Hilcrhyme - Child Play - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hilcrhyme - Child Play

Child Play
Child's Play
Just like always...
※CHILD PLAYこの遊びは終わらない永遠に
*CHILD'S PLAY this game never ends, eternally
失敗じゃない よりも恐れていたのは後悔
Rather than failure, I feared regret more
Let's CHILD PLAYこの遊びは終わらない永遠に
Let's CHILD'S PLAY this game never ends, eternally
こっち来れるならば さぁ この指止まれ※
If you can come here, darling, come join me*
TOC Kicks da right now
TOC Kicks da right now
書き溜めた幾千の文字を 読み返しては巡る時よ
I reread the thousands of words I've written, as time goes round and round
微笑みながらめくるページ 客ゼロでも重ねてくステージ
Turning the pages with a smile, even with zero audience members, I continue to perform
本気にコレにはまってく いつからか皆が待ってる
I'm getting seriously hooked on this, and before I knew it, everyone's waiting
そんじゃ行こうか KATSU今日も遊ぼうか
Alright, let's go KATSU, shall we play today too?
Let's Enjoy CHILD PLAY da No Doubt.
Let's Enjoy CHILD'S PLAY da No Doubt.
語呂合わせに音重ね 上手く混ぜ合わせ横並べる
Puns and overlapping sounds, skillfully mixed and arranged side by side
求める賛同 People alright? (Year!)良い反応だまるで児童会
Seeking agreement, People alright? (Year!) Good reaction, just like a student council
1から10に 100が1, 000に増えてく輪っか いつの間にか集まった
From 1 to 10, 100 to 1,000, the circle grows, before we knew it, we gathered
This is a thank you sent to everyone, from a far off street corner
"Thank you"
音遊びに言葉遊び 俺たちはれっきとした大人なのに
Playing with sounds, playing with words, we're proper adults, yet
夢中で奏でたドレミファ 俺には無いと信じたこれしか
Passionately playing do-re-mi-fa, this is all I have, what I believed I didn't
子供の頃の心そのまま 大人が入れるチャチャ 横から
My childhood heart just as it was, a cha-cha that adults can join, from the side
潰えていたかもしれない 描いた俺たちだけの世界
A world that might have been crushed, the world that we alone drew
夢を見ることの何が悪いの? ほら未来は意外と明るいぞ
What's wrong with dreaming? Look, the future is surprisingly bright, you see?
君はダイヤ? ルビー? もしくはサファイア 原石磨きゃ ほら輝いた
Are you a diamond? A ruby? Or perhaps a sapphire? Polish the rough stone, look, it shines
一人一人キラキラの宝石 大事に抱えた両手に
Each and every one a sparkling jewel, held preciously in both hands
選ぶ道は数千のロード 握り締めたこのペンとノート
Thousands of roads to choose from, this pen and notebook clutched tight
The common sense of a world someone else made
Be true to the life you live
Don't apply that kind of formula
Things don't always go as planned
はぁもう嫌だよ 投げ出すのさまた
Ah, I'm sick of this, I'll give up again
Temptations, invitations, numerous offers
My work isn't finished yet
あーあ 今夜も寝ないでやらなきゃさ
Oh well, I guess I'll have to stay up all night again tonight
This is da my work. This is da my job. and this is da my play
This is da my work. This is da my job. and this is da my play
タフなビートが俺の相手 頭回転 赤ペンで自己採点
A tough beat is my opponent, my head spins, self-grading with a red pen
説き伏せる自分と周り したぜ随分と遠回り
Persuading myself and those around me, I sure took the long way around
平穏な暮らし叶わずとも それでもソレを貫きたいのならば
Even if a peaceful life isn't possible, if you still want to follow through with it
CHILD PLAY I'm play now. GO!
CHILD PLAY I'm play now. GO!

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