HISATOMI - Big Up My Linky Dem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HISATOMI - Big Up My Linky Dem

Big Up My Linky Dem
Big Up My Linky Dem
最低で最高なMy Friend アホな後輩にパイセン
Darling, this is my best and worst day. My foolish junior has become my mentor.
出会っちまったからには 誰一人欠かせないぜ
We met, and I felt that I couldn't be without you.
天文学的な 数字になるらしいわ 誰かと出会う事の確率は
Astronomical figures, they say. It's rare that we meet someone.
だからこそ 宝物 だれもが体感するガイダンス
That's why you're a treasure, my love. You're a guide that everyone should experience.
共にこの時代に生まれて 共にでかくなる未来浮かべて
Together, we're born into this era, together we grow. We imagine a brighter future.
バカやってきたあんたの事を 俺は奇跡と呼びたいねん
I call you a miracle, because you've been there through my silliness.
共に酔っぱらいメチャ浮かれて 共に不条理なものに疲れて
Together, we've been drunk, we've had fun, and together we've been tired of the absurdity of life.
成長してきたあんたと共に 俺は奇跡を呼びたいねん
I call you a miracle, because I've grown with you.
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
時には信じれん ようなぶつかりや珍事件
Sometimes, there are unbelievable clashes and strange incidents.
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
Big Up My Linky Dem (Yeah) Big Up My Linky Dem (Wow)
Mi No Like 心理戦 ええやんけ馬鹿みたく信じて
I don't like mind games. Just believe in me, my foolish love.
あんたは愛想の無いヤツで しょっぱなの印象は最悪で
You're so unfriendly, darling. Our first impression was the worst.
Before I knew it, you had become my greatest ally.
何を隠そう 俺はミスター不完全 仲間に頼っちゃうプランです
Darling, I'm an incomplete person. I rely on my friends.
ヘヘッ なんて冗談かまして気付けば築けば信頼関係
We joke and trust each other.
すれ違うだけで 出会う事も無い
We could just pass each other by without ever meeting.
人ばかりの中で(Hey) オレ達(Hey) イキルミチ重ねてきた
In this world full of people, we've come together.
その時間はPremium おかげで価値のある夢見た
That time was premium time. I dreamed real dreams.
あんたらといる俺は 無敵さ
I'm invincible when I'm with you.
生きてきた時間に伴い 増えてきたVIBES合う友達 HEY
Over time, my friendships grew stronger. My friends are my VIBES. HEY
たまにゃこうして言葉に 俺はホンマあんたらが誇らしいで
Sometimes I speak these words out loud. I'm proud of you, darling.
顔なじみいつもメンバー とも起こしてきた奇跡の連鎖
We've always been a crew. We've made miracles together.
I couldn't meet most people in the world, no matter how much I wished.
あの日あそこに行かなけりゃ あの日電話に出れなけりゃ
If I hadn't gone there that day, or if I hadn't answered the phone that day...
そんな(HEY) キッカケが(HEY) たったひとつでも欠けていたら
Such a small thing, like that (HEY), could have changed everything.
ツレも他人になっていた 人生もまるで変わっていた
You would have become a stranger, and my life would have been different.
Darling, I've finally realized that I should be grateful for the precious people I've met.
いつか必ず訪れる別れ 逆らう事も出来ない定め
Someday, we will inevitably have to part. We can't fight fate.
At that time, all that will remain will be proof of the miracles we've made.
Will our separation only bring regret?
歌を歌えば人と繋がれた 知らない奴らと仲間になれた
I can connect with people through song. I could even meet you.
憧れの人にも出会えた 次はコレ聴く君と出会うかもね
I've met my idols, and maybe I'll meet you too.
共に酔っぱらいメチャ浮かれて 共に不条理なものに疲れて
Together, we've been drunk, we've had fun, and together we've been tired of the absurdity of life.
共にこの時代に生まれて 共にでかくなる未来浮かべて
Together, we're born into this era, together we grow. We imagine a brighter future.

Авторы: gachapan records, Hisatomi, riddim island, gachapan records, hisatomi, riddim island

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