Haze - 7 Vírgenes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Haze - 7 Vírgenes

7 Vírgenes
7 Virgins
Ya estas en la calle, el barrio te xana,
You're back on the streets, the hood's buzzing,
Miras pa'atras
Looking back
Te imaginas el reformatorio en llamas,
Imagining the reformatory in flames,
¡a chuparla!
Screw them all!
SDS, litrona en mano y una moto reventa
SDS, beer in hand and a busted motorbike
Levantala, rixi, vamo a pegarno una kija
Get it up, Rixi, let's go smoke a joint
E o no, maridia? De campaneo x el barrio
Right, buddy? Cruising through the hood
Seguramente me eche de menos el comisario
The commissioner's probably missing me
Un semaforo, ventana abierta, bolso, tentacion
A traffic light, open window, purse, temptation
Que tan solo quedo en simple intencion
That only stayed a simple intention
Santacana se casa, se amarra hasta
Santacana's getting married, tied down until
El fin de sus dias
The end of his days
El sabra, valla pasada, tano, quien lo diría
He knows, crazy change, Tano, who would've thought
En el centro, como lo llevas, hermano?
Downtown, how's it going, brother?
Lo mejor, ir a tu bola y ser invisible
The best, doing your own thing, being invisible
Pa los malos
To the bad guys
Sigue la historia, un centro comercial,
The story continues, a shopping mall,
El rixi se pone a xirlar
Rixi starts yelling
Siempre esta igual, no va a cambiar
He's always the same, he won't change
Me van a enmarronar por culpa tuya!
They're gonna bust me because of you!
Por una mierda de cartera
For a crappy purse
No te enteras? No quiero na con patrullas
Don't you get it? I don't want anything to do with cops
De vuelta pa casa un vecino para al rixi
Back home, a neighbor stops Rixi
Con un radio
With a radio
El CD que me vendiste no funciona!
The CD you sold me doesn't work!
No las metío el pin, ese es el fallo
You didn't enter the PIN, that's the problem
Tas kedao con el, el saber de la calle
You've got it, the street smarts
Habita en el barrio
Live in the hood
A ti, te kea muxo por volar, y al merced
You, you have so much left to fly, and at the mercy
Del viento y poder soñar
Of the wind and the power to dream
Sueña y comparte la luna, que muere de
Dream and share the moon, which dies of
Pena en su soledad
Sorrow in its solitude
El brillo de sus ojos le delata, alaba
The sparkle in his eyes gives him away, he praises
Cada mirada que Patri le regala
Every look that Patri gives him
Cada palabra va usada entre sabanas,
Every word is used between sheets,
Cada sonrisa vehemente
Every smile is fervent
Con la magia especial de un amor adolescente
With the special magic of teenage love
Killa, nos vemos, me voy con esta gente
Killa, see you later, I'm going with these people
Y este a onde va??
And where is this one going??
Y to los hippies en la piscina stan liandola,
And all the hippies in the pool are going wild,
Esta noche a flipar
Tonight's gonna be crazy
El rana trae pirulas, ademas, MDMA
Rana's got pills, plus, MDMA
En la fiesta del cristal, la que vamos a liar
At the crystal party, the one we're gonna throw
Noche, fiesta, ciego, vaya vacilon llevamos,
Night, party, wasted, what a blast we're having,
E o no?
A ti, te kea muxo por volar, y al mecer del
You, you have so much left to fly, and at the sway of the
Viento y poder soñar
Wind and the power to dream
Sueña y comparte la luna, que muere de pena
Dream and share the moon, which dies of sorrow
En su soledad
In its solitude
A ti, te kea muxo x volar y al mecer
You, you have so much left to fly and at the sway
Del viento y poder soñar
Of the wind and the power to dream
Por k no seguir volando si entre las
Why not keep flying if among the
Estrellas ay en libertad??
Stars there is freedom??
Le han pegao un puro al canijo
They beat up the little guy
o ke? Kien a sio?
Yeah, or what? Who did it?
Los puretas de los bloques altos,
The old farts from the high rises,
Va a llegar la sangre al rio
There's gonna be blood
Montaos en el coche, se acabó, vamos tos pa'alla
Get in the car, it's over, let's all go there
Por mi santa madre los puretas se van a cagar
By my holy mother, the old farts are gonna crap themselves
Alli stan sentaos en los veladores,
There they are, sitting at the sidewalk cafes,
Vamos to los hippies armaos
Let's go, all the hippies, armed
Coged piedras, palos, e incluso pitones
Grab stones, sticks, even crowbars
La banda sonora la ponen cristales al caer
The soundtrack is provided by falling glass
Entre golpe nos piramos aki
Between blows, we're getting out of here
Ya no hay na q hacer
There's nothing left to do
A correr!
Vamos, compi, a la fuga,
Let's go, buddy, on the run,
Vamos tano apresura
Come on, Tano, hurry up
Antes de ke llegue el grupo que esos no dudan
Before the group arrives, those guys don't hesitate
Ahora tangate, tenemos enfrente una picasso
Now duck, we've got a Picasso in front of us
El agente intimida, acelera el paso
The officer intimidates, quickens his pace
Ahora que? Nos jugamos el pellejo?
Now what? We risking our necks?
7 virgenes custodian un espejo,
7 virgins guard a mirror,
Ante dos velas centinelas que
Before two sentinel candles that
Insinuan tu reflejo
Hint at your reflection

Авторы: Woulfrank Zannou Vadillo, Sergio Lopez Sanz

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