Hayki feat. Patron, Saian SS, Sürveyan, Onur Uğur, Selim Muran & Karaçalı - Pmc Represents The Underground - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hayki feat. Patron, Saian SS, Sürveyan, Onur Uğur, Selim Muran & Karaçalı - Pmc Represents The Underground

Pmc Represents The Underground
Pmc Represents The Underground
Sen hâlâ kukla gibi beni elestir
You still criticize me like a puppet
Usta yine rapi verir veristirir
The master gives rap again, distributes it
Mcleri yetistirir
Raises the MCs
Ön yarginiz sebepsiz gevis getir
Your prejudice brings unnecessary slack, get it
Sözüm sadece egoysa gerçekleri anlatamam degistirin
If my words are just ego, I can't tell the truth, change it
Yalanlarla konusmam ben hiçbir zaman, kimdi kalan?
I never speak with lies, who remained?
Eskilerden bir iki adam, saygisiz ve densiz ortam
One or two guys from the old days, disrespectful and rude environment
Iste geçme yok, salak siktir ordan
Here's no passing, idiot fuck off
Herkes bilir beni çünkü senelerdir mikrofonu siktim ondan
Everyone knows me because I fucked the microphone for years, that's why
Iste kombo mista cool, yerse rap denizde kum ve
Here's the combo mista cool, if you eat it, rap is sand in the sea and
Piste vur ayagini er yen izle duy, genizde ur
Hit your foot on the floor, watch, listen, feel it, the anger in your throat
Iste vur, dinle dur gitme liste sun dissle pust ibne kimse bul
Here, hit, listen, stop, present the list, diss the coward, faggot, find anyone
Bizde mucize bu mikrofon bi' uzi be
We have a miracle, this microphone is an Uzi, babe
Prrrah! Müzik rap, gözü pek, bu battle özü bellidir gelecegin
Prrrah! Music rap, bold, this battle essence is clear, the future's
Smokeville, Mary Jane, sana yüz yoksa elli mi verecegim?
Smokeville, Mary Jane, will I give you a hundred or fifty?
Hah! Yola devam, halk alisti defo mala
Hah! Keep going, the people are used to the good stuff
Bi' ton mala orijinal bu pekâlâ tombala
A ton of good stuff, this is original, bingo
Sok o beyne boss! Pekâlâ pompala çokokremi
Put it in that brain, boss! Come on, pump the chocolate cream
Posterin DMC ne âlâ
DMC's poster, how wonderful
Daha fazla kork, bu bi' rock and roll
Fear more, this is a rock and roll
En pat, en tok, entegre ol,
Most explosive, most full, integrate,
PMC kalabalik ayni rock'n coke
PMC crowd, same as rock'n coke
En bok, endorfin hiphop
Most shit, endorphin hip-hop
Onur Ugur:
Onur Ugur:
Polpot'un türettikleriyle ayni siyasi skalasi
Same political scale as Polpot's derivatives
Bura Huis Klos yak bi' müebbet sigarasi
Here Huis Klos light a life sentence cigarette
Episkobal bi' liberal itinin eseri
Work of an episcopalian liberal dog
Nefis kopardim karanliktan kaotik odamin içi
I ripped off the exquisite, the inside of my dark, chaotic room
Senin cehenneminde PMC Charia Hebdo
In your hell, PMC is Charlie Hebdo
Sallanan uçakta gösterdigin semptom
The symptom you showed on the shaking plane
Belki olmayacak telefona ringtone ama
Maybe it won't be a ringtone on the phone, but
Nefesin dilinde olur hayatina senkron
Your breath will be on your tongue, synchronized with your life
Selim Muran:
Selim Muran:
Tara rapi benim için vur
Shoot the rap for me
Kara rapi senin için ur
Black rap is anger for you
Para benim yara bere suratim senin bere takip ol old school
Money is mine, wounds and scars on my face are yours, follow the old school beret
Ara marijuana bugün yine Selim, bela arayana ölüm Selim
Look for marijuana, again Selim today, death to the one who seeks trouble, Selim
Kara kara düsün ara ara bura Alabama yara saran baban
Think dark, look occasionally, this is Alabama, your father who heals wounds
Yarama tuz basma yaram kapanir o kadar güçlüyüm yarak kafali yarin
Don't rub salt in my wound, my wound will heal, I'm that strong, dickhead tomorrow
Zarari karsilarsa bir karin aleti parçalarsa dildo
If the damage meets a belly machine, it will break the dildo
Dinlesen olur bir milyon cepte yokken bir milyon
If you listen, it will be a million, when there is no million in your pocket
