Helio Batalha - Ncrê Ser - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Helio Batalha - Ncrê Ser

Ncrê Ser
I Want to Be
Nkre ser kel raiu de luz ki ta desponta madrugada, kel pasu, pasu firme di vitoria na bu scada
I want to be that ray of light that dawns at dawn, that step, firm step of victory on your staircase
Nkre ser mas ki rima, mas ki flou mas ki nota mas ki bu amor, ki melodia mas ki viola
I want to be more than rhyme, more than flow, more than note, more than your love, more than melody, more than viola
Nkre ser mas ki mi, talves parcem assi
I want to be more than myself, maybe it seems that way
Um dia nta consigui, ser um Luther King
One day I will succeed, be a Luther King
Nkre ser esensia, mas ki aula di bu skola
I want to be essence, more than a lesson from your school
Nkre ser eternu na tempu dja txiga hora
I want to be eternal in time, the time has come
Entre neblinas de skinas, entre txeu vidas
Between mists of skins, between different lives
Na meio xasinas na mei de guerras, brigas, mi nkre ser paz
Amidst murders, in the midst of wars, fights, I want to be peace
Entre fadigas na meiu de linhas de cocaínas, ko duvida, nkre ser mas ki herói pan libertas
Among fatigues in the midst of lines of cocaine, with no doubt, I want to be more than a hero for freedom
Nkre ser mas puru, toma banhu na água benta
I want to be purer, take a bath in holy water
Nkre ser futuru, voz pa dura moda lenda
I want to be the future, a voice for hard, legendary fashion
Ncre ser pantera, trilha caminhus, Mandela, vielas, scadas, celas, nkre ser kel portom di bu favela
I want to be a panther, walk paths, Mandela, alleys, stairs, cells, I want to be that door of your favela
Nkre ser bombas lomotov na ses parlamentu
I want to be Molotov cocktails in their parliament
Nkre ser povu emancipadu longi sofrimentu
I want to be an emancipated people, far from suffering
Ser kel justisa, kel premisa ki ta guia tudu humanu
To be that justice, that premise that guides every human
Nkre ser mas lindu di bus sentimentu
I want to be more beautiful than your feeling
Felisidadi na rostu tudu kriansa (nkre ser)
Happiness on the face of every child (I want to be)
Fomi pa kaba, gosi e hora de bonansa (nkre ser)
Hunger to end, thirst and time of good fortune (I want to be)
Ser kel mendigu ki ka mesti di materia (nkre ser)
To be that beggar who doesn't need material things (I want to be)
Ser kel mas riku di virtud i li na terra (nkre ser)
To be the richest in virtue and lie on the earth (I want to be)
Nkre ser silensiu ki ta habita polu norti, ta invadi mentis sábios i ta tornas de kes mas forti
I want to be the silence that inhabits the north pole, invades wise minds and makes them stronger
Nkre ser mas loku na verdadi
I want to be crazier in truth
Si kes mas dodu é kes mas sábio, ntom nkre ba mora na trindadi
If the craziest is the wisest, then I want to live in the trinity
Nkre ser legitimu pan screbi nha propi storia
I want to be legitimate to write my own story
Inabalável mo fronteras de Etiópia
Unshakeable at the borders of Ethiopia
Nkre ser xintidu zona ponta ti Mongólia
I want to be felt at the tip of Mongolia
Entri surizu, xinti laguas di nhas tropas
Between sunrises, feel the waters of my troops
Nkre ser premisas ideologias de Cabral
I want to be the premises, the ideologies of Cabral
Nkre ser kel flor di revolution na kel novu amanhecer
I want to be that flower of revolution in that new dawn
Nkre ser speransa, impulsu puru natural
I want to be hope, pure natural impulse
Definitivamenti irmons apenas mi nkre ser
Definitely, brothers and sisters, I just want to be
Apenas mi nkre ser
I just want to be
Apenas mi nkre ser
I just want to be
Apenas mi nkre ser
I just want to be
Ncre ser kel txuba fresku, na teras sekus di Kabo Verdi
I want to be that cool rain, on the dry lands of Cape Verde
Pan alimenta kes ki te fomi i mata sedi
