Hank Williams - Deck Of Cards - 2019 - Remaster - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Hank Williams - Deck Of Cards - 2019 - Remaster

Deck Of Cards - 2019 - Remaster
Un Jeu de Cartes - Remasterisé 2019
During the North African Campaign,
Pendant la campagne d'Afrique du Nord,
A bunch of soldier boys had been on a long hike.
une poignée de soldats étaient en route depuis longtemps.
They arrived in a little town called Casino.
Ils sont arrivés dans une petite ville appelée Casino.
The next morning being Sunday, several of the boys went to church
Le lendemain matin, étant dimanche, plusieurs d'entre eux se sont rendus à l'église.
After the Chaplain read the prayer, the text was taken up
Après que l'aumônier ait lu la prière, le texte a été repris.
Those of the boys that had a prayer book took them out
Ceux des garçons qui avaient un livre de prières les ont sortis,
But one boy had only a deck of cards, and he spread them out
mais un garçon n'avait qu'un jeu de cartes, et il les a étalées.
The sergeant saw the cards and said, "Soldier, put away those cards."
Le sergent a vu les cartes et a dit : "Soldat, rangez ces cartes."
After the service was over
Après le service,
The soldier was taken prisoner
le soldat a été fait prisonnier
And brought before the Provost Marshall
et amené devant le prévôt.
The Marshall said, "Sergeant, why have you brought this man here?"
Le prévôt a dit : "Sergent, pourquoi avez-vous amené cet homme ici ?"
"For playing cards in church, Sir, and what have you to say for yourself, son?"
"Pour avoir joué aux cartes à l'église, monsieur. Et vous, qu'avez-vous à dire pour votre défense, mon garçon ?"
"Much, Sir, " the soldier replied
"Beaucoup, monsieur", a répondu le soldat.
The Marshall stated
Le prévôt a déclaré :
"I hope so, for if not I will punish you
"Je l'espère bien, car sinon je vous punirai
More than any man was ever punished."
plus qu'aucun homme n'a jamais été puni."
The soldier said, "You see Sir,
Le soldat a dit : "Voyez-vous, monsieur,
I have been on the march for about six days
je suis en marche depuis environ six jours.
I have neither bible nor a prayer book
Je n'ai ni bible ni livre de prières,
But I hope to satisfy you, sir, with the purity of my intentions."
mais j'espère vous convaincre, monsieur, par la pureté de mes intentions."
"You see, sir, when I look at the Ace
"Voyez-vous, monsieur, quand je regarde l'As,
It reminds me that there is but one God
cela me rappelle qu'il n'y a qu'un seul Dieu.
When I see the deuce reminds me that the bible is divided into two parts
Quand je vois le deux, cela me rappelle que la Bible est divisée en deux parties :
The Old and the New Testaments
l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament.
When I see the trey, I think of the Father, the Son, and the Holy goals
Quand je vois le trois, je pense au Père, au Fils et au Saint-Esprit.
When I see the four, I think of the four evangelists
Quand je vois le quatre, je pense aux quatre évangélistes
Who preached the Gospel: there was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
qui ont prêché l'Évangile : il y avait Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean.
When I see the five
Quand je vois le cinq,
It reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps
cela me rappelle les cinq vierges sages qui ont préparé leurs lampes.
There were ten of them
Elles étaient dix,
Five were wise and were saved, five were foolish and were shut out
cinq étaient sages et ont été sauvées, cinq étaient folles et ont été exclues.
When I see the six
Quand je vois le six,
It reminds me that in six days God made this heaven and earth
cela me rappelle qu'en six jours Dieu a fait ce ciel et cette terre.
When I see the seven
Quand je vois le sept,
Reminds me that on the seventh day, God rested
cela me rappelle que le septième jour, Dieu s'est reposé.
When I see the eight
Quand je vois le huit,
I think of the eight righteous persons that
je pense aux huit personnes justes que
God saved when he destroyed the earth
Dieu a sauvées lorsqu'il a détruit la terre :
There was Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives
il y avait Noé, sa femme, leurs fils et leurs femmes.
When I see the nine
Quand je vois le neuf,
I think of the lepers our saviour cleansed
je pense aux lépreux que notre sauveur a purifiés
And that nine of the ten didn't even thank him
et dont neuf sur dix ne l'ont même pas remercié.
