Hannes Wader - Krüüzfoahrt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hannes Wader - Krüüzfoahrt

Dörch den Stillen Ozean
Through the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt ne witte Yacht
Sails a white yacht
Ricke Pinkels hebbn den Kahn
Wealthy old folks have the boat
För't Vergnegen pacht
Chartered for their pleasure
Hüüt is't schön, ne lichte Bries
Today is beautiful, a gentle breeze
Plänkelt mit de See
Flirts with the sea
Un de Bordkapell speelt lies
And the on-board band plays softly
'Heimatland, ade!'
'Homeland, goodbye!'
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sich grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich up en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!
Up dat Promenadendeck
On the promenade deck
Dööst man in de Sünn
You bask in the sun
Pliert mal över't Book hinweg
Flicking through a book
Na de annern hen
Looking at the others
Junge Damen wiesen frie
Young ladies show off freely
Wat't to wiesen gifft
What there is to show
Twete Jugend is darbi
Second youth is here
Vörfront tweemal lift
Front and center, twice as much
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sich grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich up en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!
Herrn mit wabbelige Huut
Gentlemen with wobbly hats
Liegen up de Luur
Are on the prowl
Sünd noch mal up't Grabbeln ut
Out for one last grope
As Verjüngungskur
As a rejuvenation cure
Smucke Stewards stellen stief
Handsome stewards present stiffly
Longdrinks up den Disch
Long drinks on the table
Dinken wull: "Nich ring, dat Wief
She wanted to drink: "Not bad, the woman
Wenn ok nich ganz frisch!"
Even if not quite fresh!"
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sich grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich up en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!
Un de riepen Damen harrn
And the mature ladies
Geern bito studeert
Who would have studied further
Wat so'n Steward sünst noch kann
What else a steward can do
Wenn he nich serveert
When he's not serving
Wat se trüchhöllt, is nich Schaam
It's not modesty that holds them back
De sünd se nich wennt
They're not used to that
Aver hier gellt blots as Daam
But the only ones who count as ladies here
Wer mit Geldlüüt pennt
Are those who sleep with the rich
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sich grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich up en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!
Darüm präsenteren se
That's why they present themselves
Sik as Waar up't Deck
As goods on the deck
Von de Titt bis an dat Knee
From their boobs to their knees
Kost en Blankoscheck
Costs a blank check
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sik grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich op en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!
Up den Stillen Ozean
On the Pacific Ocean
Krüüzt sich grote Welt
High society meets
Kümmt nich up en Pinkel an
Doesn't matter how old you are
Wat dar tellt is Geld!
What counts here is money!

Авторы: hannes wader

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