HANA - 七歲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HANA - 七歲

Seven Years Old
已碎裂 散於我身邊
Has shattered and scattered around me
已殞落 壓於我的肩
Has fallen and weighed on my shoulders
萬千種掙扎 從眉頭額角 逐一上演
Thousands of struggles played out on my brow, my forehead
已過渡 記憶裡暑天
Have passed, summer days in memory
已泯滅 似呼過的煙
Have faded, like blown-away smoke
萬千種真緻 隨時日在變 埋在昨天
Thousands of subtleties change with time, buried yesterday
Ha... 當天的我七歳
Ha... I was seven years old that day
什麼都去追 活於沙堡壘
Chasing after everything, living in a castle of sand
埋頭童話裡 何來成就壯舉
Buried in fairy tales, with no heroic deeds
Ha... 一轉身已失去
Ha... In a turn, it was gone
From then on, in ruins I've dwelt
縱使覺得累 仍繼續進取
Though weary, I strive on
刺痛的年代 未能睡去
In these painful years, unable to sleep
只好強忍 幾多眼淚
I can only endure, the tears I shed
一首歌 愛聽便滿足
A song, I'm content if it sounds good
一雙手 擦傷便痛哭
A pair of hands, a scrape and I weep
但一哭一笑 隨人臉在轉 難覓答覆
But laughter and tears change with faces, no answers to find
Ha... 當天的我七歳
Ha... I was seven years old that day
什麼都去追 活於沙堡壘
Chasing after everything, living in a castle of sand
埋頭童話裡 何來成就壯舉
Buried in fairy tales, with no heroic deeds
Ha... 一轉身已失去
Ha... In a turn, it was gone
From then on, in ruins I've dwelt
縱使覺得累 仍繼續進取
Though weary, I strive on
刺痛的年代 未能睡去
In these painful years, unable to sleep
只好強忍 幾多眼淚
I can only endure, the tears I shed
If I could rewrite the diary in reverse
手心有一堆沙 就覺足夠
A handful of sand in my palm would be enough
找到半點燭光 就當可摘到最美星宿
A glimmer of candlelight would be the most beautiful star
自由自在在我俗世漫遊 在途上亂走
Free and carefree, wandering in my mundane world, lost along the way
Ha 只想歸去七歳
Ha I only want to be seven years old again
什麼都去追 活於沙堡壘
Chasing after everything, living in a castle of sand
埋頭童話裡 何來成就壯舉
Buried in fairy tales, with no heroic deeds
Wo 於紛憂裡失據
Wo lost in a jumble of worries
While my heart returns home
記起某一日 父母在耳邊
Recalling a day, my parents by my ear
悠悠地亂哼 細碎詩句
Hums and fragmented poems
願我快樂 簡單若似水
Wishing me happiness, as simple as water

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