H16 - Triumf - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H16 - Triumf

Ye-ah-ah. (Ye-ah-ah)
Ye-ah-ah. (Ye-ah-ah)
Triumf. (Triumf)
Triumph. (Triumph)
Časy kedy repu vládol iný pán. (Oh)
Times when another king ruled rap. (Oh)
Kamarátov volali sme homeboys. (Homie)
We called our friends homeboys. (Homie)
A pamätám si každý chcel byť indián. (Yeah)
And I remember everyone wanted to be an Indian. (Yeah)
A zrazu je to všade samí cowboy
And suddenly it's all cowboys everywhere
Ta póza je všetko, čo vieš o slove postoj. (Ah)
That pose is all you know about the word attitude. (Ah)
Ty nie si boss, to z teba hovori sprostosť
You're not a boss, your stupidity speaks for you
Ja som posolstvo bohov jak Tolstoy. (Yeah)
I am the message of the gods like Tolstoy. (Yeah)
Vojna a mier - Moja viera v celý kozmos. (Oh)
War and peace - My faith in the whole cosmos. (Oh)
Nerešpektujeme autority, my sme autori
We don't respect authorities, we are the authors
Naše pancierové auto na tie závory
Our armored car against those barriers
Nezautomatizovatelný vašimi zákonmi
Unautomatable by your laws
Nestrielam z aurory, žiarim jak auróry
I don't shoot from the aurora, I shine like auroras
Reperi nie reálny, môj život je surreálny
Rappers are not real, my life is surreal
Preto ked počujú moje meno su sentimentálny
That's why they're sentimental when they hear my name
Nechápu stále ten odkaz aj keď je elementárny
They still don't understand the message even though it's elementary
Nedaváš kvalitný materiál pokým nie si mentálny. (Ajj)
You don't deliver quality material until you're mental. (Ajj)
Krv, pot, slzy more. Ideme si pre svoje
Blood, sweat, tears, sea. We're going for what's ours
Máme piči ak smé drzí, more
We got bitches if we're bold, sea
Nehaj čáva snívať svoj sen aj keď nespí. (Yeah)
Let the dude keep dreaming his dream even if he's awake. (Yeah)
Ja si tu len kreslím svoj vesmír, som Mc. (Mc!)
I'm just drawing my universe here, I'm an Mc. (Mc!)
Nie som priemerný reper. Brácho, som mc. (Mc)
I'm not an average rapper. Bro, I'm an mc. (Mc)
Môžem ti ukázať ako. Sestra, som Mc. (Mc!)
I can show you how. Sis, I'm an Mc. (Mc!)
to roky, nie chvíľu, ťahám pílu, šestnástu milú
It's been years, not moments, I've been pulling the saw, the sixteenth mile
Čekuj tu silu - Triumf. (Triumf)
Check this power - Triumph. (Triumph)
Stále verný našej hudbee
Still faithful to our music
Najprv drina potom triumf ako Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
First the grind then the triumph like Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou. (Yeah)
We've been through a bumpy road. (Yeah)
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa úspech. (Úspech)
It took years for success to arrive. (Success)
Stále verný našej hudbee
Still faithful to our music
Najprv drina potom triumf ako Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
First the grind then the triumph like Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou. (Ah)
We've been through a bumpy road. (Ah)
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa úspeech. (Yeah!)
It took years for success to arrive. (Yeah!)
A toto je ten triumf, triumf. (Triumf)
And this is the triumph, triumph. (Triumph)
Toto je náš triumf, triumf
This is our triumph, triumph
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou
We've been through a bumpy road
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa triumf, triumf
It took years for the triumph to arrive, triumph
A toto je ten triumf, triumf
And this is the triumph, triumph
Toto je náš triumf, triumf
This is our triumph, triumph
Toto je ten triumf, triumf
This is the triumph, triumph
(13 rokov driny a teraz - Triumf)
(13 years of grind and now - Triumph)
Kedysi všetci hrali to na stoku
Everyone used to play it on the streets
Dnes z nich len facebookoví gangstri
Today they're just Facebook gangsters
My sme mali od začiatku trochu iný focus
We had a slightly different focus from the beginning
Neriešili druhých, pimpovali svoje texty
We didn't care about others, we pimped our lyrics
Nehráme s vami monopoly, hráme loyality
We don't play monopoly with you, we play loyalty
Rodina a česť nepredajné komodity
Family and honor are non-negotiable commodities
Do hĺbky aj po povrchu, nikdy bez kvality
In depth and on the surface, never without quality
City aj egotripy - Obraz reality
Cities and ego trips - A picture of reality
Mnohé naše hity povýšili ste na hymny
You have elevated many of our hits to anthems
Žiadny stres homie, kým sme spolu tak sme silní
No stress homie, as long as we're together we're strong
16 homie, crew čo ten spirit
16 homie, crew that has the spirit
Naskillovaný jak siri, flow Harakiri. (Harakiri)
Skilled like siri, flow Harakiri. (Harakiri)
Čekuj ombre, flow paso doble
Check the ombre, flow paso doble
To je ten tanec slov potom, čo slabší zomre
That's the dance of words after the weaker ones die
Ano včera bolo dobre, česť porazeným
Yes, yesterday was good, honor to the defeated
No dnes je dnes a my sme pripravený osláviť ten triumf
But today is today and we are ready to celebrate the triumph
Sme živí a zdraví, to je triumf. (Triumf)
We are alive and well, that's a triumph. (Triumph)
Živí nás to, čo nás baví, to je triumf. (Triumf)
What we enjoy keeps us alive, that's a triumph. (Triumph)
Žijeme naplno starý
We live life to the fullest, old man
Ďalšie brko sa balí, a naším kamošom darí
Another joint is being rolled, and our friends are doing well
To je triumf! (Triumf)
That's a triumph! (Triumph)
V svete, kde mladí terčom
In a world where young people are targets
Snažíme zo srdca sa ukázať slepcom
We try from the heart to show the blind
Jak myslieť vo väčšom, a cestu za svetlom
How to think bigger, and the path to the light
Kde všetko je kvetom, my to robíme repom
Where everything is a flower, we do it with rap
Triumf! (Triumf)
Triumph! (Triumph)
Stále verný našej hudbee
Still faithful to our music
Najprv drina potom triumf ako Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
First the grind then the triumph like Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou. (Yeah)
We've been through a bumpy road. (Yeah)
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa úspech. (Úspech)
It took years for success to arrive. (Success)
Stále verný našej hudbee
Still faithful to our music
Najprv drina potom triumf ako Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
First the grind then the triumph like Wu-Tang. (Wu-Tang)
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou. (Ah)
We've been through a bumpy road. (Ah)
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa úspeech. (Yeah!)
It took years for success to arrive. (Yeah!)
A toto je ten triumf, triumf. (Triumf)
And this is the triumph, triumph. (Triumph)
Toto je náš triumf, triumf
This is our triumph, triumph
Prešli sme si hrboľatou cestou
We've been through a bumpy road
Roky trvalo kým dostavil sa triumf, triumf
It took years for the triumph to arrive, triumph
A toto je ten triumf, triumf
And this is the triumph, triumph
Toto je náš triumf, triumf
This is our triumph, triumph
Toto je ten triumf, triumf
This is the triumph, triumph
(13 rokov driny a teraz - Triumf)
(13 years of grind and now - Triumph)

Авторы: Hugo Therkelson, Alexander Maksic, Giovanni Bucchieri

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