Hassan Shakosh - Habibty (feat. Yasmin Raeis) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hassan Shakosh - Habibty (feat. Yasmin Raeis)

Habibty (feat. Yasmin Raeis)
Habibty (feat. Yasmin Raeis)
My sweetheart,
افتحي شبكاكيك انا جيت
Open your window; I've arrived.
انا وقف تحت البيت
I'm standing outside your house.
مش هعمل زيطه وسيط
I'm not going to waste time with intermediaries and fuss.
I miss you so much.
بتلفي وتدوري عليا ليه
Why do you beat around the bush and evade me?
مش عايزه تحني ليه
Why are you unwilling to give in?
طب بصي يابنت الايه
Well, listen up, my little songbird,
مش هحلك
I'm not going to let you get away with this.
I'll file a complaint against you.
قولتلك بهوايا
I've told you my intentions.
لو مش جايه معايا
If you don't come with me,
هعمل الف جنايه
I'll commit a thousand crimes.
هقلب زومبي
I'll turn into a zombie.
انا جايلك
I'm coming for you,
وبقولك وحشاني
And I'm telling you I miss you dearly.
انتي النص التاني
You are my other half,
وبقيتي بالنسبالي
And you have become to me,
ام عيالي
The mother of my children.
اسم الله
In God's name,
محروسه من العين ماشا الله
You are protected from the evil eye, what a sight to behold.
Oh, my gazelle,
بيطل الطله
Your appearance awakens the soul.
كعبك مرسوم بالحنه
Your heels are adorned with henna.
Oh, my princess,
You consume my thoughts,
ومن العالم وخداني
And you have stolen me away from the world.
حضنك لاقيتو مكاني
I've found my place in your embrace.
لو غيبتي عني بعاني
If you were to vanish, I would suffer.
ياروح قلبي
Oh, my soulmate,
Bless your heart.
انا جوه في منطقتك
I'm within your neighborhood,
واقف تحت بيتيك
Standing outside your house,
وبسمع حتيتيك
And listening to your soft whispers.
انتي تخصيني
You belong to me,
من الاخر
اللي يقربلها
Whoever approaches you,
او يجي يوم عندها
Or dares to visit you,
هخطفو في وقتها
I'll kidnap you at that very moment.
انا دمي حامي
My blood runs hot for you.
My soul,
افديكي بروحي
I would sacrifice my soul for you.
بس اوعي تروحي
But don't you dare leave me.
انا كل طموحي
My only ambition,
دبله خطوبه
Is to place an engagement ring on your finger.
My heart,
انتي نبض قلبي
You are the beat of my heart,
وحياتي انتي
And you are my life.
يابطل منطيقتي
Oh, my neighborhood hero,
Oh, my beautiful one,
My little chick,
يا كريمه علي بسكوته
Oh, you who are kind to others, even if they are biscuit-shaped.
جرينوڤ ومش مقروطه
You are my clover, and you are not a carrot.
قمر چيلي وقطوطه
You are my moon of Chile, and you are also my kitty-cat.
Oh, my honeysuckle,
My kingdom,
والباقي كله جواري
And everything else is merely adjacent.
انتي اللي جوه خيالي
You are the one within my dreams.
اخدتي كل حناني
You have taken all of my affection.
يانن العين...
Oh, the light of my eyes...
It's not right.
في الرايحه و ف الجايه
When I come and when I go,
عينك تيجي عليا
Your eyes fall upon me.
مش هاجي بالملاغيه
I'm not going to come with a spoon,
Or a pestle.
You flirt.
طب بردك مش هاجي
Well, forget it, I'm not coming.
معجب كلم دادي
An admirer asked for your father's permission.
لو ف وافق يا حياتي
If he agrees, oh my love,
هديك عنيه
You will give him your eye.
انا جايلك
I'm coming for you,
وبقولك وحشاني
And I'm telling you I miss you dearly.
انتي النص التاني
You are my other half,
وبقيتي بالنسبالي
And you have become to me,
ام عيالي
The mother of my children.

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