H16 - Vitaj v meste - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни H16 - Vitaj v meste

Vitaj v meste
Welcome to the City
Žijem v meste celý život, je to bláznivý svet
I've lived in the city my whole life, it's a crazy world
Chvíla kludu je tu vzácna ako pravdivý rap
A moment of peace here is as rare as truthful rap
Je to skôr betónová džungľa ako ružový sad
It's more of a concrete jungle than a rose garden
Keď si nedáš pozor, veci majú šialený spád
If you're not careful, things can spiral out of control
Vitaj v meste, milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
Welcome to the city, a million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič, to je divoké mesto
You don't have money, you have nothing, this is a wild city
A preto chcú byť všetci biznismani
And that's why everyone wants to be a businessman
Došli do mesta bo na vidieku biznis neni
They came to the city because there's no business in the countryside
Chcú len pozarábať lowe a zmiznúť
They just want to make some cash and disappear
A mať svätý pokoj a niekde na pláži kysnúť
And have peace and quiet, chilling on a beach somewhere
Vitaj v Blave, vitaj v meste na Dunaji
Welcome to Blava, welcome to the city on the Danube
Z jednej strany stoka, z druhej luxus jak v Dubaji
A slum on one side, luxury like Dubai on the other
A každý víkend je tu párty jako na nový rok
And every weekend there's a party like New Year's Eve
Všetci vieme, čo je slovenský oblúbený šport
We all know what the favorite Slovak sport is
BA je to krásne mesto
BA is a beautiful city
Je to velké, ale pritom malé mesto
It's a big, yet small city
Určite to neni lacné mesto
It's definitely not a cheap city
Nečuduj sa bratu je to hlavné mesto
Don't be surprised, bro, it's the capital city
Samé nové budovy a biznis centrá
All new buildings and business centers
Je to mesto plné áut bez metra
It's a city full of cars without a metro
A cesty tu pekne roz*ebané
And the roads here are pretty messed up
Je tu vela fízlov a byty tu drahé
There are a lot of cops and the apartments are expensive
Sme v centre, kde sa to odohráva
We are in the center, where it all happens
čas beží, ale mesto nezaspáva
time flies, but the city never sleeps
Nádherne ženy a kvalitná tráva
Beautiful women and quality weed
Vitaj u nás, toto je Bratislava
Welcome to our place, this is Bratislava
Vitaj v meste, milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
Welcome to the city, a million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič, to je divoké mesto
You don't have money, you have nothing, this is a wild city
Milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
A million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič a je to každému jedno
You don't have money, you have nothing, and nobody cares
Vitaj v meste kde sa korunovali králi
Welcome to the city where kings were crowned
V meste kde páni vždy nad chudobou stáli
In the city where the lords always stood above the poor
Dnes je to rovnako, len doba je iná
Today it's the same, only the times are different
Nežijú v zámkoch, ale v obrovských vilách
They don't live in castles, but in huge villas
Bežní ludia sa zas tlačia v busoch
Ordinary people are crammed into buses
Cez okná vidia ako miznú po rusoch
Through the windows they see the last traces of the former regime disappear
Aj posledné stopy bývaleho režimu
along with the Russians
A je mi jasné, kto teraz v rukách drží réžiu
And it's clear to me who holds the reins now
V tomto meste organizované skupiny a tvrdé päste
In this city, organized groups and hard fists
Finanční žraloci a čo myslíte kde ste
Financial sharks, and where do you think you are
Toto je bojové pole
This is a battlefield
Kde sa bojuje o to, kto spraví najväčšie lówe
Where the fight is over who will make the most money
Vitaj v meste, milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
Welcome to the city, a million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič, to je divoké mesto
You don't have money, you have nothing, this is a wild city
Milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
A million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič a je to každému jedno
You don't have money, you have nothing, and nobody cares
Milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
A million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič, to je divoké mesto
You don't have money, you have nothing, this is a wild city
Milión ludí na jednom vy*ebanom mieste
A million people in one damn place
Tisíce áut na každej vy*ebanej ceste
Thousands of cars on every damn road
Mestský život znamená vysoké tempo
City life means a fast pace
Nemáš lówe, nemáš nič a je to každému jedno
You don't have money, you have nothing, and nobody cares

Авторы: David Grimason

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