"Eine weitere Nacht hinter brennenden Barrikaden und dichtem Rauch in der Ukraine"
"Another night behind burning barricades and thick smoke in Ukraine"
"Jeder vierte Beschäftigte erhält nur Niedriglohn"
"Every fourth employee receives only low wages"
"Der Tag der Arbeit, ist kein Feiertag
- es ist ein Kampftag"
"Labor Day is not a holiday
- it's a day of struggle"
Der Kampf ist nicht verloren solang mein Herz noch schlägt
The fight is not lost as long as my heart beats
Ich trage große Lasten, das erschwert den Weg
I carry heavy burdens, it makes the way difficult
Ich halt mich nich' an Regeln
I don't stick to the rules
Weil's nirgendwo mehr fair zugeht
Because nowhere is it fair anymore
Und außer schlechten Noten
- hä?
And apart from bad grades
- huh? -What else do you have to give me?I had to realize pretty early onYou can't achieve anything hereWithout cheating peopleBecause you'll be cheated yourself!Every day everywhere without mercyMost people in this state have stomach problemsWhy?
- Because they have big worriesPoliticians haven't discussed any changes for yearsAsylum law
- I fuck your father!What does the West German eagle stand for?Oh, who cares, what does the market offer?The capitalist dogsBasically -Make people into customersThe system
- only works for the richModern slavery
- because the wages are just enough"The violence is paid for with dollarsIt has been proven that the dollar has more power on earth than God""Many accept everything
- and say we can't change anything anywayBut you can change something!"Burning rubber barricades! -We won't let them tell us anythingJust because they wear uniforms and have a gunPerfectly structured rip-off of the peopleBut only until the day of the revolt!Get educated
- knowledge is powerSmart people read day and nightIt's about forming opinions
- away from the massesI'm no genius myself
- but there's a lot you can grasp!It's about having a point of viewWithout listening to othersWho don't know what they're talking aboutOur most powerful weapon
- hard to believe -Our brain isn't behind our forehead for funBut to understand things!We can all achieve something, each one for themselvesAs long as you know that when you fall, there's someone who will hold you!** Please transfer the money on time **I don't even have boobs yet and I'm already being milked!"Working is not worth itAt least not for those who only get a small salary""It is lied, lied, lied endlessly!"
Was habt ihr mir noch mehr zu gebn'?
What else do you have to give me?
Ich musste ziemlich früh schon begreifen
I had to realize pretty early on
Hier kannst du nichts erreichen
You can't achieve anything here
Ohne Leute zu bescheißen
Without cheating people
Denn beschissen wirste selber!
Because you'll be cheated yourself!
Jeden Tag überall ohne Gnade
Every day everywhere without mercy
Die meisten hier im Staate hab'n Probleme mitm Magen
Most people in this state have stomach problems
- Weil sie große Sorgen haben
- Because they have big worries
Die Politiker beraten keine Änderung seit Jahren
Politicians haven't discussed any changes for years
- ich ficke deinen Vater!
Asylum law
- I fuck your father!
Wofür steht der bundesdeutsche Adler?
What does the West German eagle stand for?
Ach egal, was gibt der Markt her?
Oh, who cares, what does the market offer?
Die kapitalistischen Hunde
The capitalist dogs
Machen im Grunde
Basically -Make people into customersThe system
- only works for the richModern slavery
- because the wages are just enough"The violence is paid for with dollarsIt has been proven that the dollar has more power on earth than God""Many accept everything
- and say we can't change anything anywayBut you can change something!"Burning rubber barricades! -We won't let them tell us anythingJust because they wear uniforms and have a gunPerfectly structured rip-off of the peopleBut only until the day of the revolt!Get educated
- knowledge is powerSmart people read day and nightIt's about forming opinions
- away from the massesI'm no genius myself
- but there's a lot you can grasp!It's about having a point of viewWithout listening to othersWho don't know what they're talking aboutOur most powerful weapon
- hard to believe -Our brain isn't behind our forehead for funBut to understand things!We can all achieve something, each one for themselvesAs long as you know that when you fall, there's someone who will hold you!** Please transfer the money on time **I don't even have boobs yet and I'm already being milked!"Working is not worth itAt least not for those who only get a small salary""It is lied, lied, lied endlessly!"
Menschen zu Kunden
Make people into customers
Das System
- funktioniert nur für die Reichen
The system
- only works for the rich
Moderne Sklaverei
- Weil die Löhne grad' so reichen
Modern slavery
- because the wages are just enough
"Die Gewalt wird bezahlt mit Dollar
"The violence is paid for with dollars
Es hat sich beweisen, dass der Dollar auf Erden mehr Macht hat als Gott"
It has been proven that the dollar has more power on earth than God"
"Viele nehmen alles hin
- und sagen wir könn' ja eh' nichts ändern
"Many accept everything
- and say we can't change anything anywayBut you can change something!"Burning rubber barricades! -We won't let them tell us anythingJust because they wear uniforms and have a gunPerfectly structured rip-off of the peopleBut only until the day of the revolt!Get educated
- knowledge is powerSmart people read day and nightIt's about forming opinions
- away from the massesI'm no genius myself
- but there's a lot you can grasp!It's about having a point of viewWithout listening to othersWho don't know what they're talking aboutOur most powerful weapon
- hard to believe -Our brain isn't behind our forehead for funBut to understand things!We can all achieve something, each one for themselvesAs long as you know that when you fall, there's someone who will hold you!** Please transfer the money on time **I don't even have boobs yet and I'm already being milked!"Working is not worth itAt least not for those who only get a small salary""It is lied, lied, lied endlessly!"
Doch man kann was ändern!"???
But you can change something!"
Brennende Gummibarikaden!
Burning rubber barricades!
Wir lassen uns nichts sagen
We won't let them tell us anything
Nur weil sie Uniform tragen und ne Wumme bei sich haben
Just because they wear uniforms and have a gun
Perfekt strukturierte Verarschung vom Volke
Perfectly structured rip-off of the people
Aber nurnoch bis an den Tag der Revolte!
But only until the day of the revolt!
Verschafft euch Bildung
- Wissen ist Macht
Get educated
- knowledge is power
Kluge Menschen lesen tags und bis in die Nacht
Smart people read day and night
Es geht um Meinung bilden
- abseits der Massen
It's about forming opinions
- away from the masses
Ich bin selber kein Genie
- aber vieles kann man raffen!
I'm no genius myself
- but there's a lot you can grasp!
Es geht darum ein Standpunkt zu haben
It's about having a point of view
Ohne Andern' nach zu labern
Without listening to others
Die nicht wissen was sie sagen
Who don't know what they're talking about
Unser aller stärkste Waffe
- kaum zu glauben
Our most powerful weapon
- hard to believe
Unser Hirn sitzt nicht aus Spaß hinter der Stirn
Our brain isn't behind our forehead for fun
Sondern um Sachen zu kapiern'!
But to understand things!
Wir könn' alle was erreichen, jeder für sich selbst
We can all achieve something, each one for themselves
Solang' man weiß wenn man fällt, da jemand ist der ein hält!
As long as you know that when you fall, there's someone who will hold you!
** Sie überweisen bitte fristgerecht das Geld **
** Please transfer the money on time **
Ich hab noch nicht einmal Zitzen und werd' trotzdem gemelkt!
I don't even have boobs yet and I'm already being milked!
"Arbeiten lohnt sich nämlich nicht
"Working is not worth it
Zumindest nicht für die, die nur ein kleines Gehalt beziehen"
At least not for those who only get a small salary"
"Es wird gelogen, gelogen, gelogen ohne Ende!"
"It is lied, lied, lied endlessly!"
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