Honey feat. Cabron, Dizzy & Sisu - Zile nebune - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Honey feat. Cabron, Dizzy & Sisu - Zile nebune

Zile nebune
Crazy Days
Wow Yeah ho′
Wow Yeah ho′
Honey... Dizzy... Cabron si... Sisu... suntem prea mici pentru lumea asta... e o lume nebuna e o
Honey... Dizzy... Cabron and... Sisu... we are too small for this world... it's a crazy world it's a
Lume nebuna e o lume nebuna e o lume nebuna...
Crazy world it's a crazy world it's a crazy world...
Hey tu spune'mi mie ce gandesti (numai stii pe strada de cine sa te feresti) unu iti vrea binele
Hey you tell me what you think (you don't know who to watch out for on the street) one wants you well
Altu′ iti intoare spatele mergi inainte (nu inceta) crede'ma'i mai (bine′asa) nimeni nu te vrea
Another turns his back on you go ahead (don't stop) believe me it's better (this way) nobody wants you
Toti amici tai vor ceva de pe urma ta vor sa ia ce′i mai bun nu te panica si da'le un pumn ai putea
All your friends want something from you they want to take the best don't panic and give them a punch you could
Sa′nveti de la mine ceva dintre toatele persoanele cea C***A 'i LUMEA nu sunt baiat de bani
Learn something from me of all the people the B**** is the WORLD I'm not a money boy
Gata cu masina in curte cumparata de tata nici nu sparg 200 de $ in club prefer sa′mi o geaca'
Done with the car in the yard bought by dad I don't even break 200 $ in the club I prefer to get myself a jacket
O gheata′ sau' un blug' nu te grabii sa ma cataloghezi dak nu stii ce se petrece in fiecare zii sa
A shoe or some jeans don't rush to label me if you don't know what's going on every day to
Ma etichetezi doar atunci knd vei stii!!! Sunt un om bun cu intenti bune care traieste viata peste
Label me only when you know!!! I'm a good person with good intentions who lives life over
Zilele astea nebune hartuita ca oricare stiu ce′am fost ce′mi poate pielea care'ncearca acuma
These crazy days harassed like anyone I know what I was what my skin can do now trying
Sa evite orice belea care traieste viata incercand sa ia ce e mai bun din ea sa tina capu′ sus si
To avoid any trouble who lives life trying to take the best of it to keep your head up and
Sa pastreze dreapta calea lumea'i nebuna si vrea lucruri socante la televizor stirile sunt pline de
To keep the right path the world is crazy and wants shocking things on TV the news is full of
Moarte in toata lumea mii de oameni nu au libertate cei care o au nu apreciaza lucrurile date
Death all over the world thousands of people don't have freedom those who have it don't appreciate the things given
Si′ntr'o clipa poti pierde tot ce e al tau treci intr′o clipa de la bine la rau traiesc zile nebune
And in a moment you can lose everything that's yours you go from good to bad in a moment I live crazy days
Nebune pentru mine traiesc zile nebune nebune pentru tine si vreau ca intr'o clipa stresul sa
Crazy for me I live crazy days crazy for you and I want the stress to
Dispara pentru ca dupa o noapte soarele iar o sa' rasara′...
Disappear for a moment because after a night the sun will rise again...
Refren: Honey & Cabron:
Chorus: Honey & Cabron:
Sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea (zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi la fel
These are crazy days crazy in my life (crazy days crazy in your life) we are both the same
Viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o dau ca prima oara) sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea
Life flies (if I did it again I would give it like the first time) these are crazy days crazy in my life
(Zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi la fel viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o
(Crazy days crazy in your life) we are both the same life flies (if I did it again I
Dau ca prima oara)...
Would give it like the first time)...
In zile nebune ma trezesc in fiecare zi asta e tu nu vrei dar n′ai cum sa stii (ha') ca astazi se
I wake up in crazy days every day this is you don't want to but you can't know (ha') that today
Repeta tot nu ai nik dar spui mereu ca pot si te gandesti ca ai o viata si numai una o viata′n care
Everything repeats itself you have nothing but you always say you can and you think you have a life and only one a life in which
Acuma pe cine'ntrebi conteaza suma si intelegi atunci ca trebuie sa produci nu iti permiti sa fie
Now whoever you ask the amount matters and then you understand that you have to produce you can't afford to be
DOAR PENTRU BANI DOAR CA TU TE PUI SA II IEI... (cam asa)... insitincu′ ma facut
JUST FOR MONEY ONLY YOU PUT YOURSELF TO TAKE IT... (something like that)... instinct made me
Intotdeauna sa sper chiar dak nu′i asa de bine'n cartier paranoia de zi cu zi ma deranjeaza dar
Always hope even if it's not so good in the neighborhood everyday paranoia bothers me but
Cateva frunze de scanc ma aranjeaza sunt clipe in care fac tot ce e bine sunt clipe′n care n'am
A few leaves of skunk fix me there are moments when I do everything right there are moments when I don't
Incredere in mine... un frate de′al meu mi'a spus sa nu ma complic mai bine mai trag un fum si ma
Trust in myself... a brother of mine told me not to complicate myself better take another puff and I
Ridic. e genial ce se′n'tampla cu mine knd fumez instinctiv pun mana pe clapa si creez chiar
I rise. it's brilliant what happens to me when I smoke instinctively I put my hand on the clap and I create even
Dak'n juru′ meu lumea tipa ca e rau un zambet de copil ma face sa uit de greu inevitabila e viata
If around me the world shouts that it's bad a child's smile makes me forget the hard inevitable is the life
Pe care o duc si cateodata numai stiu pe ce drum sa apuc doar atunci stop ma opresc si mai trag
That I lead and sometimes I just don't know which way to go only then stop I stop and take another
Un fum sa ma′n'veselesc...
A puff to cheer me up...
Refren: Honey & Cabron:
Chorus: Honey & Cabron:
Sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea (zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi la fel
These are crazy days crazy in my life (crazy days crazy in your life) we are both the same
Viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o dau ca prima oara) sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea
Life flies (if I did it again I would give it like the first time) these are crazy days crazy in my life
(Zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi la fel viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o
(Crazy days crazy in your life) we are both the same life flies (if I did it again I
Dau ca prima oara)...
Would give it like the first time)...
Cabron: Sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea (zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi
Cabron: These are crazy days crazy in my life (crazy days crazy in your life) we are both
La fel viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o dau ca prima oara) sunt zile nebune nebune in
The same life flies (if I did it again I would give it like the first time) these are crazy days crazy in
Viata mea (zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem amandoi la fel viata zboara (dak as' face′o
My life (crazy days crazy in your life) we are both the same life flies (if I did it again
Din nou o dau ca prima oara)...
I would give it like the first time)...
Honey & Cabron: Sunt zile nebune nebune in viata mea (zile nebune nebune in viata ta) suntem
Honey & Cabron: These are crazy days crazy in my life (crazy days crazy in your life) we are
Amandoi la fel viata zboara (dak as′ face'o din nou o dau ca prïma oara)...
Both the same life flies (if I did it again I would give it like the first time)...

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