Ha*Ash - Lo aprendí de ti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ha*Ash - Lo aprendí de ti

Lo aprendí de ti
I Learned It From You
Te conocí un día de abril, un día común
I met you one day in April, an ordinary day
El día que menos lo esperaba
The day I least expected it
Yo no pensaba en el amor, ni lo creía
I didn't think about love, or believe in it
Y mucho menos lo buscaba
Let alone look for it
Y de pronto apareciste
And suddenly, you appeared
Destrozando paredes e ideas, te volviste mi luz
Destroying walls and ideas, you became my light
Yo no sabía que con un beso
I didn't know that with a kiss
Se podría parar el tiempo y lo aprendí de ti
Time could stand still, and I learned it from you
Ni que con sólo una mirada
That with just one look
Dominaras cada espacio que hay dentro de
You would dominate every space within me
Tampoco sabía que podía amarte tanto
I didn't know I could love you so much
Hasta entregarme y ser presa de tus labios
Until I gave myself up and became a prisoner of your lips
Descubrí que
I discovered that I did
Porque lo aprendí de ti
Because I learned it from you
De pronto algo pasó y la pasión faltaba
Something happened suddenly, and the passion was gone
Nuestras noches se alargaban
Our nights were getting longer
Jamás pensé sentirme sola y fría y tonta
I never thought I'd feel lonely, cold, and foolish
Aún estando acompañada
Even when I was with you
Después todo se volvió monotonía
Then everything became monotonous
Luego tantas mentiras que ya ni te las creías
Then so many lies that even you didn't believe them anymore
Yo no sabía que sin tus besos
I didn't know that without your kisses
Pasaría tan lento el tiempo y lo aprendí de ti
Time would pass so slowly, and I learned it from you
Y que aguantarme no llamarte
And that holding back from calling you
Tomaría toda la fuerza que hay dentro de
Would take all the strength within me
Tampoco sabía que podría extrañarte tanto
I didn't know I could miss you so much
Ni desbaratarme y que se secaran mis labios
Nor fall apart, and my lips would become dry
Descubrí que
I discovered that I did
Porque lo aprendí de ti
Because I learned it from you
Y ahora que por fin te he logrado olvidar
And now that I've finally forgotten you
Hoy me vienes a buscar
Today you come looking for me
Pero es muy tarde ya
But it's too late
Me he enamorado de alguien más
I've fallen in love with someone else
Yo no sabía que con sus besos
I didn't know that with their kisses
Iba a reemplazar los tuyos, lo aprendí de ti
Their kisses would replace yours, I learned it from you
Ni que existieran otras manos
Nor that there were other hands
Que al tocarme superaran lo que antes sentí
That when they touched me, they would surpass what I felt before
Tampoco sabía que podía amarlo tanto
I didn't know I could love him so much
Después de tu engaño que me hizo tanto daño
After your deceit that hurt me so much
Descubrí que
I discovered that I did
Y todo lo aprendí de ti
And I learned it all from you

Авторы: Ortega Castro Jose Luis, Perez Ashley, Perez Hanna

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