Hazzie feat. Ai from RSP(ALver.) - 指輪と合鍵。 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hazzie feat. Ai from RSP(ALver.) - 指輪と合鍵。

A Ring and a Key.
会いたいのに 会えない距離
I long to see you, but we are so far apart...
会いたいとき 会えないのに...
I long to see you when I cannot...
生まれてからこの方 この街で育ってきたうちにとって
Since I was born, I have grown up in this city,
他所の人と恋に落ちるなんて 正直予想もしやんかった
I honestly never expected to fall in love with someone from elsewhere.
人見知りの激しいうちやのに あんたは不思議なくらい自然に
I am shy and reserved, yet you came into my life so naturally,
くたびれた心の隙間埋めるように すぅーって入り込んできたんや
You filled the void in my weary heart, seeping in so softly.
出張先出向いた街で 恋に落ちるなんてどうかしてるよな?
How is it possible to fall in love in a city I visited for business?
It's like something out of a romance novel or a movie,
前の恋愛の傷引きずったまま 癒えずに臆病になってた
I carried the pain of my past relationship, and I was too afraid to heal.
「もう二度と恋なんて」そんな俺が また人好きになった
I told myself, "Never again will I fall in love," but then I met you.
こんなドキドキいつ以来やろ? こんな気持ちはいつ以来だろう?
When was the last time I felt this way? This feeling, when was the last time I felt it?
好きになってもええんかな? この想い信じてもいいかな?
Am I allowed to love you? Can I trust this feeling?
理屈じゃ抑えようのない感情 止めどなく込み上げて溢れ出しそう
Emotions that cannot be suppressed by reason threaten to overwhelm me.
二人の間に芽生えた 一つの愛の物語
A love story blooms between us.
Your city and my city,
Can we be together despite the distance?
On the day you left, we exchanged gifts,
指輪と合鍵 それが二人の愛の証
A ring and a key, symbols of our love.
まだ仕事かな? 疲れてるかな? 一人思いながら返信を待つ
Are you working late? Are you tired? I wait for your reply, lost in thought.
今なにしてるん? どこにいるん? なんて聞いたらあたし重くなる?
What are you doing now? Where are you? If I ask, would I seem needy?
なんでやろう? 素直になればあんたが離れていきそうな気がする
Why do I feel like if I am honest, you will leave?
記憶の中で探してる あんたの温もりとか感触
In my memories, I search for your warmth and touch.
ごめんな いつも仕事仕事ってそればかりでさ
I'm sorry, I'm always so busy with work.
楽しげに街を歩く恋人たち見て お前を想うよ
As I watch lovers strolling through the streets, I think of you.
本当はあんな風にしたいよな? 手つないで買い物とか色んなことさ
I wish we could be like them, holding hands, shopping, and doing everything together.
それなのにせめて 隣にいることすらもしてやれない距離が辛いよ
Yet, I cannot even be there for you, and the distance torments me.
月一のデートも割り勘なんて そんなカッコ悪い俺のこと
We even split the bill on our monthly dates, I'm so stingy.
お前はなんで愛してくれんだ? なんで信じてくれんだ?
Why do you love me? Why do you trust me?
そんなん急に言われても困るわ‥ うちな、あんな、えっとな...
I don't know how to respond to that... Well, um, let me see...
伝えたいねんけど 上手に言われへん せやけどめっちゃ好きやねん
I want to tell you, but I'm not good with words, but I love you so much.
Your city and my city,
We will make it work despite the distance.
Until we see each other again, this will be my charm,
指輪と合鍵 それが二人の愛の証
A ring and a key, symbols of our love.
あたしの好きを無理に押し付けて あんたの負担になりたくないから
I don't want to burden you with my love, so I endure as much as I can.
我慢できるとこまでは我慢したいんや あんたを困らせたくないから
I don't want to make you uncomfortable.
お前の痛みは俺の痛み 俺がお前を守り抜きたい
Your pain is my pain, and I want to protect you.
どんなお前も その全てをさらけ出して 必ず受け止めるから
I will accept all of you, even the parts you hide, so please don't worry.
会えない夜には 指輪をそっと撫でて あんたを想うよ
On the nights we are apart, I gently caress the ring.
会いたい夜には 合鍵握りしめて お前を想うよ
On the nights I miss you, I hold the key, thinking of you.
今すぐに会いたい 本当はもう限界で辛いけど
I want to see you now, but I am at my limit, and it's so hard,
今を乗り越えて 二人の未来を目指そう
But we can overcome this and create a future together.
"会いたい"この気持ちを 生きる力に変えていこう
Let's turn this longing into a source of strength.
お前と あんたと 出逢えたこの奇跡を信じて
Believing in the miracle of our meeting,
会いたいのに 会えない距離
I long to see you, but we are so far apart...
会いたいとき 会えなくても...
I long to see you when I cannot...

Авторы: Ai, ハジ→, ai

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