When I see the ten, I think of the ten commandments
Quand je vois le dix, je pense aux dix commandements
That God handed down to Moses on a tablet of stone
que Dieu a donnés à Moïse sur une tablette de pierre.
When I see the King
Quand je vois le Roi,
It reminds me once again there is
cela me rappelle une fois de plus qu'il n'y a
But one King of Heaven, God Almighty
qu'un seul Roi des Cieux, Dieu Tout-Puissant.
When I see the Queen
Quand je vois la Reine,
I think of the blessed Virgin Mary who is the Queen of Heaven
je pense à la Sainte Vierge Marie qui est la Reine des Cieux.
And the Jack or Knave is the Devil
Et le Valet représente le Diable.
When I count the number of spots in a deck of cards,
Quand je compte le nombre de points dans un jeu de cartes,
I find 365, the number of days in a year
je trouve 365, le nombre de jours dans une année.
There are 52 cards, the number of weeks in a year
Il y a 52 cartes, le nombre de semaines dans une année.
There are thirteen tricks, the number of weeks in a quarter
Il y a treize levées, le nombre de semaines dans un trimestre.
There are four suits, the number of weeks in a month
Il y a quatre couleurs, le nombre de semaines dans un mois.
There are twelve picture cards, the number of months in a year
Il y a douze figures, le nombre de mois dans une année.
So you see, Sir
Alors vous voyez, monsieur,
My deck of cards serves me as a bible,
mon jeu de cartes me sert de bible,
An almanac and a prayer book."
d'almanach et de livre de prières."
"And friends, this story is true
"Et mes amis, cette histoire est vraie
Because that soldier was me."
parce que ce soldat, c'était moi."

1 Where the Old Red River Flows (2019 - Remaster)
2 I'll Fly Away (Acetate Version 204) - 2019 - Remaster
3 Move It On Over (Acetate Version 3) [2019 - Remaster]
4 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain - 2019 - Remaster
5 Introduction - 2019 - Remaster
6 I'm Gonna Sing (Acetate Version 19) - 2019 - Remaster
7 Pictures From Life's Other Side - 2019 - Remaster
8 Gathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet (Acetate Version 14) - 2019 - Remaster
9 I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) [Acetate Version 20] - 2019 - Remaster
10 Dear Brother - 2019 - Remaster
11 Tennessee Border - 2019 - Remaster
12 Deck Of Cards - 2019 - Remaster
13 Next Sunday Darling Is My Birthday - 2019 - Remaster
14 I'll Have A New Life (Acetate Version 207) - 2019 - Remaster
15 Just Waitin' (Acetate Version 19) - 2019 - Remaster
16 May You Never Be Alone (Acetate Version 18) - 2019 - Remaster
17 Cold Cold Heart (Acetate Version 205) - 2019 - Remaster
18 Dear John (Acetate Version 204) - 2019 - Remaster
19 I'll Have A New Life (Acetate Version 10) - 2019 - Remaster
20 Moanin' The Blues (Acetate Version 207) - 2019 - Remaster
21 I Heard My Mother Praying For Me (Acetate Version 13) - 2019 - Remaster
22 Dear John (Acetate Version 12) - 2019 - Remaster
23 Lonely Tombs (Oh Those Tombs) [Acetate Version 12] - 2019 - Remaster
24 Long Gone Lonesome Blues - 2019 - Remaster
25 Jesus Died For Me - 2019 - Remaster
26 Farther Along - 2019 - Remaster
27 When The Fire Comes Down From Heaven - 2019 - Remaster
28 My Sweet Love Ain't Around (Acetate Version 20) - 2019 - Remaster
29 Where The Soul Of Man Never Dies (Acetate Version 20) - 2019 - Remaster
30 Where He Leads Me - 2019 - Remaster
31 Where The Old Red River Flows (Acetate Version 23) - 2019 - Remaster
32 I Dreamed About Mama Last Night (Acetate Version 24) - 2019 - Remaster
33 Moanin' The Blues (Acetate Version 22) - 2019 - Remaster
34 The Prodigal Son - 2019 - Remaster
35 On Top Of Old Smoky - 2019 - Remaster
