Hichkas - Mooye Parishoon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hichkas - Mooye Parishoon

Mooye Parishoon
My Dear Parish
ورس 1[ هیچکس ]:
Verse 1[ Hichkas ]:
از وقتی که چشُ باز ، کرد جلو پاش
From the moment I opened my eyes, there were always
سنگ ، بوده همیشه مه و راه ، تنگ ، میشده زیرِ پا لهُ آه.
Stones in my path, fog, and narrow roads that could crush my feet.
انگ ، میزننُ شاد نبود میزد گوشۀ اتاق
They would call me names, say I was not happy, and lock me in a room
چنگ ، به صورتش ببوسنش رنگ نمیده سیلیِ داده به لُپاش
They would scratch my face to kiss me, but their slaps left no mark on my cheek
رنگ ، یه روز اگه ، کسی بهش چیزی نگه تعجب میکنه
If someone ever speaks kindly to me, I am surprised
عادت داره بکوبنش ، سوار بشنُ بروننش
They are used to beating me, riding me, and throwing me out
آقاش میگفت که پول کمِ ، فکر کردی یه لول بسه
My master said I don't make enough money, do you think one roll is enough?
سطلِ زباله رو دیدی چه بوش بدِ ، توش چپوندنت
Have you seen the garbage can? It smells so bad, they threw me in it
گفتی خونه امِ باور نکن ، ترک کن غربت واسه اون یه عالمِ
You said I belong here, don't believe it, leave this foreign land for a world of your own
این شهرُ کلا دوست نداره ، آرزوشه غریبه رو پوست نذاره دست ، وجود نداره نه
He doesn't like this city at all, he wishes he could escape the skin of a stranger, but it's not possible, no
یه راه دیگه راه جلو روش فرارِ قصد
There is only one way to escape, his intention
داره یه شاهزده ببینه که هست سوارِ اسبُ ، نور فواره کرد
Is to see a prince on a horse, with a fountain of light
توی دل ، باد تو موی ول ، دستا باز وایستادِ روی پله ای که
In his heart, with the wind in his hair, his hands open, he stood on the stairs, where
میخوره بالا گل روی تِل ، چرا فقر وقتی جامونه پهلویِ گِل
The flower on the hill is blooming, why is poverty next to the clay?
کروس [ رویا عرب ]:
Chorus [ Ruya Arab ]:
World sending god need was not mind
The world sends gods, but my mind does not need them
Families want of ways memories always the fall
Families want their ways, memories always fall
Let them go who are pages of my life
Let them go, they are pages of my life
World the send just the toasted of fake landed near
The world sent only toasts of lies, near the ground
ورس 3[ داریوش ]:
Verse 3[ Darius ]:
خیابون یه پدرِ بد جنسِ ، تو هم دخترِ خیابونی
The street is a bad father, and you are a street girl
ولی بازم نمیرسه رحمش بهت // واسش ، مرده و نفرتِ حرسش
But he still doesn't have mercy on you // For him, you are dead and hateful
غول پیکرِ زشتِ ، قد بلندِ تموم نمیشه هر چی میکنیم مترش
A giant ugly monster, tall, never-ending, no matter how much we measure him
رو مخی واسه تو نگاه فقلِ یه بیماریِ جنسیِ از پشتِ بنزش ، تاریکیُ حفظِ
Annoying to you, looking like a pervert from behind his Mercedes, preserving the darkness
اسفندُ اَ همۀ ماها بهتر تو بلدی // طرفی برو که کرده عوضی
You know better than all of us how to spend your month // Go to the one who has changed you
خلاصه به هر سازی که میزنه نرقصی // اما تو عاشقِ رقصی ، اینو کسی نفهمید
In short, you don't dance to every tune he plays // But you love to dance, no one understood this
دایره بازا تو این اتوبان میدونن عبور نمیکنه // موهاتو بادِ ماشینا شونه میکنه
Open circles on this highway know that you won't cross // The wind from the cars combs your hair
این شونه ها روتِ میخوره // تیرِ تهمت به دشمنت سنتِ
These shoulders are yours // Arrows of accusation to your enemy are a tradition
اما تو فقط (!) ، هر نگاهی از هر حق طلب داری
But you only (!) , every look from every righteous person you have
اما تو داری زرۀ حق همش ، اَ رو تنت تهم ، بالای این همه مشکل سمر داری
But you wear the armor of right all the time, from your body, slander, you have patience above all these problems
(!) پیشِ تنم باشه ، خدا یه چی میده یه چی میگیره
(!) With my body, God gives something and takes something
فکر نکن مثه آدمای دورت تبهکارم
Don't think I'm a criminal like the people around you

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