Hebert Vargas - Pobre de Ti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hebert Vargas - Pobre de Ti

Pobre de Ti
You'll Be Sorry
Hoy que no estamos símplemente
Now that we're apart so simply
Para la dicha de tu gente
For the delight of your people
Hoy que no estamos símplemente
Now that we're apart so simply
Para la dicha de tu gente
For the delight of your people
Los que no te querian conmigo
Those who didn't want you with me
Ahora respiran con alivio
Now breathe in relief
Decian que eras linda y decente
They said you were beautiful and decent
Y merecias un pretendiente
And deserved a suitor
Que te diera mas que cariño
Who would give you more than affection
Y el amor no anda en un bolsillo
But love isn't found in one's pocket
Pobre de ti cuando amanescas
You'll be sorry when you wake up
Con aquel que paga tu belleza
With the one who pays for your beauty
Lamentaras sentir que no soy quien te besa
You'll regret not feeling my kisses
Pobre de ti que con tristeza no me sacarás de tu cabeza
You'll be sorry when you can't get me out of your head
Que entre mis noches juntó a ti si fueron
That between my nights with you they were
En cada beso que te di deje una huella
I left a mark with each kiss I gave you
Y aunque se que eres la mas bella
And although I know you're the most beautiful
Yo a ti te ame de otra manera
I loved you differently
Pobre de ti cuando amanezcas
You'll be sorry when you wake up
Con aquel que paga tu belleza
With the one who pays for your beauty
Lmentaras sentir que no soy quien te besa
You'll regret not feeling my kisses
Pobre de ti
You'll be sorry
Ahora que andamos separados
Now that we're apart
Cada uno anda por su lado
Each one goes their own way
Cuando an callado los te quiero
When the 'I love you's' have been silenced
Y aun sobreviven los recuerdos
And the memories still survive
Cada noche que nos amamos
Every night we made love
Era mas que placer humano
It was more than human pleasure
Es que mos dimos cuerpo a cuerpo
We gave ourselves to each other, body and soul.
Cosas que no compra el dinero
Things that money can't buy
Pobre de ti cuando amanezcas
You'll be sorry when you wake up
Con aquel que paga tu belleza
With the one who pays for your beauty
Lamentaras sentir que no soy quien te besa
You'll regret not feeling my kisses
Pobre de ti que con tristeza no me sacaras de tu cabeza
You'll be sorry when you can't get me out of your head
Y es que mis noches junto a ti si fueron bellas
And that my nights with you were beautiful
En cada beso que te di deje una huella
I left a mark with each kiss I gave you
Y aunque se que eres la mas bella
And although I know you're the most beautiful
Yo sii te ame de otra manera
I did love you differently
Pobre de ti cuando amanezcas
You'll be sorry when you wake up
Con aquel que paga tu belleza
With the one who pays for your beauty
Lmentaras sentir que no soy quien te besa
You'll regret not feeling my kisses
Pobre de ti
You'll be sorry
Te moriras de la tristeza
You'll die of sadness
Y es que mis noches junto a ti si fueron bellas
And that my nights with you were beautiful
Pobre de tii
You'll be sorry

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