High 5 - Ko$er - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни High 5 - Ko$er

Ovdje nema svinja
Here are no pigs
U mraku žarko tinja
In the dark brightly shines
U zraku oblak dima
In the air a cloud of smoke
Sve je košer svima
Everything is kosher
I sve je košer
And everything is kosher
Oke je biti klošar
It's ok to be a bum
Život malo košta
Life costs a little
Paketi kao pošta
Packages like mail
Košer košer
Kosher kosher
Cvijet svježe košen
Fresh cut flower
Swag nikad nošen
Never worn swag
Benz nikad vožen
Mercedes never driven
Nema murije
There are no walls
Zamotaj i kuri je
Wrap it and smoke it
Oči ko kurije
Eyes like hares
Rija se duri
The rages endures
Jer brijem u hortikulturi
Because I'm cutting in horticulture
I zakon me ganja
And the law's chasing me
Jer mi se dopada ganja
Because I like gauja
I toči se rađa
And it's being born
(Po po po po po po pooow)
(Po po po po po po pooow)
Svaka kuna mi kune porađa
Every kuna bears me a birth
Lipa mi lipe donosi
Linden brings me linden
Imamo repa pa ne moram prosit
We have rap so I don't have to beg
Ako je loše otiđi i prospi
If it's bad go and sleep it off
Centar je košer ne dolaze gosti
The center is kosher the guests are not coming
Nikad nisam imo dosje
I've never had a record
Više košer neg Mojsije
More kosher than Moses
Na oprezu svi su
Everyone's on guard
Više košer neg Isus
More kosher than Jesus
Visokih pet, sranje navini
High five wrap up the shit
Visokih pet, za sranja ne brini
High five don't worry about shit
U kvartu smo košer ko da smo rabini
In the block we are kosher like we are rabbis
Rješimo slije ko da smo Panini
We solve plots like we are Panini
Radimo sranja kaj klošari rade
We do what bums do
Više smo košer neg Moše Pijade
We're more kosher than Moses Pijade
Drolje su s nama, drolje se gaze
Clowns are with us clowns are stepping on
Sranje je gore od Pojasa Gaze
Shit is worse than Pojas Gaze
Zovu da pitaju kolko košta
They call to ask how much something costs
Al više sam košer neg Slavko Goldstein
But I'm kosher than Slavko Goldstein
Zovu ak treba nekom isfurat
They call if someone needs to be rolled
Al više sam košer od Yom-Kipura
But I'm more kosher than Yom Kippur
Pere me prašak, zovu me Ariel
Powder washes me they call me Ariel
Tolko sam košer da zovu me Ariel Sharon
I'm so kosher they call me Ariel Sharon
Svi mi znaju žargon
Everybody knows my jargon
Kad me vidiš vani samo reci shalom.
When you see me outside just say shalom.
Tristrica tvrdo sranje
Three Chain hard shit
Plus braća žulepane
Plus yellowed brothers
Gdje svinja njuška granje
Where pigs' noses branches
To znači svinja manje
That means less pigs
Mafija šuker
Mafia thank you
Svinje na kuke
Pigs on the hook
Lay low bez buke
Lay low without noise
Živim duke nukem
I live duke nukem
Vidim dalekozor
I see a spotting scope
Znam da prati poso
I know it's following the business
Gledam vas kroz prozor
I watch you through the window
Klauni jozo bozo
Clowns jozo bozo
Krme daj odjebi
Food give me nuts
Prve pare idu meni
The first cents came to me
Ko to misli krasti meni
Who thinks they steal from me
Svinjo ostatke žderi
Pig eats the leftovers
U ladici šanžeri
In the drawer changers
U čaši bladi meri,
In the glass pale merris
Zvučnicima mae geri
In the speakers mae geri
Pau pau pau pucam po smjeni
Pow pow pow I shoot in shifts
Pušim kod džamije
I smoke near the mosque
Džamija hram mi je
The mosque is my temple
Đale mi pazi banda
Đale watches by my gang
Druker u jami je
The drucker is in the pit
Kvart mi košer dobar je kismeth
The block is kosher good kismet
Sudbina kaže parica bit će
Fate says there will be a pair
Davno s igrom gazili čaše
Long ago they trampled glasses with the game
Centar geto ima yad vashem
The center ghetto has a Yad Vashem
Centar je košer poput tel aviva
The center is kosher like Tel Aviv
Na svakom uglu naša je carina
On every corner is our customs
Fls, ilica đamija
Fls Ilica mosque
Ispred woka kaj drži ga matija
In front of the wok that Matija is holding
33 banda, 33 bratija
33 gang 33 brothers
33 centar košer mafija
33 central kosher mafia
Košer sativa, šutim satima
Kosher sativa I'm silent for hours
Ne mičem prstom jer šabat mi danima
I don't move a finger because I have the sabbath for days
Hiljadu naziva nisu mi bitni
A thousand names are not important to me
Hiljadu poslova svi su mi hitni
A thousand jobs are all urgent to me
Pare u čarapi veze u fini
Money in socks ties in fine
Poslovi košer snovi su mirni
Kosher business dreams are peaceful
Lik je cist mr proper
Look is clean Mr. Clean
Hladni zina dennis hopper
Cool blonde Dennis Hopper
Rjesavam svima samo dodji na floters
I solve everything you just come to the floater
Moze bilo kaj al nemoj vadit popers
It can be anything but don't show the peppers
Na kvartu nea murije al uvijek oprez
There are no walls on the block but always be careful
Ako ih vidis jebiga morat ces pobijec
If you see them you have to run
Kosher mi koka kosher mi molly
Kosher my coke kosher my molly
Mixam taj lean pa alkohol prolim
I mix that lean mix that alcohol
Cisti racuni cisti bomboni
Clear bills clean candies
Tolko smo kosher tristri masoni
We are so kosher three-stri masons
Imamo trap house u sinagogi
We have a trap house in the synagogue
Vazemo pare svi su na drogi
We take money and everybody's on drugs
Dodju mi kuje iz kambodje
Bitches from Cambodia come to me
Kosher su kuje od kud da dodju
The bitches are kosher from where they come
Dam pare muriji da nikad ne dodju
I will give money to the police so that they don't come
Imat cu jos vise jer mogu i hocu
I will have more because I can and I will

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