H16 - Stare casy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H16 - Stare casy

Stare casy
Old Times
Jou, vráťme sa späť, keď sme sa stretávali na ihrisku,
Yo, let's go back to when we used to meet on the playground,
To tie časy, keď sme v lete boli na sídlisku,
Those were the times when we spent our summers in the neighborhood,
Celý deň v krátkych gatiach a bielom tričku,
All day in shorts and a white T-shirt,
A každý večer sme sa odložili na lavičku,
And every evening we'd chill on the bench,
Buď sme sa len tak flákali alebo hrali basketbal,
We'd either just hang out or play basketball,
A chlapci si sem chodili vybaviť materiál,
And the guys would come here to score some stuff,
Ešte sme nemali skupinu, no som rýmoval,
We didn't have a group yet, but I was already rhyming,
To tie staré časy, ktoré som tak miloval.
Those were the old times that I loved so much.
Každý večer som si u Filipa načapoval tri
Every evening I'd grab three beers at Filip's place,
A do noci sme na playečku drtievali hry,
And we'd crush games on the PlayStation until late at night,
Boli sme mladí chlapci, čo si chceli splniť sny,
We were young guys who wanted to fulfill their dreams,
Mnohí niečo dokázali raz musíme aj my.
Many have already achieved something, someday we will too.
Staré časy odchádzajú, prichádzajú nové,
Old times are fading away, new ones are coming,
Ale stále nedokážem zabudnúť na všetko dobré,
But I still can't forget all the good things,
Bolo toho veľa a tie zážitky silné,
There was a lot and those experiences are strong,
Stále to mám v sebe aj keď teraz žijem iné
I still carry it within me even though I live a different life now
Veci ako predtým, to neni iba o tom ako vypadnúť von z domu,
Things like before, it's not just about getting out of the house,
Potom vybaviť sa bongom a vyvaliť sa na lavičku a popíjať z vína,
Then getting a bong and chilling on the bench, sipping wine,
Teraz keď som starší tak vidím veci inak.
Now that I'm older, I see things differently.
Pamätám si na tie časy jak keby to bolo včera,
I remember those times like it was yesterday,
Behali sme po tých uliciach od rána do večera,
We ran through those streets from morning till night,
Nikto nemal žiadny stres chceli sme len niečo vypiť,
No one had any stress, we just wanted to drink something,
Nejaké lacné víno aby ostalo na cigy,
Some cheap wine so there would be enough for cigarettes,
A nemali sme lóve, aj tak bolo všetko fit,
And we didn't have money, but everything was still alright,
Stačili nám nejaké dievčatá a voľný byt,
All we needed were some girls and a free apartment,
A tam všade samý dym a samí tancujúci ludia,
And there was smoke everywhere and people dancing,
Párty neni párty, keď tam neni hlasná hudba,
A party's not a party if there's no loud music,
A párty neni párty keď za dverami fízli,
And a party's not a party if there are cops outside the door,
Schovajte to bongo, brácho, musíte byť rýchli,
Hide that bong, bro, you gotta be quick,
Policajt sa pýta, či tu fajčíme aj trávu,
The cop asks if we smoke weed here too,
S očami jak číňan vravím,, Ne pijeme kávu,,
With eyes like a Chinese guy I say, "No, we're drinking coffee",
Boli sme tak mladí a tak šialení strach,
We were so young and so crazy it was scary,
A pretekali sme sa v pi*ovinách, kto viac,
And we competed in stupid things, who could do more,
A všade kam sme došli bolo veselo a rušno,
And everywhere we went it was cheerful and lively,
Mali sme tak krásne v pi*i, že mi je za tým smutno,
We didn't give a damn, it makes me sad to think about it,
Staré dobré časy...
Good old times...
Staré časy preč sa nemôžeme flákať,
The old days are gone, we can't just hang out anymore,
Každý chodí do roboty, chlapci musia makať,
Everyone goes to work, the boys have to hustle,
sa nemôžeme len tak za*ebávať,
We can't just mess around anymore,
Treba riešiť robotu a ráno zase vstávať,
We have to deal with work and get up again in the morning,
Kedysi sme spolu behávali každý deň,
We used to run together every day,
Dnes sa vidíme tak možno raz za týždeň,
Today we see each other maybe once a week,
Tak to ale chodí, všetci rozlietaní,
That's how it goes, everyone is scattered,
Vidíme sa iba na akciách roz*ebaní.
We only see each other at events, all messed up.
Spomínam si na tie časy jak to bývavalo,
I remember those times how it used to be,
Keď H16 nepoznal nik, heh bývavalo,
When no one knew H16, heh, it used to be,
Mali sme len svoje vízie, písali prvé texty
We just had our visions, wrote the first lyrics
A obzerali každú babu, ktorá bola sexi,
And checked out every girl who was sexy,
V banke nula korún a 200 v hotovosti,
Zero crowns in the bank and 200 in cash,
Ešte malá predstava o zodpovednosti,
Still a small idea of responsibility,
Malé problémy a skoro žiadne povinnosti,
Small problems and almost no obligations,
O to viacej času ostávalo na blbosti.
All the more time was left for nonsense.
Tak sme si vyprazdnili vrecká a zložili na gram,
So we emptied our pockets and chipped in for a gram,
Zachvíľu ho sfajčili a boli presne tam,
Smoked it in a moment and were right there,
Kde sme chceli byť, rád si na to spomínam,
Where we wanted to be, I like to remember that,
Boli sme malí parchanti, ale svet patril nám...
We were little bastards, but the world belonged to us...

Авторы: Branislav Korec (otecko), Jan Baran, Juraj Wertlen, Michal Dusicka

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