Mi canto, mi canto se hace grito porque el canto me ha quedado pequeño en la garganta
My song, my song becomes a shout because the song has become too small in my throat
Yo traigo el grito de aquel que no ha podido gritar que lo que gana no le alcanza
I bring the cry of the one who has not been able to shout, that what he earns is not enough
Yo no temo gritar porque este grito me viene arando el corazón y el aire, es el mismo grito que en el Chaco gritó mi abuelo y no lo escuchó nadie
I am not afraid to shout because this shout comes plowing through my heart and the air, it is the same shout that my grandfather shouted in the Chaco and nobody heard him
Ellos quieren que calle, quieren que calle porque mi silencio les ayuda a golpear al indefenso, le tienen miedo al puñal de mi guitarra y las voces que escucho de los vientos.
They want me to shut up, they want me to shut up because my silence helps them to beat the defenseless, they are afraid of the dagger of my guitar and the voices I hear from the winds.
Quieren que calle, quieren que tan sólo mi canto hable de amor o de paisajes, a mi me duele el dolor de tanta gente que le han talado con hambre su coraje
They want me to shut up, they want my song to only speak of love or landscapes, I feel the pain of so many people who have had their courage cut down by hunger
Amo el amor, amo el amor de las muchachas dulces, amo el romance del sauce con el río, pero amo al hombre de la espalda ropa y a su hambre y su dolor los hago míos
I love love, I love the love of sweet girls, I love the romance of the willow with the river, but I love the man with the ragged back and I make his hunger and his pain mine
Vengo a gritar, vengo a gritar aquello que otros callan, de amor y besos abundan los cantores, yo traigo el grito herido de mi pueblo, no es culpa mía si no traigo flores.
I come to shout, I come to shout what others silence, of love and kisses there are plenty of singers, I bring the wounded cry of my people, it is not my fault if I do not bring flowers.
Estamos prisioneros carcelero
We are prisoners, jailer
Estamos prisioneros carcelero
We are prisoners, jailer
Yo de estos torpes barrotes tu del miedo
I of these clumsy bars, you of fear
Adónde vas que no vienes conmigo a empujar la puerta
Where are you going that you don't come with me to push the door
Adónde vas que no vienes conmigo a empujar la puerta
Where are you going that you don't come with me to push the door
No hay campanario que suene como el río de allá afuera
There is no bell tower that sounds like the river out there
Como el río de allá afuera
Like the river out there
Como el que se prende fuego andan los presos del miedo
Like someone who sets himself on fire, the prisoners of fear walk
Como el que se prende fuego andan los presos del miedo
Like someone who sets himself on fire, the prisoners of fear walk
De nada vale que corran el incendio va con ellos
It's no use running, the fire goes with them
El incendio va con ellos
The fire goes with them
No sé. No recuerdo bien
I don't know. I don't remember well
Que quería el carcelero
What the jailer wanted
Creo que una copla mía
I think a verse of mine
Para aguantarse el silencio
To endure the silence
Para aguantarse el silencio
To endure the silence
No hay quien le alquile la suerte al dueño de los candados,
There is no one to rent luck to the owner of the padlocks,
No hay quien le alquile la suerte al dueño de los candados
There is no one to rent luck to the owner of the padlocks
Murió con un ojo abierto y nadie pudo cerrarlo
He died with one eye open and no one could close it
Y nadie pudo cerrarlo
And no one could close it
Le regalé una paloma al hijo del carcelero
I gave a dove to the jailer's son
Cuentan que la dejó ir tan sólo por verle el vuelo
They say he let it go just to see it fly
Que hermoso va a ser el mundo del hijo del carcelero
How beautiful the world of the jailer's son will be
Del hijo del carcelero
Of the jailer's son
Es cierto, muchos callaron cuando yo fui detenido
It's true, many were silent when I was arrested
Vaya con la diferencia yo preso ellos sometidos
Go with the difference, I a prisoner, they subdued