Haze - Chico Nike - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Haze - Chico Nike

Chico Nike
Chico Nike
Soy un chico nike aunque no viva en el barrio
I'm a Nike boy even though I don't live in the hood
Vive en mi corazon,mi apellido (escandalo)
It lives in my heart, my last name (scandal)
Aunque tenga dolares volare (los pajaros)
Even if I have dollars I will fly (the birds)
Soy como un papel voy are (tu prendelo)
I'm like a paper I'm going to (you light it up)
Un chico nike tiene su filosofia
A Nike boy has his philosophy
No a hecho na pero no se fia de la policia
He hasn't done anything but he doesn't trust the police
Chico nike tiene una idologia
Nike boy has an ideology
Mas billetes mas billetes (quiero mas billetes)
More bills more bills (I want more bills)
Con zapatillas de deporte,gorra,va elegante
With sneakers, cap, he goes elegant
En su carro retumban los graves dando el cante
In his car the bass rumbles showing off
El chico nike no para es buen estudiante
The Nike boy doesn't stop, he is a good student
Estudia la manera de gana billetes en grande
He studies the way to earn bills in a big way
To lo dia son finde para un chico nike
All day is weekend for a Nike boy
Jamas se rinde si hay un fiestail
He never gives up if there is a party
Pasea por la calle suave estilo yorksai
He walks down the street smooth yorksai style
Mi forma de vida,me gusta ser un chico nike
My way of life, I like being a Nike boy
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Estais mano en el aire ay
You are hand in the air there
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico naik, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Estais mano en el aire ay (Yo)
You are hand in the air there (Yo)
El chico nike si algo no le gusta (escupeee)
The Nike boy if he doesn't like something (spit)
Flipa con los coches deportivos (cupé)
He flips out with sports cars (coupe)
No morira sin pilotar un dodge viper
He will not die without driving a dodge viper
Sin cata un ferrari o volar con un corvet
Without tasting a Ferrari or flying with a Corvette
Chico nike sale de fiesta y solo bebe ron
Nike boy goes out partying and only drinks rum
Ponme tres hielos,legendario y copa de balon
Give me three ice cubes, legendary and balloon glass
Un salon a su son con,bailes de salon son son
A living room to his sound with, ballroom dances are son son
(Esta noche vasilon)
(Tonight is party time)
Chico nike prefiere playstation a hiphop
Nike boy prefers Playstation to hiphop
Con el manchester united,no hay quien le gane al pro
With Manchester united, no one can beat him to the pro
Anda suelto un loco en la ciudá,sin control
A madman is loose in the city, out of control
Vete a las calles de new york
Go to the streets of New York
No besa canario ni un pitbul ni un stanfordyork
He doesn't kiss a canary or a pit bull or a stanford york
Tengo mas raza siendo un perro callejero
I have more breed being a stray dog
Si hay que pelea se pelea sin armas de fuego
If you have to fight, you fight without firearms
Me enfrento al miedo,yo conozco el juego
I face fear, I know the game
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Estais mano en el aire ay
You are hand in the air there
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico naik, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Estais mano en el aire ay (Yo)
You are hand in the air there (Yo)
El chico nike ve los simpson ante de comer
Nike boy watches the Simpsons before eating
Quiere en el bar de mou beber junto a homer
He wants to drink in Moe's bar with Homer
Se sabe de memoria la pelicula de 50 cent
He knows the 50 cent movie by heart
No sabe porque pero no soporta a bober
He doesn't know why but he can't stand Bober
Una chica nike con botines es (sexy)
A Nike girl with ankle boots is (sexy)
Y con tacones a mi me pone to (crazy)
And with heels it makes me all (crazy)
Me mola cuando va de blanco o de zara
I like it when she wears white or Zara
Cuando mira a los ojos y dice las cosa clara
When she looks me in the eyes and says things clearly
A la chica nike no la maltrata un niñato
The Nike girl is not abused by a child
Ella me dice (lo cojo y lo mato)
She tells me (I'll take him and kill him)
Por la humillacion no firma ningun contrato
She doesn't sign any contract for humiliation
Ella le dice (te cojo y te mato)
She tells him (I'll take you and kill you)
Muchos chicos nike en todas las ciudades
Many Nike boys in all cities
No entiende ni de clases, ni de razas, ni edades
He doesn't understand classes, races, or ages
Son de corazon y se siente especiales
They are from the heart and they feel special
Soy un chico nike con orgullo esto se sale
I'm a Nike boy with pride this is going out
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Chico nike, chico nike (donde estais)
Nike boy, Nike boy (where are you)
Estais mano en el aire ay
You are hand in the air there
(Chica nike) jajaja
(Nike girl) hahaha
El niño con suerte podra salir del barrio
The lucky boy will be able to get out of the hood
Pero el barrio permanecera por siempre en el niño
But the neighborhood will remain forever in the child

Авторы: Big Hozone, Sergio Lopez

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