H16 - Počítaj S Nami - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H16 - Počítaj S Nami

Počítaj S Nami
Count On Us
Abe Abe Abe Abe.
Abe Abe Abe Abe.
Aa. raz, dva, tri,
Aa. One, two, three,
Koncerty, biznis, VIP, párty,
Concerts, business, VIP, parties,
Počítaj s nami, 17 áut, 35 ja a moji chlapci,
Count on us, 17 cars, 35 me and my boys,
H16 2020 počítaj s nami!
H16 2020 count on us!
Koncerty, biznis, VIP, párty,
Concerts, business, VIP, parties,
Počítaj s nami, 17 áut, 35 ja a moji chlapci,
Count on us, 17 cars, 35 me and my boys,
H16 2020 počítaj s nami!
H16 2020 count on us!
Môj stary, môj, môžeš ich počítať,
My man, you can count them,
A netreba ti na to ani počítač,
And you don't even need a computer for that,
Stači sa ti Biharimu dovolať,
Just call up Bihari,
A spolu si to dvaja pekne spočítať.
And you two can count it up nicely together.
Keď si vyjebaný squad, volaj Grimasovi,
If you're a fucked up squad, call Grimaso,
Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe,
Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe,
V mene Otisa, Babo C a Spirita,
In the name of Otis, Babo C and Spirit,
H16ka nikdy neskape.
H16 will never die.
Počítaj s nami!
Count on us!
Počítaj s nami, nejdeme nikam,
Count on us, we're not going anywhere,
My stojíme pevne jak sochy.
We stand firm as statues.
Počítaj s nami, kto urobil toľkoto
Count on us, who has done so much
Vecí za posledné roky.
Things in recent years.
Posledné noci zabité, kluby plné,
The last nights are killed, the clubs are full,
Tie štetky opité.
Those bitches are drunk.
Chalani skáču jak opice, berem si keš,
Guys jump like monkeys, I take the cash,
Tomu hovorím dobrý deň.
I call that a good day.
Cashflow a bary, máme freshflow
Cashflow and bars, we have freshflow
A robíme len top shit a balíme len top weed a baby.
And we only do top shit and pack only top weed and babes.
Balíme len top weed a baby, topky, topgear,
We only pack top weed and babes, top gear,
Kotlíme z Blavy.
We're cooking from Blava.
Za našimi fenami a psami, celí v čiernom jak vrany.
Behind our bitches and dogs, all in black like crows.
To keby rap je karate, tak máme všetky dany,
If rap is karate, then we have all the dan's,
Ideme si pre svoje money.
We're going for our money.
Počítaj s nami...
Count on us...
Koncerty, biznis, VIP, párty,
Concerts, business, VIP, parties,
Počítaj s nami, 17 áut, 35 ja a moji chlapci.
Count on us, 17 cars, 35 me and my boys.
H16 2020 počítaj s nami!
H16 2020 count on us!
Nahrávaš to bráško? Oukej...
Are you recording this bro? Okay...
Počítaj s nami ako s tým, že raz zomreš.
Count on us as you count on dying one day.
Od roku 04 iba progress.
Since 04 only progress.
Od roku 04 dodnes.
From 04 until today.
Monster, mojím domovom je Loch Ness
Monster, my home is Loch Ness
A ten rap mám zedený, ale stále jeden z tých nedocenených.
And I've got that rap down, but still one of the underappreciated ones.
Nevidíš ma akoby som bol sklenený, pritom lepší ako tvoji obľúbení rapperi.
You don't see me like I'm glass, yet I'm better than your favorite rappers.
Počítaj s nami!
Count on us!
Bracho moji chlapci idú vždy na doraz,
Bro my boys always go all out,
RHB boys iba bordel po nás.
RHB boys only mess after us.
Kvalitné lajny, žiadne piko do vás,
Quality lines, no coke to you,
Narysujeme im to jak Pytagoras, ako Maradona,
We'll draw it for them like Pythagoras, like Maradona,
Ako Pablo, stále v mene dobra tancujeme s diablom.
Like Pablo, still in the name of good we dance with the devil.
Stále robíme ten biznis, lebo robíme show, kluby rozjebané jak môj ajfón.
We still do that business, because we do that show, clubs wrecked like my iPhone.
Počítaj s nami!
Count on us!
Raz, dva, tri, štyri, počítaj s nami.
One, two, three, four, count on us.
Bracho my tu zarábame s našimi snami.
Bro we make money here with our dreams.
Ženy chcú byť s nami, chalani chcú byť nami,
Women want to be with us, guys want to be us,
Najlepšie na tom, že to všetko my sami.
The best thing is that we do it all ourselves.
Starý moj, my tu nie sme žiadni pecivaly.
Old man, we're not pastries here.
Máme svoje vlastné rádiá a festivaly,
We have our own radios and festivals,
Headline pre ne hocijaké festivaly,
Headline for any festival,
Idú proti nám, ale sa prerátali.
They go against us, but they miscalculated.
Počítaj s nami!
Count on us!
Koncerty, biznis, VIP, párty,
Concerts, business, VIP, parties,
Počítaj s nami, 17 áut, 35 ja a moji chlapci.
Count on us, 17 cars, 35 me and my boys.
H16 2020 počítaj s nami!
H16 2020 count on us!
Koncerty, biznis, VIP, párty,
Concerts, business, VIP, parties,
Počítaj s nami, 17 áut, 35 ja a moji chlapci.
Count on us, 17 cars, 35 me and my boys.
H16 2020 počítaj s nami!
H16 2020 count on us!
S vami, my nejdeme sami, a to není preto, žeby sme sa báli. Stále rastieme jak nasypané svaly.
With you, we don't go alone, and that's not because we're afraid. We're still growing like poured muscles.
Stále spolu kým oni sa posekali.
Still together while they chopped each other up.
Jednašestka je pevná ako skaly,
Sixteen is as solid as rocks,
Neodvolateľná ako Fico, ako Kali.
Irrevocable like Fico, like Kali.
Nejsom pasák ale v ruke mám kali,
I'm not a pimp but I have kali in my hand,
Pripíjam si na nás, lebo my sme to dali (dali!).
I toast to us because we did it (did it!).

Авторы: H16

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