HildanLogic - bintangpop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни HildanLogic - bintangpop

Cha cha cha cha
Cha cha cha
Hidupku tak seperti yang kalian lihat di layar
My life's not like you see it on the screen
Bagiku musik hanyalah sebuah pelampiasan
To me music is just an escape
Aku tak suka jadi perhatian
I don't like being the center of attention
Dan mungkin perlahan
And maybe slowly
Itu membunuhku
It's killing me
Namun mungkin itulah jalanku
But maybe that's my path
Namun mungkin itulah bintang pop
Maybe that's what a pop star is
Ku merasa semua orang tak suka
I feel like everyone doesn't like me
Walau tau itu perasaan saja
Even though I know it's just a feeling
Terkadang diriku merasa
Sometimes I feel
Diriku tak pantas
I don't deserve this
Tempatku bukan di sini
I don't belong here
Karena ku tak pantas
Because I don't deserve it
Semua terjadi akan tetap ku jalani
Everything that happens, I will still go through it
Walau depresi terkadang suruhku berhenti
Even though depression sometimes tells me to quit
Tak ada jalan kembali
There's no turning back
Selain ku berhasil
I have to succeed
Hidupku tak seperti yang kalian lihat di layar
My life's not like you see it on the screen
Bagiku musik hanyalah sebuah pelampiasan
To me music is just an escape
Aku tak suka jadi perhatian
I don't like being the center of attention
Dan mungkin perlahan
And maybe slowly
Itu membunuhku
It's killing me
Namun mungkin itulah jalanku
But maybe that's my path
Namun mungkin itulah bintang pop
Maybe that's what a pop star is
Ku pernah merasa ada di puncak bahagia
I once felt like I was on top of the world
Saat ku merasa semua orang suka, semua orang cinta
When I felt like everyone loved me, everyone adored me
Namun kini sadar semua hanya sementara
But now I realize it was all temporary
Bagiku inilah luka
To me this is a wound
Inilah luka
This is a wound

Авторы: Hildan Ramdani

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