Hazzie feat. MAYA - Bokurano Ikiru Yuuki. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hazzie feat. MAYA - Bokurano Ikiru Yuuki.

Bokurano Ikiru Yuuki.
Our Courage to Live.
君がそばに いてくれていることが 僕の生きる勇気
Know that you being beside me is my courage to live.
君にとって僕も そんな存在で ありたい
I want to be an existence like that for you too.
誰も信じられなくなった そんな時も昔あった
There were times when I could not believe anyone.
周り全てが 敵に見えた 怖くて仕方がなかった
Everything around me seemed like an enemy, and I was scared.
裏切られることを 恐れたら そこに道は無くなった
If I was afraid of being betrayed, I would not have a path.
でもじゃあ どうすればいいんだ
But what could I do?
Where should I go?
自分の心と対話した 一人ぼっちで泣いていた
I talked to my heart, and I cried alone.
全てから離れて 生きてみた
I distanced myself from everything and lived.
そして思った 一人は嫌だ
And I thought, I don't want to be alone.
誰かそばに いてくれていることが 僕の生きる勇気
I need someone who can be by my side and give me the courage to live.
誰かにとって僕も そんな存在になりたい なれるかな?
I want to be that kind of person for someone. Can I be?
上京して挫折 自分の無力さを知った
I moved to Tokyo and failed. I realized my helplessness.
夢を諦めて 地元へと帰った
I gave up on my dreams and returned to my hometown.
こんな筈じゃなかったのに 夢の道は消えた
This was not supposed to happen, but my dream was gone.
人に会いたくない 私が そこにいた
I did not want to meet anyone. I was there.
傷を隠すたび失った 本当の自分との絆
Every time I hid my wounds, I lost my bond with my true self.
助けを呼ぶ声も 出せなくなった
I could no longer ask for help.
私は ひとり 一人
I was alone, all alone.
でもそんな時に 手を差し伸べてくれた 君が僕の勇気
But when I was like that, you reached out to me, and you are my courage.
誰かをもう一度 信じてみようって その手を握った
I held your hand because I wanted to trust someone again.
君に導かれてゆくにつれて 世界が変わっていった
As I was led by you, the world changed.
人って 過ちを繰り返して
People make mistakes repeatedly,
学んでその度 生まれ変わるんだ
they learn from them, and they are reborn each time.
変化は 突然急にじゃなくて
Change does not happen suddenly.
日々 少しずつ ちょっとずつ
It happens little by little, day by day.
So love your flawed self,
believe in your capable self,
and love your life.
これまで出逢えた全ての人や 全ての経験が
Everyone you have met and every experience you have had
君に何かを教えてくれた 人生の恩人なんだよ
has taught you something. They are your benefactors in life.
君がそばに いてくれていることが 僕の生きる勇気
Know that you being beside me is my courage to live.
君にとって僕も そんな存在でありたい 叶えるよ
I want to be that kind of person for you. I will make it happen.
誰かと共に 生きているということが 僕らの生きる勇気
The courage to live for us is being with someone.
だから手を取り合って 歩んでゆける人たちと 生きてゆこう
So let's join hands and walk with those who can walk with us.
人が好きだ 人が好きだ 僕ら 人が好きだ
We love people, we love people. We love people.
昨日は昨日 今日は今日だ 明日でもない 今を生きよう
Yesterday was yesterday, today is today. Let's not think about tomorrow and live today.
La, la, la
La, la, la
Our courage to live.

Hazzie feat. MAYA - Kataomoi.
дата релиза

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