I became cautious, afraid to be hurt again. "I'll never fall in love again"—the person who said that fell in love again. I haven't felt this excited in ages.
When was the last time I felt this way?
Is it okay for me to fall in love?
Can I trust this feeling?
理屈じゃ抑えようのない感情 止めどなく込み上げて溢れ出しそう 二人の間に芽生えた 一つの愛の物語
A feeling that can't be controlled by reason. It wells up and threatens to overflow. A love story that blossomed between us.
あんたの街とあたしの街 離れてるけどようやっていけるんかな?
Your city and my city are far apart. Can we make this work?
あんたが帰る日に贈りあった 指輪と合鍵 それが二人の愛の証 まだ仕事かな?
On the day you left, we exchanged a ring and a key. They're symbols of our love. Are you done with work yet?
Are you tired?
一人思いながら返信を待つ 今なにしてるん?
I'm waiting for your reply while thinking of you. What are you doing now?
Where are you?
Would you find me clingy if I asked?
Why is it?
素直になればあんたが離れていきそうな気がする 記憶の中で探してる あんたの温もりとか感触 ごめんな
If I'm honest, I feel like you'll drift away. I search for your warmth and touch in my memories. I'm sorry.
Your city and my city are far apart, but I want to make this work. Until we meet again, our ring and key will be our talismans. They're symbols of our love.
I think of you. When I miss you, I'll clench the key. I think of you. I want to see you right now. I'm at my limit, but I'll get through this. I'll aim for our future
二人の未来を目指そう "会いたい"この気持ちを 生きる力に変えていこう お前と
together. I'll turn this "I want to see you" into my strength. With you,
あんたと 出逢えたこの奇跡を信じて 会いたいのに 会えない距離 会いたいとき 会えなくても・・・
I believe in this miracle of meeting you. I want to see you, but I can't. I want to see you when I want to, but I can't...
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