Hordatoj - Intro E.l.h.y.l.d. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Hordatoj - Intro E.l.h.y.l.d.

Intro E.l.h.y.l.d.
Intro E.l.h.y.l.d.
Okey si
Okay, sweetie
Es el momento que esperabas ey sii
It's the moment you've been waiting for, baby
Es un placer presentar este mc
It's a pleasure to introduce this MC
Porque no todo debe estar como antes
'Cause not everything has to be the same as before
Buscando que reclamar
Looking for something to complain about
Perfecto y realidad
Perfect and reality
Si tu rancio es de tipo no?
If your rancio is of the no type?
Quiero tolerar mas campañas de mi audífono
I want to tolerate more campaigns from my hearing aid
Lectura en mis tímpanos
Reading in my eardrums
Tonos notas, la paz, palabrotas en mi oído
Tones, notes, peace, swear words in my ear
Entre lo habitual y lo desconocido
Between the usual and the unknown
Existe un lazo ambigüo que ha perdido su sentido
There is an ambiguous bond that has lost its meaning
No verlo fue adquirir si no pagar lo recibido
Not seeing it was to acquire if not to pay what was received
Justificar lo que se ah perdido
To justify what has been lost
(Ademas) de tras de ti vas y no te alcanzas
(Besides) you go behind yourself and you don't reach yourself
Si caminas en círculos porque decir que avanzas
If you walk in circles, why say you're moving forward?
Al caer te levantas veces tantas
When you fall, you get up so many times
Hasta ver tu conciencia que pregunta
Until you see your conscience that asks
(Donde estas?) aquí estas
(Where are you?) Here you are
De tanto buscar me encuentro
From so much searching, I find myself
Un futuro de perro envuelto en este presente
A dog's future wrapped in this present
Y que mas da?
And so what?
Si el principio siempre esta al final
If the beginning is always at the end
Es naufragar entre lo desconocido y lo habitual
It's about being shipwrecked between the unknown and the usual
Yo hoy estoy en la trima
Today I'm in the bilge
Debute en la calle
Making my street debut
Cuando dije que era si
When I said I would
Yo no le mentí a nadie
I didn't lie to anyone
Quien soy? un desconocido habitual
Who am I? An unknown regular
Pero callo a cualquiera y le enchulo la instrumental
But I shut anyone up and plug in the instrumental
Hola que tal?
Hello, how are you?
Como están? ojala que mal
How are you? I hope you're not well
Aprendo de cada break
I learn from every break
Le pondrían un bozal
They would put a muzzle on him
No sabes quebrar hombre apaga la vitola
You don't know how to break, man, turn off the vitola
Parecí un cachorro persiguiéndose la cola
I looked like a puppy chasing its tail
Que ganaras tras cada jornada
What would you gain from each day?
(Nada de nada)
(Nothing at all)
Solo rapeas para no pagar entrada
You only rap so you don't have to pay entrance
Cual es tu meta?
What's your goal?
Acabar en la cuneta
To end up in the gutter
Y nadie te respeta
And nobody respects you
Cheter te pone corchete en la jeta
Cheter puts a bracket on your face
Para te traje un trailer sin freno
I brought you a trailer with no brakes
Entero chileno
Whole Chilean
No me lo mire es meno un fenómeno
Don't look at me, he's a freak
Unas cuantas palabrotas
A few swear words
Me junto con dro
I meet with dope
Y escribo jarcor con jota
And I write hardcore with a "j"
Algo así piripipi
Something like piripipi
Ya lo sabe
You know what I mean
Jota dro
Jota dro
C h r
C h r
La puta era con acento
The whore was with an accent
Facilon tala cabaña
Easy to cut down the cabin
Pa que le cuente a tus amigas
So that you can tell your friends
No va a poder entrar
He won't be able to get in
1 jaja
1 haha
No se dice mas na
Nothing more to say

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