HAN-KUN - 友達 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HAN-KUN - 友達

前略 元気してますか?
By the way, are you doing well?
I really apologize for just expecting you to help me all the time.
せっかく歌ってるんだ だから響かす 誰よりも
But I'm singing so I can reach you better than anyone.
そうさ 何があったって俺等は一生 友達
Listen, no matter what happens, you're my best friend for life.
例え遠く離れても心は一緒 友達
Even if we're far apart, we're always together at heart, best friends.
何度生まれ変わったって俺等はきっと 友達
Even if we're reborn, you're my eternity, best friend.
いつもありがとう 俺の友達
Thank you always, my best friend.
当たり前過ぎて つい忘れてしまいそうになる感謝の言葉を
I almost forgot these simple words of gratitude because they're so obvious.
照れくさいから音に乗せ この機会にちょっと歌にしてみるよ
I was too shy to say it, so I'm going to sing it for you.
こんな俺と共に歩いてきてくれて 支えてきてくれた事
Thank you for walking and supporting me when I was like this.
When I was wrong, you told me, "That's wrong," and guided me.
Thanks to you, I've seen the truth.
意味のないような会話も ナンパしちゃ遊んでた夜も
Those pointless conversations, the nights when I just hung out and played,
殴り合っちまったあの日も 一緒に流した涙も
The day we got into a fistfight, the tears we shed together
Every single thing shines so brightly, like a treasure.
ガッチリと築いた絆 俺のマジなfriendに 幸あれ!!
Bless you, my dear friend, who built a strong bond with me.
そうさ 何があったって俺等は一生 友達
Listen, no matter what happens, you're my best friend for life.
例え遠く離れても心は一緒 友達
Even if we're far apart, we're always together at heart, best friends.
何度生まれ変わったって俺等はきっと 友達
Even if we're reborn, you're my eternity, best friend.
いつもありがとう 俺の友達
Thank you always, my best friend.
毎日の様にどっか行っちゃ 騒いで 楽しくって
Every day, we went somewhere, made a lot of noise and had fun.
Those were wild memories.
時にひたすら暇持て余して 親に迷惑かけるような事に手出して
Sometimes we had nothing to do and did things that worried our parents,
馬鹿だったと後悔してるさ そんな時も 隣にはお前が
and I regret being an idiot. But you were there with me through it all.
辛い苦い思いも知ってる おんなじモノ見て育った仲間だから
You know my pain and bitterness, and we're friends who grew up seeing the same things.
笑い合える 心から丸出しに向き合って
We laugh and face each other honestly.
損得抜き そん時の気持ちが全てだって
Nothing is gained or lost, because that's how it is at that time.
後先は二の次さ 目と目向いて ドンと行くぜ
Don't worry about the future. Just look me in the eye and go for it.
馬鹿野郎が何やろうが 大好きだぜ 畜生!!
No matter what those idiots do, I love you, buddy!
Thank you for always drinking and talking with me until morning.
俺が俺で居れるよ 全部お前のおかげ
I can be myself because of you. Thank you for everything.
『こんな俺だけど これからもよろしく!!』って
I'm serious when I say, "I'll take care of you, even though I'm like this."!!
これマジだぜ ホンキ幸あれ!!
May you always be full of blessings!
そうさ 何があったって俺等は一生 友達
Listen, no matter what happens, you're my best friend for life.
例え遠く離れても心は一緒 友達
Even if we're far apart, we're always together at heart, best friends.
何度生まれ変わったって俺等はきっと 友達
Even if we're reborn, you're my eternity, best friend.
いつもありがとう 俺の友達
Thank you always, my best friend.
嗚呼 お前と俺は66億という可能性の中で出会ったんだ
Wow, you and I met by chance among 6.6 billion people.
生きてる事自体が奇跡的な時代に 生まれたのさ
It's a miracle that we're even alive in this era.
まさに運命だろ!! これってすんげぇかも?
This is definitely destiny! Maybe it's amazing?
感じれねぇ奴にゃ あり得ねぇだろう
Those who can't feel it won't understand.
たかが出会い されど出会い たかが仲間 されど仲間
It's just a meeting, but it's a meeting. It's just a friend, but it's a friend.
それが宝だから それが解る輩 yah man big up!
Because that's a treasure. Those who understand that, yah man big up!
Respect! Respect! Respect! Yeah!
Respect! Respect! Respect! Yeah!
お前がいるからこそ 俺が居る!!
I'm here because you're here!
Respect! Respect! Respect!
Respect! Respect! Respect!
いつ いつまでも
そうさ 何があったって俺等は一生 友達
Listen, no matter what happens, you're my best friend for life.
例え遠く離れても心は一緒 友達
Even if we're far apart, we're always together at heart, best friends.
何度生まれ変わったって俺等はきっと 友達
Even if we're reborn, you're my eternity, best friend.
いつもありがとう 俺の友達
Thank you always, my best friend.
You too,
みんな友達!! だから聞いとけ!!
Everyone is your friend! So listen up!
All massive and crew big up uno chest!
All massive and crew big up uno chest!
マジ 出会えた事に感謝して
Be truly grateful for the meeting,
間違いねぇ 俺達の関係 友達!
I'm sure our relationship is best friends!

Авторы: Han-kun, han−kun

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