v temnote rastú mi krídla z rohov,
Something like light in the darkness, my wings grow from the corners,
Spravím plav... Ok.ehmm.
I'll make a floa... Okay. Ahem.
Som z tých čo idú stále s dušou aj ked idú s dobou,
I'm one of those who always go with their soul, even if they go with the times,
Stále posúvam pravdu niečo jak posol bohov,
Always pushing the truth, something like a messenger of the gods,
Niečo jak svetlo v temnote rastú mi krídla z rohov,
Something like light in the darkness, my wings grow from the corners,
Spravím plavajúcu podlahu s tých vašich stropov,
I'll make a floating floor from your ceilings,
Z mojich 15 minút slávy je už 15 rokov,
My 15 minutes of fame has already become 15 years,
Z mojich vzorov su rivaly s idolou mám sokou,
My role models are rivals, with my idol I have a feud,
Každý album ktorý napíšem je Top Topov,
Every album I write is Top of the Tops,
A Keď sme v klube je to niečo ako o ou.
And when we're in the club, it's something like oh wow.
Oh yeah svätá trinity, dokonále žiadne limity,
Oh yeah, the holy trinity, perfect, no limits,
Viem že nechápeš keď si primitív,
I know you don't understand when you're primitive,
Ja som bez pochybností od čias No Diggity!!
I'm without a doubt since the days of No Diggity!!
Mám ten spirit od čias 2Paca, nepustil som majk od časov Jordana,
I have that spirit from the times of 2Pac, haven't let go of the mic since the days of Jordan,
Bracho toto fakt není pre hlupáka,
Brother, this really isn't for a fool,
Len Budha vie jak prejde potkan cez bujáka,
Only Buddha knows how a rat gets through a bouncer,
16 barov nestačí mi, zedol som ich ako fettuccine,
16 bars isn't enough for me, I devoured them like fettuccine,
Zedol som to ako gaspačo, hoci čo
Devoured it like gazpacho, whatever,
Posledný MC mohykán načelník Apačov.
The last MC Mohican, chief of the Apaches.
Chillujem si rozvalený v kresle, v mojom poháry a blunte iba Jetpack
I'm chilling, sprawled out in my chair, in my glass and blunt only Jetpack
Moje dievča v nových šatách jej to sekne,
My girl in a new dress, she's killing it,
Tasím na ňu Colt jak keby to bol Western a na chrbte mám Jetpack,
I pull out a Colt on her like it's a Western and I have a Jetpack on my back,
Jetpack, Starý moj
- Moj flow má Jetpack, Jetpack
Jetpack, old man
- My flow has a Jetpack, Jetpack
A moje meno už je haštag, rešpekt
And my name is already a hashtag, respect
Starý moj ja mám Jetpack, Jetpack.
Old man, I have a Jetpack, Jetpack.
Neuč lietať vtáky, mám tu silu brácho nechaj si tie prášky,
Don't teach birds to fly, I have the strength, bro, keep those pills,
Neviem či chápeš to, sme od prírody páni,
I don't know if you understand this, we are masters by nature,
Ide to samo lebo robíme to z lásky,
It goes by itself because we do it out of love,
Fetujem ten life, skúsil som už hocičo no šlape naj,
I'm addicted to this life, I've tried everything but this works best,
Preto to žije vždy keď v ruke držím majk,
That's why it's alive whenever I hold the mic in my hand,
Je to frajerina, cítim sa tak frei, Optimus Prime
It's awesome, I feel so free, Optimus Prime
Pri mne si len malý Midget,
Next to me you're just a little Midget,
Dalšiu 16 zas vychytám jak Gigi,
I'll catch another 16 like Gigi,
Hranice sú v piči ked je na majku ten Cigi man,
Boundaries are fucked when Cigi man is on the mic,
Hovor si čo chceš no ja som ďaleko jak Fidži,
Say what you want, but I'm far away like Fiji,
Nepočujem, iba hovorím že tým že hovorím že jedného dňa
I don't hear, I'm just saying that by saying that one day
Dobijeme tento svet, myslím to že robíme to tak že dávame
We will conquer this world, I mean that we do it by giving
Tým ľudom vieru vo vlastnú silu, to je rap.
People faith in their own strength, that's rap.
A na chrbte mám Jetpack,
And on my back I have a Jetpack,
Jetpack, Starý moj
- Moj flow má Jetpack, Jetpack
Jetpack, old man
- My flow has a Jetpack, Jetpack
A moje meno už je haštag, rešpekt
And my name is already a hashtag, respect
Starý moj ja mám Jetpack, Jetpack.
Old man, I have a Jetpack, Jetpack.
