Holograf - Acasă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Holograf - Acasă

Ar fi trebuit, poate, sa avem noroc
Perhaps, we should have been lucky
Ar fi trebuit, poate, sa nu fim deloc
Perhaps, we should not have been at all
Daca am fi dat, poate, timpul inapoi
If we could have turned the clock back, perhaps
Ar fi trebuit
It should have been
Anii au trecut, poate
Years have passed, perhaps
Dar n-am putut uita
But I haven't forgotten
Zilele au trecut toate
Every day passed
Si stiu ce imi lipsea
And I know what I was missing
Cine ma putea, oare
Who could tell me, I wonder
Sa spune un lucru greu
Something difficult
Ce-as fi vrut eu?
What would I have liked?
Vrei, nu-i asa de greu
You want it, it's not so hard
Da, vreau sa cresc si eu
Yes, I want to grow up, too
Da, vreau acasa, un culcus si-un loc la masa ta
Yes, I want a home, a bed and a place at your table
Cine-a suferit, oare, si cand a fost uitat
Who has suffered, I wonder, and when has been forgotten
Cine a strigat 'Mama' si cand a fost speriat
Who has cried 'Mother' and when has been scared
Cred ca-i cineva, noaptea, intr-un pat strain
I think it's someone, in a strange bed
Si?? destin
And fate
Vreau si eu casutza mea
I want my own little house
Hai la mine!
Come to me!
Ca sa cresc frumos in ea
So I can grow up beautifully in it
Hai la mine!
Come to me!

Авторы: Cristinel Manuel Faur

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