Hannya - 神輿 (original) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hannya - 神輿 (original)

神輿 (original)
Mikoshi (original)
90年後半カチコミ事件簿 関連関与
90's Clashes - Involvement
事実口コミとは違え メディアお粗末産業
Truth differ from the gossip, the media is a disgrace
Nothing has changed, it's still hip hop poser wannabes making shitty pop songs
If you don't get it, let me explain it to you
We crashed the party because we didn't have a reputation
Ending up unknown is a waste
I wanted to make you listen to us, by force if necessary
どんなもんだ? そんな音楽
What do you think? That kind of music?
されればされる程 燃えた批判
The more they criticize, the more I get fired up
"MC Killer"「アイツはクソ生意気だ」
"MC Killer" "That guy's a fucking asshole"
...ハァ? 今じゃあ何も言っちゃこれねえ
...Huh? Now they don't have anything to say
Those old guys just look miserable
The difference between a time when anything sold, and now
All I have is passion and freestyle
ねくすとじぇねれーしょん? そんな英語 知らねーよ
Next generation? I don't know that English
元祖"Say Ho!"って このアホ それが教科書
The original "Say Ho!" This idiot, that's the textbook
ところで そんなに偉えのか? って思うがよ 「HARLEM」中2階 ラッパー崩れ脳挫傷
By the way, are you that great? I mean, "HARLEM" is on the second floor, a washed-up rapper with brain damage
クルーの面倒見れねえ お山の大将 上等だよ
You can't take care of your crew, a small gang leader, that's good enough
誰がナニ言おうと 熱いのが「東京」だろ?
No matter what anyone says, "Tokyo" is the hottest, right?
終わっちゃイケねえ 祭りの渦に
The festival's vortex can't end
1人2人... 気が付きゃ更に
One by one... Soon, even more
熱い奴等 神輿の周りてっぺん取るまでは
The hot ones around the mikoshi will take the top until the end
踊らされてるつもりねえ お手々結いでのクソイベント
I'm not here to be played, lame events with friendly vibes
見回してみたぜ少しね オメー1人だけ酷いぜ
I looked around a bit, you're the only one so bad
ギドラ ペイジャー 今じゃ 縦や横も結がり だから
Gidora, Pager, Iwa-D, now it's all connected vertically and horizontally, so
5年後のオレはどんな姿に 今より尖ったまんま修羅場に
What will I be like in 5 years, still a sharp-tongued warrior on the battlefield
無名のガキが見てた夢 韻がどーこーは意味不明
The dream of an unknown kid, rhymes are irrelevant, nonsense
祭の神輿に憧れちゃ目の前 Disしか出来無え受け答え
Yearning for the festival mikoshi, but all I could do was diss in front of it
Watching and doing are completely different
As the years go by, it's undeniable that you have no substance
A mikoshi that can't rise without one person
Looking up from below, the world is vast
気が付きゃ 増えてた仲間
Before I knew it, I had more comrades
やり方 花棒 勿論
Techniques, flower sticks, and of course, brains
HIPHOP 勝たな 枕高くは出来無え オレもまだまだだ
HIP HOP will not win if we rest on our laurels, I'm still far from where I want to be
イキがっちゃいたけど 無え金なんか
I was acting like I was better than everyone else, but I didn't have shit
握る前 スゲー手が汗ばんだ
Before I could hold it, my hands were sweating
何だ? 今一体誰の番だ? 間違い無え チンカス般若
What? Whose turn is it now? No doubt about it, that asshole Chin Kaso
The number of rappers is increasing rapidly, 30,000
My deepest gratitude to all those who truly listen to me
ラジオのガキ 一番鬼 妄屈指 "underground king"
Radio kid, top dog, undisputed "underground king"
終わっちゃイケねえ 祭りの渦に
The festival's vortex can't end
1人2人... 気が付きゃ更に
One by one... Soon, even more
熱い奴等 神輿の周りてっぺん取るまでは
The hot ones around the mikoshi will take the top until the end

Авторы: Hannya, Crackerz Gas

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