HAN-KUN - Don't Give Up Yourself !! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HAN-KUN - Don't Give Up Yourself !!

Don't Give Up Yourself !!
Don't Give Up Yourself !!
超でかい!! 相当でかい!! 宇宙は壮大な Roots
Super huge! Really huge! The universe is magnificent Roots
Compared to that, your worries are like a pebble
Oh Yes!! これを聞くんだ
Oh Yes! Listen to this
Oh Yes!! 前を向くんだ
Oh Yes! Face forward
Oh Yes!! 立ち上がるんだ
Oh Yes! Stand up
With this song...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
本気になっちゃって いっちょツッパしてこうぜ未来
Be serious and go for it in the future
Following someone won't make a difference
Whether or not you believe is up to you!! My dear
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
本気になっちゃって いっそ全部変えちゃうぐらいの
Be serious and, better yet, change everything
Have a dream and go for it...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
飛んでけよ 飛んでけ 気の済むとこまで飛んでけ!!
Fly away! Fly away! Fly away to your heart's content!!
失敗ビビって殻に閉じこもる それって人生の損だぜ!! なら
Are you too scared of failure to come out of your shell? That's a waste of life! Then
飛んでけよ 飛んでけ 何もかも忘れて飛んでけ!!
Fly away! Fly away! Fly away and forget about everything!!
Savor today, which will be gone by tomorrow morning...
Bye Bye Bye Bye ネガティブ野郎達に Bye Bye
Bye Bye Bye Bye to negative people
Bye Bye Bye Bye 脳みその中のくだらん常識に
Bye Bye Bye Bye to the useless常識in your brain
Bye Bye Bye Bye 俺らを縛る鎖を引きちぎり
Bye Bye Bye Bye we tear off the chains that bind us
好きに生きてマジで生んで行くんだ Story...
Live your life and create your own Story...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
本気になっちゃって いっちょツッパしてこうぜ未来
Be serious and go for it in the future
Following someone won't make a difference
Whether or not you believe is up to you!! My dear
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
本気になっちゃって いっそ全部変えちゃうぐらいの
Be serious and, better yet, change everything
Have a dream and go for it...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
おい! 他人や時代のせいなんかすんじゃねぇ!! (Yeah Yeah)
Hey! Don't blame others or the times!! (Yeah Yeah)
それってのはさ、やる気の問題なんじゃねぇ (Yeah Yeah)
That's a matter of motivation, isn't it? (Yeah Yeah)
ただ ウジウジ下下見ててもダメダメ!!
Just looking down and moping won't do!!
バリバリ上見て 必死頑張ってる時の方がよっぽど楽なんじゃねぇ (Yeah Yeah)
It's much easier to look up and work hard, isn't it? (Yeah Yeah)
簡単... な道選ぶってのは簡単...
It's easy... to choose the easy path...
でも それじゃつまらないって判断... した奴の未来ってなんか...
But then it's boring, and I decided that... the future of someone who... thinks that
will be fine!!
だから ガンガン 涙モンの人生ドラマ経験して行こうぜ
So let's all experience a tear-jerking life drama, everyone
Even if you have a hard time
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
本気になっちゃって いっちょツッパしてこうぜ未来
Be serious and go for it in the future
Following someone won't make a difference
Whether or not you believe is up to you!! My dear
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
本気になっちゃって いっそ全部変えちゃうぐらいの
Be serious and, better yet, change everything
Have a dream and go for it...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Are you being too optimistic when you say everything will be okay? My dear
There's a lot you can't understand until you fail
なら やらずに悔やむより やって悔やめ
So don't regret not doing something, just do it and regret it
だから Don't be shy 裸のままの素直な心で
So Don't be shy, be yourself
The future will come to those who work for it
That's for sure
おい! 鏡見てみろ 今写ってんのはホントのお前か
Hey! Look in the mirror, is that really you? My dear
周りばっか気にしてちゃ 生きてる心地なんてしねぇだろうが
If you're only worried about what others think, you won't be able to live your life
例えヒビ割れても つなぎ止めてくれる仲間のおかげと
Even if it's cracked, you can think of it as thanks to your friends who hold you together
思えた時に流れるこのメロディーをお前に... だから
and when you do, this melody will flow to you... So
間違いだらけでも良い 頑張る程深まる Story
It's okay to make mistakes, the more you work, the deeper the Story
価値観は一人一人 輝く確かな光
Values are a light that shines brightly in each person
もしも今諦めるなら 諦める事諦めろ
If you give up now, give up giving up
大丈夫! やれるお前なら
Don't worry! You can do it
Oh Yes!! 立ち上がるんだ
Oh Yes! Stand up
With this song...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!
本気になっちゃって いっちょツッパしてこうぜ未来
Be serious and go for it in the future
Following someone won't make a difference
Whether or not you believe is up to you!! My dear
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
本気になっちゃって いっそ全部変えちゃうぐらいの
Be serious and, better yet, change everything
Have a dream and go for it...
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Don't Give Up Yourself!!!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ...
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ...


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