Hazard - Najlepše pesmi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hazard - Najlepše pesmi

Najlepše pesmi
The Finest Songs
Ljubiti resnico, častiti lepoto, mar isto ni to?
To love the truth, to worship beauty, is that not the same?
Je dano poetu iskati kdaj v svetu, kar je lepo?
Is it given to the poet sometimes to search for that which is beautiful in the world?
Preraščamo mite, navdih Afrodite še pena več ni.
We outgrow myths, the inspiration of Aphrodite is no longer foam.
So zla in krivice, edine resnice, za zgodbe teh dni?
Are evil and injustice the only truths, for the stories of these days?
So najlepše pesmi že napisane,
Are the most beautiful songs already written,
So se vse ljubezni že enkrat dogajale,
Have all the loves already happened once,
So vse sladke sanje že obstajale,
Have all the sweet dreams already existed,
Kam usmerjena teh časov vzgoja bo srca?
Where will the education of these times lead the heart?
So najlepše pesmi že napisane,
Are the most beautiful songs already written,
Vse besede nežne plehke in obrabljene,
All the tender words trite and worn out,
So mladostne igre že pozabljene,
Are the youthful games already forgotten,
Se ustavlja čas za čar, ki se prebuja v nas?
Does time stop for the magic that awakens in us?
Je blizu stoletje, ko vigredi cvetje več vzklilo ne bo,
Is the century approaching when the blooming flower will not sprout,
Naj zvoki, besede, le stiske in zmede v balade nam stko.
Let sounds, words, only weave ballads of distress and confusion for us.
Je konec iskanja, bo teža spoznanja pregnala nemir,
Is the end of the search, will the weight of knowledge drive out all unrest,
Naj kislo deževje, skoz golo vejevje, skali vsak izvir?
Let acid rain, through the bare branches, obscure every spring?

Авторы: D.velkaverh

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