Hocus Pocus feat. Fred Wesley & Stro the 89th Key - Recyclé - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hocus Pocus feat. Fred Wesley & Stro the 89th Key - Recyclé

L'évolution, finalement on l'a différée
Evolution, in the end, we've put it off
Car le serpent s'est mordu la queue et l'a digéré
Because the snake bit its tail and digested it
Le texte qui suit n'est pas plus
The following text is nothing more
Qu'un constat des abus de déjà vu
Than an observation of the abuses of déjà vu
Recyclé comme la page que j'gratte, les phrases que j'rappe
Recycled like the page I scratch, the phrases I rap
Et les occasions de me taire que j'rate
And the chances to be quiet that I miss
Ton look à la mode d'il y a 20 ans
Your outfit is from 20 years ago
70's, 80's recyclées à chaque printemps
70's, 80's recycled every spring
Recyclé comme tes déchets nucléaires
Recycled like your nuclear waste
Mais seulement dans un millier d'millénaires
But only in a thousand millennia
Ton histoire dont on n'tire aucune
Your story from which we learn nothing
Leçon et tes leçons d'histoire pleines de lacunes
And your history lessons full of gaps
Recyclé comme ces papiers que tu n'as pas
Recycled like this paper that you don't have
Tu as 7 ans, dont 6 en France mais tu n'es pas chez toi
You are 7 years old, 6 of them in France, but you are not at home
Car ici hospitalité, humanité, fraternité
Because here hospitality, humanity, fraternity
Rime avec...
Rhymes with...
Recyclé! (?), gimmie some (?)
Recycled! (?), gimmie some (?)
Recyclé! (?) still ugly in 2004
Recycled! (?) still ugly in 2004
Recyclé! (?)
Recycled! (?)
Recyclé! It's time for the new things, new (?), gimmie some
Recycled! It's time for the new things, new (?), gimmie some
Recyclé comme ce morceau oublié, gravé sur face B
Recycled like this forgotten song, engraved on the B-side
Samplé, devient tube de l'été
Sampled, becomes the summer hit
Trop souvent fabriqué, formaté
Too often manufactured, formatted
Recyclé comme les déchets de la télé-poubelle
Recycled like the trash from the trash TV
La célébrité et ceux prêts à tuer pour elle
Celebrity and those willing to kill for it
Ton déjeuner devant le journal de Pernaut
Your lunch in front of the Pernaut newspaper
Tes collègues de Bordeaux, ta collec' de porno
Your colleagues from Bordeaux, your porn collection
La machine à recycler ne manque pas d'appétit
The recycling machine doesn't lack appetite
Et s'occupe des grandes ordures comme les plus petites
And takes care of big and small garbage
Celles aux bras longs est rarement inquiétée
Those with long arms are rarely worried
Car ici immunité rime avec...
Because here immunity rhymes with...
Recyclé! I've seen this video (?)
Recycled! I've seen this video (?)
Recyclé! (?) talk about (?)
Recycled! (?) talk about (?)
Recyclé! I know what I'm talkin' about (?)
Recycled! I know what I'm talkin' about (?)
Recyclé! (?), come on!
Recycled! (?), come on!
Recyclé comme ton jean usé à l'état neuf
Recycled like your worn-out jeans
La série de 20h20 que regarde ta meuf
The 8:20 pm series that your girlfriend watches
Ce mannequin reconverti en actrice
This model turned actress
Reconvertie en chanteuse, reconvertie en junkie
Turned singer, turned junkie
Recyclé comme tes clips de Gangsta Rap
Recycled like your Gangsta Rap videos
Et Johnny en guest star à la Star Ac'
And Johnny as a guest star at the Star Ac'
Ta nouvelle chanson française qui roule les "R"
Your new French song that rolls the "R's"
Ton piano à bretelles, ta baguette et ton camembert
Your accordion, your baguette, and your Camembert
Recyclé comme ce qui reste des tours jumelles
Recycled like what's left of the Twin Towers
Les boîtes noires et l'enquête sur ces jours funestes
The black boxes and the investigation into those fateful days
Ces images qu'on croirait truquées
These images that seem doctored
Car ici réalité rime avec...
Because here reality rhymes with...
Recyclé! (?) same thing over and over and over
Recycled! (?) same thing over and over and over
Recyclé! (?)
Recycled! (?)
Recyclé! (?)same old thing, same rappers, same singers
Recycled! (?)same old thing, same rappers, same singers
Recyclé! (?) change (?)
Recycled! (?) change (?)
Recyclé! You got a lot to say but say it in a different way
Recycled! You got a lot to say but say it in a different way
You did it like this, you did it like that
You did it like this, you did it like that
You keep the same old beat, you keep the same old groove
You keep the same old beat, you keep the same old groove
You got to make it new if you want to make me move
You got to make it new if you want to make me move

Авторы: Sylvain Richard

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