Pravdivá story žiadne prehnané a veľké slová, nikdy som sa
A true story, no exaggerated and big words, I never
Nechválil niečom čo nemám doma, a moj osud riadi božia ruka
Bragged about something I don't have at home, and my fate is guided by the hand of God
Maradona, ja tých chlapcov skovám do vačku jak zapalovač,
Maradona, I'll put those guys in my pocket like a lighter,
Zajebem tie bary lepšie, aj keby som mal opicu a k tomu jetlag,
I'll kill those bars better, even if I have a hangover and jetlag on top of that,
Nejsi vysoko jak mi prosím ťa netrep, hatuješ no tvoja hoe nám dáva rešpekt, som voľný ako vták až dokým neumrem, smrť je jediná pred ktorou neujdem, neradťe mi čo mám robiť-robím si čo chcem, dajte mi pokoj jak keď prídem v čechách na hotel,
You're not as high as me, please don't bullshit, you hate but your hoe gives us respect, I'm free as a bird until I die, death is the only thing I can't escape from, don't tell me what to do
- I do what I want, leave me alone like when I arrive at a hotel in Czech Republic,
Myslíš že som v piči? Naopak život je skvelý, som v pohode aj s tými čo ma pred tým nemuseli, a niektorý si mysleli že ja som nemusel ich, ja nemám problém z nikým a nemyslím len zo scény.
You think I'm fucked up? On the contrary, life is great, I'm cool even with those who didn't like me before, and some thought that I didn't have to like them, I don't have a problem with anyone and I don't just mean from the scene.
Chillujem si rozvalený v kresle, v mojom poháry a blunte iba Jetpack
I'm chilling, sprawled out in my chair, in my glass and blunt only Jetpack
Moje dievča v nových šatách jej to sekne,
My girl in a new dress, she's killing it,
Tasím na ňu Colt jak keby to bol Western a na chrbte mám Jetpack,
I pull out a Colt on her like it's a Western and I have a Jetpack on my back,
Jetpack, Starý moj
- Moj flow má Jetpack, Jetpack
Jetpack, old man
- My flow has a Jetpack, Jetpack
A moje meno už je haštag, rešpekt
And my name is already a hashtag, respect
Starý moj ja mám Jetpack, Jetpack.
Old man, I have a Jetpack, Jetpack.
(Pil C)
(Pil C)
Kričím DJovi daj volume hore pridaj, v klube letím hore vybuchujem Columbia, prví sa mi zdravia tí čo ma nechceli prijať,
I'm yelling at the DJ to turn up the volume, I'm flying high in the club, exploding like Columbia, the first ones to greet me are those who didn't want to accept me,
My sme originál-oni sú len cez kopírak.
We are the original
- they are just copies.
Tvoj rap sa plazí
5 promile v žilách,
Your rap is crawling,
5 per mille in your veins,
Náš rap má jetpack iná galaxia, tvoje detské rýmy sen každého pedofila, z mladých hudba novodobá beletria,
Our rap has a jetpack, another galaxy, your childish rhymes are every pedophile's dream, music from young people is modern-day fiction,
Sedím v backstagy a usrkávam s pelegrína,
I'm sitting backstage and sipping Pellegrino,
Tvoja frajerka mi píše "Luky poď do kina",
Your girlfriend writes to me "Luky come to the cinema",
Tvoj flow má jetpack-náš ma warp to je iná liga,
Your flow has a jetpack
- ours has warp, it's a different league,
Teraz máme život o ktorom sme mohli snívať!
Now we have the life we could only dream of!
Všetko čo som chcel mám vďaka hudbe,
Everything I wanted I have thanks to music,
Hviezde vojny jebo impérium vracia úder,
Star Wars, motherfucker, the empire strikes back,
Všetci ste klony ako Boba Fett,
You're all clones like Boba Fett,
Rozjebané kluby ako domy v Donbase,
Clubs are fucked up like houses in Donbas,
ComeBackGang je moja firma ja som konaťel,
ComeBackGang is my company, I'm the CEO,
Eniki-Beniki ty kokot musíš s kola ven,
Eniki-Beniki you motherfucker gotta get out of here,
Možem ťa jebať si len domased, (16 a Comebackgang)
I can fuck you, you're just a couch potato, (16 and Comebackgang)
Chillujem si rozvalený v kresle, v mojom poháry a blunte iba Jetpack,
I'm chilling, sprawled out in my chair, in my glass and blunt only Jetpack,
Moje dievča v nových šatách jej to sekne,
My girl in a new dress, she's killing it,
Tasím na ňu Colt jak keby to bol Western a na chrbte mám.
I pull out a Colt on her like it's a Western and I have on my back.
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