36 Thirty Pieces Of Silver - 2019 - Remaster
37 Wait For The Light To Shine (Acetate Version 1) - 2019 - Remaster
38 There's Nothing As Sweet As My Baby - 2019 - Remaster
39 Farther Along (Acetate Version 13) - 2019 - Remaster
40 Just When I Needed You (Acetate Version 21) - 2019 - Remaster
41 I Heard My Savior Calling Me - 2019 - Remaster
42 Faded Love And Winter Roses (Acetate Version 13) - 2019 - Remaster
43 Thy Burdens Are Greater Than Mine - 2019 - Remaster
44 Move It On Over (Acetate Version 14) - 2019 - Remaster
45 The Old Country Church - 2019 - Remaster
46 Cold Cold Heart (Acetate Version 21) - 2019 - Remaster
47 I'll Fly Away (Acetate Version 21) - 2019 - Remaster
48 Just When I Needed You (Acetate Version 13) - 2019 - Remaster
49 Drifting Too Far From The Shore - 2019 - Remaster
50 I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) [Acetate Version 23] - 2019 - Remaster
51 Why Should We Try Anymore - 2019 - Remaster
52 I Hang My Head And Cry - 2019 - Remaster
53 Dear Brother (Acetate Version 12) - 2019 - Remaster
54 Where The Soul Of Man Never Dies (Acetate Version 8) - 2019 - Remaster
55 Dear Brother (Acetate Version 5) - 2019 - Remaster
56 May You Never Be Alone (Acetate Version 5) - 2019 - Remaster
57 I've Just Told Mama Goodbye - 2019 - Remaster
58 Something Got Hold On Me - 2019 - Remaster
59 Seaman's Blues - 2019 - Remaster
60 I Saw The Light (Acetate Version 3) - 2019 - Remaster
61 I Heard My Mother Praying For Me (Acetate Version 4) - 2019 - Remaster
62 Mother's Best Theme - 2019 - Remaster
63 Everything's Okay - 2019 - Remaster
64 They'll Never Take Her Love From Me - 2019 - Remaster
65 I'll Have A New Life (Acetate Version 2) - 2019 - Remaster
66 A Mansion On The Hill - 2019 - Remaster
67 When God Dips His Love In My Heart (Acetate Version 1) - 2019 - Remaster
68 The Blind Child's Prayer - 2019 - Remaster
69 Gathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet (Acetate Version 1) - 2019 - Remaster
70 Nobody's Lonesome For Me (Acetate Version 1) - 2019 - Remaster
71 Lord Build Me A Cabin - 2019 - Remaster
72 Alabama Waltz - 2019 - Remaster
73 How Can You Refuse Him - 2019 - Remaster
74 Where The Old Red River Flows (Acetate Version 206) - 2019 - Remaster
75 Nobody's Lonesome For Me (Acetate Version 2) - 2019 - Remaster
76 Wait For The Light To Shine (Acetate Version 5) - 2019 - Remaster
77 Pins and Needles (In My Heart) - 2019 - Remaster
78 Heard My Mother Praying For Me - 2019 - Remaster
79 Wedding Bells - 2019 - Remaster
80 When God Dips His Love In My Heart (Acetate Version 11) - 2019 - Remaster
81 At The First Fall Of Snow - 2019 - Remaster
82 I Saw The Light (Acetate Version 11) - 2019 - Remaster
83 Faded Love And Winter Roses (Acetate Version 10) - 2019 - Remaster
84 I'll Have A New Life (Acetate Version 11) - 2019 - Remaster
85 Move It On Over (Acetate Version 11) - 2019 - Remaster
86 Something Got Hold of Me - 2019 - Remaster
87 Dear John (Acetate Version 10) - 2019 - Remaster
88 Sally Goodin - 2019 - Remaster
89 Cold Cold Heart (Acetate Version 10) - 2019 - Remaster
90 When God Dips His Love In My Heart - 2019 - Remaster
91 Mind Your Own Business (Acetate Version 9) - 2019 - Remaster
92 Where The Soul Never Dies - 2019 - Remaster
93 My Sweet Love Ain't Around (Acetate Version 8) - 2019 - Remaster
94 Calling You - 2019 - Remaster
95 On The Banks Of The Ponchatrain - 2019 - Remaster
96 Jesus Remembered Me - 2019 - Remaster
97 I Just Don't Like This Kind of Living - 2019 - Remaster
98 Lonely Tombs (Oh Those Tombs) [Acetate Version 7] - 2019 - Remaster
99 Cool Water - 2019 - Remaster
100 Why Don't You Love Me - 2019 - Remaster

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