To feed those who are hungry and kill their thirst
Nkre ser realeza, nha tezoru e nha humildadi
I want to be royalty, my treasure is my humility
Nkre ser kel txabi, poi na grade tudu boka fedi
I want to be that key, because in the bars everyone has bad breath
Nkre ser soldadu, kontingensia Sankara
I want to be a soldier, Sankara's contingency
Nkre ser klemensia na ruas di Bagdad
I want to be clemency in the streets of Baghdad
Nkre ser pasensia na kurasom di bu mama i o ki pom ca ten i bo cu fomi laguas ta baza
I want to be patience in your mother's heart and what little I can have and you with hungry waters flowing
Nkre ser konsensia na situasons di sofrimentu, ser mas amigu sta na bu ladu mas ki toki de bentu
I want to be conscience in situations of suffering, to be more friend by your side than the sound of the wind
Nkre ser kel livru karregadu konhesimentu
I want to be that book loaded with knowledge
Pan inxinabu kuzas simplis xinti moda sentimentu
To teach simple things, feel fashion, feeling
Nkre ser sol forti na bus tardis di invernu
I want to be strong sun in your winter afternoons
Pan akeseu ku nha kalor, pou xinti nha sabor fraternu
So that with my warmth, you can feel my fraternal flavor
Nkre ser mas ser, pamo ninguen e ka perfeitu
I want to be more being, because no one is perfect
Moda Gandhi, nkre ser grande de nha jeitu
Like Gandhi, I want to be great in my own way
Sen interesi, nkre ser simenti pa germina
Without interest, I want to be a seed to germinate
I spadja polén de amor pa purifika tudu skina
And spread pollen of love to purify every corner
Sem kel konversa, relason ka podi dura
Without that conversation, the relationship cannot last
Nkre ser palavras de afeto, na nos noti di aventura
I want to be words of affection, in our nights of adventure
Nkre ser fortuna milionariu di amizadi
I want to be a millionaire fortune of friendship
Sem iludi ku quantidadi, pamo nkre ser kel qualidadi
Without being deceived by quantity, because I want to be that quality
Si bu kaminhu ka sa trankuilo, nkre ser seguransa
If your path is not calm, I want to be security
Pan dou nha mo, o ku sa tristi sen perseveransa
To give my hand to you, who are sad without perseverance
Nkre ser montanha karega plantas na nha kosta
I want to be a mountain carrying plants on my back
Mo guardion de natureza, guarda rios e floresta
As a guardian of nature, guarding rivers and forests
Nkre ser festa, ma tudu ku moderason
I want to be a party, but all with moderation
Pamo nos sexta dja poi munti jovem na kaxon
Because on Fridays they already put a lot of young people in boxes
Nkre ser kel povu na kalor de manifestason
I want to be that people in the heat of demonstration
Kontra injustisa kometidus na nomi de sifron
Against injustices committed in the name of money
Nkre ser kel fogu la na pe di Bábilon
I want to be that fire there at the foot of Babylon
Si morte ke soluson, ntom djam komesa nha meditason
If death is the solution, then let me start my meditation
Dezabafa, ko tem medo de nha opinion
Vent, who is afraid of my opinion
Nkre ser moderason nes mundo xeiu divergensia, confuson
I want to be moderation in this world full of divergence, confusion
Mi ke Batalha, nkre sta na frenti rebelion
I want Battle, I want to be in front of the rebellion
Ku nha garganta, labanta jovens ser mas um voz de nos nason
With my throat, raise young people to be one more voice of our nation
Ntom dan nha lansa
Then give me my spear
Po nkre ser mas ki sidadon, nkre ser exemplo de amor dedicason e emancipason abrasa
So I can be more than a citizen, I want to be an example of love, dedication and embrace emancipation
Nkre ser mas ki revoluson, na prasa irmon
I want to be more than a revolution, in the square, brother
Trilha kaminhus de bu corason
Walk the paths of your heart

Авторы: Helio Batalha

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