Patron! Undergroundda çeteyi
Patron! The gang in the underground
Topladi geldi çölümde olacan bedevi
He gathered and came, you will be a Bedouin in my desert
Hizli çikinca düsmenin agir olur bedeli
When the enemy rises fast, the cost will be heavy
Bi' çogu da gelip bizi yikmayi denedi
Many came and tried to destroy us
Sai optimus, PMC ise prime
Sai optimus, PMC is prime
Saygilar, selam olsun dört, Hamm fifty nine
Respect, greetings to four, Hamm fifty nine
Bu vadinin kurduyla kapismaya cigerin
You don't have the guts to mess with the wolf of this valley
Yetmez adam olan düsünce pes etmez
The man who is a man does not give up on his thoughts
Yeah! PMC en dürüst ailem
Yeah! PMC is my most honest family
Burasi sanilan gibi ne Newyork ne de Harlem
This place is neither New York nor Harlem as it is thought
Burasi benim çöplügüm burasi benim mahallem
This is my garbage dump, this is my neighborhood
Burasi underground çok dolu rapçi fahiselerle
This is the underground, full of rapper prostitutes
Çenen kayar, nayir nalçak
Your jaw slips, you are a sneaky bastard
Sizi bit pazarinda üç kurusun altina satacam
I will sell you for three pennies at the flea market
Ibneler balçikla sivanmaz ki ancak
Faggots can't be plastered with mud
Ve de ancak siirlerini satip dansöz olacan
And you will only be a belly dancer by selling your poems
Biz kolcuyuz düser sana nah!
We are hunters, it falls to you nah!
Entelsin oynamazsin çalmazsa Johann Sebastian Bach
You're intellectual, you won't play if Johann Sebastian Bach doesn't play
Patron in the house! Parlayan Madalyon!
Patron in the house! Shining Medallion!
Efsaneler birlesti sanki atom, sanki Nato!
Legends united like an atom, like NATO!
. Sokrat ST:
. Sokrat ST:
Orasi cehennemse Dikkat Kerbela'dir
If that's hell, beware it's Karbala
Sokul mic akip kayda bas her gün hayat siker belani
Stick the mic, start recording, life fucks your life every day
Sen sadece bi' mc'sin ben bestekârim
You're just an MC, I'm a composer
Ve Sokrat Dutoserebrum'du sikerim elvedani
And Socrates was Dutoserebrum, I fuck farewell
Geri döndü pirinin piri
The master of the masters is back
Göstereyim nasil yazilirmis soktugumun siiri
Let me show you how the poem of my fuck is written
Çok çirkinlestim, silkindim simdi
I got very ugly, I shook myself now
Senden daha müslimdir inan ki budistin dini
Believe me, a Buddhist's religion is more Muslim than you
Ayril da gel Soko! Yok yarindan tezi
Leave and come Soko! No thesis from tomorrow
Senin hayrin bile meze dilim sokacak çikmaza
Even your goodness is an appetizer, my tongue will stick to the impasse
Daha çok yolun var, daha çok uzaksin bana
You have a long way to go, you are far from me
Yolun yarisini bile tamamlayamadan yoracaktir zaman
Time will tire you before you even complete half the way
Tüysüz bebe, birakin düssün yere
Hairless baby, let it fall to the ground
Gülünç hareketler herkes ayri telden tele
Funny movements, everyone is on a different wire
Camianin en büyük problemi kertenkele
The biggest problem of the community is the lizard
Kuyrugunu atip kaçan yavsaklari sanmak nefer
Thinking of the bastards who throw their tails and run away as soldiers
Sana kalmaz bedel ödemek git sen yeter
It's not up to you to pay the price, just go, you're enough
Beni piksel görürsün evde yatmakla sen
You see me as a pixel by staying at home
Ayda yilda bir bi' parti olur gelmez kefere
There's a party once in a blue moon, the infidel doesn't come
Sonra der sokakta rap kalmadi yaz internete
Then say there's no rap left on the street, write it on the internet
Zaman böyle, suçlu bensem utanmadan söyle
Time is like this, if I'm guilty, say it without shame
Çik karsima, tut yakamdan ve ikiye bölüp göster
Come before me, grab me by the collar and split me in two and show
Göster içimde yok sandigin rap askini
Show the love of rap you think I don't have inside me
Gösteremezsen yüzünün rengi solar bu öfkeyle
If you can't show it, the color of your face will fade with this anger
PMC'yi duymayan bu yeryüzünde n'eyler?
