Quien me llene de calma, quien comporte mi alma yo se que tú puedes ser
The one to fill me with peace, to appease my soul I know it could be you
Porque en tu mirada lo que tanto buscaba por fin lo encontré.
Because in your gaze I finally found what I had been searching for all this time.
Y tú puedes ser porque un día te soñe
And it could be you because one day I dreamt of you
Y ahora que te tengo no voy a soltarte
And now that I have you I'm not going to let go
Te juro que no lo haré, porque en esos ojitos lo que tanto buscaba por fin lo encontré.
I swear to you that I won't, because in your eyes I finally found what I had been searching for.
Helen Ochoa
Helen Ochoa
Ya no quiero ir de cama en cama, quiero compartir con alguien mis besos, mis caricias, mis mañanas y tú puedes ser
I don't want to go from bed to bed anymore, I want to share my kisses with someone, my caresses, my mornings and it could be you
Quien apague mi ser quien me llene de calma quien conforte mi alma yo se que tú puedes ser porque en tu mirada lo que tanto buscaba por fin lo encontré.
Who ignites my being, who fills me with peace, who appeases my soul I know it could be you because in your gaze I finally found what I had been searching for all this time.
Y tú puedes ser porque un día te soñe
And it could be you because one day I dreamt of you
Y ahora que te tengo no voy a soltarte
And now that I have you I'm not going to let go
Te juro que no lo haré, porque en esos ojitos lo que tanto buscaba por fin lo encontré.
I swear to you that I won't, because in your eyes I finally found what I had been searching for.
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