Hasan Dursun - Resul Diye - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hasan Dursun - Resul Diye

Resul Diye
Chosen by Resul
Sen hiç sevdin mi Rasûlü
My darling, have you ever loved the Prophet?
Sevdin mi mis kokan gülü
Have you loved the fragrant rose?
Susturma öten bülbülü
Silence the warbling nightingale
Ötsün Rasûl diye diye
Let it sing of the Prophet
Ya Muhammed diye diye
Always saying Ya Muhammad
Sevdin mi hiç Muhammed'i
My love, have you ever loved Muhammad?
Canlar canı Nur Ahmed'i
The beloved, the Light of the Worlds, Ahmad
Yandı gönül hiç sönmedi
My heart has burned and never gone out
Yansın Rasûl diye diye
Let it burn for the Prophet
Ya Muhammed diye diye
Always saying Ya Muhammad
Oturup ta bir köşede
Sitting alone in a corner
Yandın hiç Muhammede
Have you ever yearned for Muhammad?
Ağladın bu âlemde
Have you wept in this world?
Ağla Rasûl diye diye
Weep for the Prophet
Ya Muhammed diye diye
Always saying Ya Muhammad
Muhammed'i çok sevdin mi
My love, have you loved Muhammad dearly?
Hiç salavat getirdin mi
Have you ever sent salutations?
Yanıp yanıp eridin mi
Have you melted away in longing?
Eri Rasûl diye diye
Melt for the Prophet
Ya Muhammed diye diye
Always saying Ya Muhammad
Vardın hiç ravzasına
Have you ever visited his tomb?
Kapıldın sevdasına
Have you been captivated by his love?
Uyudun mu rüyasına
Have you dreamed of him?
Uyu Rasûl diye diye
Sleep for the Prophet
Ya Muhammed diye diye
Always saying Ya Muhammad

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