What does someone who hasn't heard of PMC do on this earth?
Patron! In the house! Kosup gelin siz de beyler
Patron! In the house! Come running, gentlemen
Sahne bende seyret, mikrofon greyder
The stage is mine, watch, the microphone grader
Ados yol açtikça ilerlersin, insanliga meylet
Ados, as you open the way, you will progress, tend towards humanity
Hey yo masa, egri kilicin dokuntu tasa
Hey yo table, the crooked sword, the texture of the stone
Yol sormadin kiç olmadan gözü diktin basa
You didn't ask for directions, you stared at the head without being a dick
Biz ayran çalkaladik sen kucakta hayran
We shook buttermilk, you were a fan in your arms
Öyle bagiracaksan in sahneden siktir ol git maça
If you're going to shout like that, get off the stage and fuck off to the match
Pekâlâ naçar yürüdü çalapaça
Well, the helpless walked lamely
Bugün ya jöle saça hiphop ya kola faça
Today, either jelly on the hair, hip-hop, or cola, knife
Kavga sözü yazma otur adabinla yasa
Don't write fight words, sit down and live with your manners
Sen evlere kedi ben soguk ormanlara vasak
You are a cat to houses, I am a lynx to cold forests
Tamam ucuz degil kasen peki muhabbetin kaça
Okay, your bowl is not cheap, how much is your conversation?
Biz bi' dinozoruz koçum sen de arkamizda tas at
We are a dinosaur, my man, you throw stones behind us
Çünkü sanayide kosan bir çocuktum on üçünde
Because I was a kid running in the industrial zone at thirteen
Ve yorgun büyüdüm mavi tulumlarin içinde
And I grew up tired in blue overalls
Hesap et dost eliyle tekme tokat küfür
Count kicks, slaps, and insults from a friend's hand
Hem de karnina ögle vakti yerlere kan tükür
And spit blood on the ground at noon on an empty stomach
Devam! Bes parasiz yol yürüdüm sefer tasim yüküm
Continue! I walked the road penniless, my travel bag, my load
Senin imajini sikeyim önce bende ne var düsün
Fuck your image, first think about what I have
Bi' tek yasamaktir isin gerisi taktigin maske
Just living is the job, the rest is the mask you wear
Ver silahi, al kalemim kursun gibi yaz geç
Give the gun, take my pen, write like a bullet and pass
Dön kafani su siktigin cihana bak
Turn your head and look at this world you fucked
Sonra zengin olma hayalinden vazgeç
Then give up on your dream of getting rich
Ey sakulta kanibal mikrofonuma gel ama
Hey, you skinny cannibal, come to my microphone, but
Tanimadinsa bil beni ben Badalamenti Don Tano'dan merhaba
If you don't know me, know me, I'm Badalamenti, hello from Don Tano
Sakulta ta Sefalet sofrasindan bi' mc
Skinny is an MC from the table of misery
Türkçe Rap'i döndürten dinamo kim run PMC
Who is the dynamo that turns Turkish Rap, run PMC
Ringe dis döker rap kapatir kismeti
Rap knocks out teeth in the ring, closes fate
Bize çaparis koyan alir karsisina Gaziosmanpasali Ismet'i
The one who messes with us takes Gaziosmanpasali Ismet in front of him
Öyle zarif fikirleriniz vardi ama ben toktum
You had such elegant ideas, but I got full
Memleketin caddeleri yanarken sen sokakta yoktun
You were not on the street when the streets of the country were burning
Roboski desen bilmez adi ne; sanatçi, solist
If you say Roboski, he doesn't know his name; artist, soloist
Güpegündüz sokak ortasinda adam vuran ben degilim polis
I'm not the one who shoots people in broad daylight, the police are
Ethem, Ahmet, Ismail, Mehmet ve geri kalan
Ethem, Ahmet, Ismail, Mehmet and the rest
Biz korkmayiz jandarmadan assassin de la police
We are not afraid of the gendarmerie, assassin de la police
Ey PMC çevresi diken örgü teli bi' örgüt evi
Hey PMC surroundings, barbed wire, a gang house
Sakulta Talkan'la dirilip Lefter gibi kapatir defteri
Skinny Talkan comes back to life and closes the notebook like Lefter
Kat Son Goku'dan Shotokan Ryu'du sinledin
Kat is from Son Goku, you learned Shotokan Ryu
Patron PMC'den mikrofonda hiphop bu tat
Patron PMC's hip-hop on the microphone, this taste
Keyfini tat!
Enjoy the taste!

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