HAN-KUN - Roots&Future - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HAN-KUN - Roots&Future

繋ぐ熱き志 君の耳と心の中に
I'll connect my heated will to your ears and heart.
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
俺の人生を変えたレゲエミュージック 歴史ごと深い
The reggae music that changed my life is rooted in deep history.
ねぇ君も食らってるかい なら知っているはず
Hey, are you listening to it too? Then you should know
嘆きの声 反逆のメロディーが生み出す未来
The voices of the lament, the melodies of rebellion create the future.
砕くBabylon をまた誰かの涙が流れた
The destruction of Babylon was once again accompanied by someone's tears.
愛する人 価値観は違う
The people we love, our country, our values are different.
知ったこっちゃねぇ 誰が勝ちか
Who cares who wins?
争いごとのなれの果て 自分ばかり選ぶのは何故?
What good is the aftermath of the fighting if you only care about yourself?
俺なら迷わずに家族を選ぶ 守るため このマイク握るLife
If it were me, I would choose my family without hesitation. To protect them, I would live this life holding this microphone.
Buju に食らったあの日から 伝えていくと誓った
From the day I was captivated by Buju, I swore to pass it on.
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
Man A Warrior 音楽で戦うWarrior
Man, warrior, I fight with music, warrior.
No such thing as trendy tunes or vibes in this world.
生き抜くためSurvive ジャマイカが俺らの教科書
Survive, Jamaica is our textbook.
だが物真似じゃなにも生まれないから この手で生み出すのさ 未来
However, since nothing is born from imitation, I create the future with my own hands.
先人に乾杯 名もない時代から築き上げてきた その功績は
Cheers to our ancestors, who built it from an unnamed era. Their achievements
shine brighter than any jewels or medals.
そうさ この夢からまた次の世代へとエンドレス
Yes, this dream will continue to the next generation, endlessly.
俺らが夢に生きる意味 俺らが夢を見て生きてく日々
The meaning of our living dreams, the days we live by dreaming,
綴ったLyric を今君に 伝えていくと誓った
I'll pass on the lyrics I wrote to you now, as I swore to do.
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
人はそれぞれ一人一人の個性 育てろYourself 生まれ持ったAbility
Everyone is different, we each have our own character. Cultivate yourself with the ability you were born with.
本気で磨け 文句は言わせんぞ カリブの島のRootsman がくれた音の調べ
Polish it seriously, I'll take no complaints, the melody of the roots man from the Caribbean island that was given to us.
腐り切った世の中 物申す武士(もののふ) このトーク轟くまで勝負だ
Those corrupt in this world, I, the warrior, will speak my mind. This talk is a勝負(勝負) until it resonates.
The Japanese pride and the music that I love. Since I swore to pass them on,
決して倒れない 上っ面のハートじゃ守れない ヒストリー
I will never fall. Surface-level heart can't protect history.
The path will show you the sure light.
先人から俺 俺から君 そして君から未来の日々に繋ぐんだ
From our ancestors to me, from me to you, and from you to the future. It will be engraved again.
Roots & Future
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future
Roots&Future Roots&Future Roots&Future
Roots & Future, Roots & Future, Roots & Future

Авторы: HAN-KUN

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