Hamorabi - 7 X 4 = ? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hamorabi - 7 X 4 = ?

7 X 4 = ?
7 X 4 = ?
دلعه سبع
My darling seven
ربيه سبع
I've raised you since you were seven
آخيه سبع
My brother seven
اطلقه سبع
I've set you free at seven
اسمع اسمع منيح العبرة
Listen closely to the moral of the story
اسمع منيح العبرة
Listen closely to the moral of the story
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
صفر لسبعة طفولة جميلة
At the age of zero to seven, I had a beautiful childhood
قرع طبول سكينة
The sound of drums was like a lullaby
مع والدي البطل لا مكان للقلق
With my heroic father by my side, there was no room for worry
سبعة وتسعين عدنا من فرنسا
In ninety-seven, we came back from France
حكماً أن لا أنسى
I'm determined not to forget
حلم الاستقرار ممنوع في محتوى الأجندة
The dream of settling down was not in my agenda
كانت أمي وأختي مع أبي عندما مات
My mother, my sister, and my father were together when he died
أنا كنت في البيت نائم أقوم بحلم الآمان
I was sleeping at home, dreaming of safety
صرت حابب الموت عابد اللوم
I became fond of death, worshipping blame
حلمت أُمي لديها لحية قبل الحادثة بيوم
I dreamt that my mother had a beard the day before the accident
I had my mother's heart
I had my mother's heart
And I had my father's feature
And I had my father's feature
I had my mother's heart
I had my mother's heart
And I had my father's feature
And I had my father's feature
سبعة لأربعطاش
Seven to fourteen
تعلمت قراءة وكتابة العربية
I learned to read and write Arabic
هذه بداية العملية
This was the beginning of a journey
تشرد ومشاكل بين أمي وعائلة أبي
Displacement and problems between my mother and my father's family
من دون توفر منزل كنت أعاني لأنتمي
Without a stable home, I struggled to fit in
أربعطاش لواحد وعشرين بداية الكتابة والتسجيل
Fourteen to twenty-one, I began writing and recording
ذو أداء بمثابة التقليد
My performance was more like a mimicry
حياتي بدا والموسيقى استقراري الآن
My life started and music became my stability
أصبح مسرورًا أنا
I became joyful
أصنع أسطورة
Creating my legacy
I had my mother's heart
I had my mother's heart
And I had my father's feature
And I had my father's feature
I had my mother's heart
I had my mother's heart
And I had my father's feature
And I had my father's feature
وحدة و عشرين عدت إلى فرنسا في نفس اليوم الذي توفى فيه والدي
Twenty-two, I returned to France, on the same day that my father passed away
حبيب الـFamily
The beloved of the Family
دخلتُ إلى المشفى العصبي
I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital
أشرس مرضي
My worst illness
نار OCD
The fire of OCD
طار الأوكسجين
I lost my breath
وجدت مكان للسكن في نفس المنطقة التي سكن فيها أبي آمان للأبد
I found a place to live in the same area where my father lived, peace forever
حصلت على أوراقي على تلات وعشرين
I got my papers at twenty-three
الآن يجب اقتحام العالم قبل الموت ع تمان وعشرين
Now I must conquer the world before I die, at twenty-eight

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