Hijos De Barrón - Te Quedaste En Bancarrota Corazón - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hijos De Barrón - Te Quedaste En Bancarrota Corazón

Te Quedaste En Bancarrota Corazón
You Ended Up Bankrupt, My Love
Terminaste en bancarrota corazón
You ended up bankrupt, my love
No supiste administrar tan fiel cariño
You didn't know how to manage such a faithful love
Tu que fuiste millonario en el amor
You who were a millionaire in love
Hoy de rico has pasado a hacer mendigo
Today, from being rich, you have become a beggar
Tu creíste que el amor no se acababa
You believed that love would never end
Malgastaste su cariño peor que un loco
You wasted her love worse than a madman
Ya lo vez como el amor también se acaba
Now you see, love also ends
Ya lo vez de todo aquello ya no hay nada
Now you see, there is nothing left of all that
Hoy tu cuenta de cariño esta sin fondo
Today, your love account is empty
Apostabas aun sabiendo que perdías
You bet even though you knew you were losing
Y en la bolsa del amor fuiste ala baja
And in the stock market of love, you went down
Tu sabias que tu riqueza se acababa
You knew that your wealth was running out
Y aun por eso dejaste de malgastarla
And yet you kept squandering it
Ahora lloras al mirarte limosnero
Now, you cry when you see yourself a pauper
Tu riqueza de cariño esta sin fondos
Your wealth of love is gone
De la cima donde andabas te has caído
You have fallen from the heights where you once stood
Fuiste a dar en el abismo en lo mas hondo
You went to the abyss, to the deepest depths
Apostabas aun sabiendo que perdías
You bet even though you knew you were losing
Y en la bolsa del amor fuiste ala baja
And in the stock market of love, you went down
Tu sabias que tu riqueza se acababa
You knew that your wealth was running out
Y aun por eso dejaste de malgastarla
And yet you kept squandering it
Ahora lloras al mirarte limosnero
Now, you cry when you see yourself a pauper
Tu riqueza de cariño esta sin fondos
Your wealth of love is gone
De la cima donde andabas te has caído
You have fallen from the heights where you once stood
Fuiste a dar en el abismo en lo mas hondo
You went to the abyss, to the deepest depths

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