Dneska ide karta, dejú sa najväčšie veci, zober si vela peňazí, obleč si najlepsie veci, máme flaše, blanty, vsetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, the biggest things are going down, grab a stack of cash, put on your best threads, we got bottles, blunts, everything's allowed, come join us, let's get messed up together
Dneska ide karta, dejú sa najväčšie veci, zober si vela peňazí, obleč si najlepsie veci, máme flaše, blanty, vsetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, the biggest things are going down, grab a stack of cash, put on your best threads, we got bottles, blunts, everything's allowed, come join us, let's get messed up together
Cítim sa fit, dneska pojde karta, energia tu visí vo vzduchu jak šarkan.
Feeling fit, tonight the card's gonna burn, energy hanging in the air like a kite.
Dneska je deň, kedy sa dejú samé veľké veci, samé haluze, šeci jak utrhnutí z reťaze.
Today's the day when only big things happen, crazy stuff, everyone's like they're off the chain.
Tak, rozdajme karty, pome k stolu, dajme si baccardi a colu šeci spolu.
So, let's deal the cards, gather 'round the table, let's have some Bacardi and Coke all together.
Uý je o zabavu postarané, nuž teda pome (ale áno) že vraj je dneska u vás partym chcem byť v dome (o šiestej ráno).
The entertainment's taken care of, so let's go (hell yeah) they say there's a party at your place, I wanna be in the house (by six in the morning).
Piatok večer, ide karta, šetko je dovolené, dáme blánta.
Friday night, the card's on fire, everything's allowed, let's light a blunt.
Tam kde je bordelm je moja banda, máme keš, máme drogy, máme autá (heh)
Where the mess is, that's where my crew is, we got cash, we got drugs, we got cars (heh)
Možes nás vidieť piť whisku na parkovisku, pred klubom alebo na sídlisku.
You can see us drinking whiskey in the parking lot, in front of the club or on the block.
Ne lacný šajz, ale kvalitné flaše, otec pije iba šmaky z obrovskej čaše.
Not cheap shit, but quality bottles, my old man only drinks shots from a giant glass.
Nepijem šťanku, chcem drink a v ňom slamku, dnes pojde karta aj keď nespravil som banku.
I don't drink juice, I want a drink with a straw, tonight the card's gonna burn even though I didn't hit the bank.
Pripíjam na zdravie, šetkým luďom nech sa darí, dneska tu nie sú ziadni biletári, ani novinári, šetko je vybavené, pripravené, karty na stole su vychladené.
Cheers to health, to all the people, may they prosper, tonight there are no ticket collectors, no journalists, everything's taken care of, prepared, the cards on the table are chilled.
Je ti málo?! (huh) choď sa pozreť na balkón, a po ceste vyrieš problém
- došlo nealko.
Is it not enough for you?! (huh) go check the balcony, and on the way solve a problem
- we ran out of non-alcoholic drinks.
Dneska ide karta, deju sa veľké veci, zober si veľa peňazí, obleč si najlepšie veci, máme flaše, blánty, šetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, big things are happening, grab a lot of money, put on your best clothes, we have bottles, blunts, everything is allowed, come to us, we'll get messed up together
Dneska ide karta, deju sa najväčšie veci, zober si veľa peňazí, obleč si najlepšie veci, máme flaše, blánty, šetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, the biggest things are going down, grab a stack of cash, put on your best threads, we got bottles, blunts, everything's allowed, come join us, let's get messed up together
Daj si drink, rob, čo chceš, kludne zaplať cigaru, hlavne nechoď mi sem skapatý a nenos gitaru.
Have a drink, do what you want, even pay for a cigar, just don't come here looking like death and don't bring a guitar.
Je mi jedno, či som na ulici, v hoteli, či v klube, dneska ide karta, šetko je super.
I don't care if I'm on the street, in a hotel, or in a club, tonight the card's on fire, everything is great.
Nikam sa neponáhlam, idem pomaly a isto, keď zabávam sa, nech mi hrá kludne aj disko.
I'm not in a hurry, I'm going slow and steady, when I'm having fun, even disco music can play for me.
Možes dať ruku do ohňa za to, že dneska bude party, som pyroman, brácho dones velké blanty.
You can bet your ass that there's gonna be a party tonight, I'm a pyromaniac, bro bring some big blunts.
Bum bum clap (clap), new school rap (rap), DJ pustí party track.
Boom boom clap (clap), new school rap (rap), DJ drops a party track.
Baby dajú tanečky jak keby boli v klipe, predvádzajú svoje sexi rite.
The girls are dancing like they're in a music video, showing off their sexy asses.
Ja si objednávam pitie, mixujem jak DJ
- tmavé s bledým, bledé s tmavým, každý vidí, že sa dneska bavím, mám piči, ide karta, pijem, pálim.
I'm ordering drinks, mixing like a DJ
- dark with light, light with dark, everyone sees that I'm having fun tonight, I got bitches, the card's on fire, I'm drinking, I'm smoking.
Dneska budem žiť jak keby nemalo byt zajtra, idem piť, idem svoje, ide karta.
Tonight I'm gonna live like there's no tomorrow, I'm gonna drink, do my thing, the card's on fire.
Keď sme mimo mesta, nechápu z nášho nárečia, ale každému je jasné, komu ide najväčšia.
When we're out of town, they don't understand our dialect, but it's clear to everyone who's got the biggest one.
Nebudem sedieť celý večer ako trapko, dneska budú šetky baby tlieskať zadkom, a točit sa pri nás jak striptérky pri tyči, ide karta a šetko je po piči.
I'm not gonna sit around all night like a loser, tonight all the girls will be clapping their asses and spinning around us like strippers on a pole, the card's on fire and everything's fucked up.
Dneska ide karta, deju sa najväčšie veci, zober si veľa peňazí, obleč si najlepšie veci, máme flaše, blánty, šetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, the biggest things are going down, grab a stack of cash, put on your best threads, we got bottles, blunts, everything's allowed, come join us, let's get messed up together
Dneska ide karta, deju sa najväčšie veci, zober si veľa peňazí, obleč si najlepšie veci, máme flaše, blánty, šetko je dovolené, dojdi za nami, spolu sa rozjebeme
Tonight the card's on fire, the biggest things are going down, grab a stack of cash, put on your best threads, we got bottles, blunts, everything's allowed, come join us, let's get messed up together
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Práve meno: Dominik Tóth
Real name: Dominik Tóth
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