Horkýže slíže - Denník - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Horkýže slíže - Denník

Streda 4.júla, 17. plavby deň,
Wednesday, July 4th, 17th day of the voyage,
Nepriateľská guľa zostrelila náš
An enemy ball shot down our
Znovu nám na lodi vládne
Once again, the ship is ruled by
Panika a hladomor,
Panic and starvation,
Preto každý každopádne
So everyone is already
Sa teší domov.
Looking forward to going home.
Stále tie isté tváre, ich
Always the same faces, I already
Poznám naspamäť.
Know them by heart.
Odchádzajú sily a mne, kurva,
My strength is waning and, damn it,
My ink.
Ak čítaš tieto riadky, nikomu
If you're reading these lines, don't tell anyone
To nepovedz,
Môj život bol krátky a krásny,
My life was short and beautiful,
na jednu vec!
Except for one thing!
Všetko by to bolo skvelé, ale
Everything would be great, but
Prečo to ten blbec celé,
Why did that idiot the whole thing,
Všetko by to bolo skvelé, ale
Everything would be great, but
Prečo to ten blbec celé,
Why did that idiot the whole thing,
Všetko by to bolo skvelé, ale
Everything would be great, but
Prečo to ten blbec celé,
Why did that idiot the whole thing,
Všetko by to bolo skvelé, ale
Everything would be great, but
Prečo to ten Jožo Pročko
Why did that Jožo Pročko
Host it,
Uap šu vari vari, uuú, Pročko
Uap shu vari vari, uuu, Pročko
Hosted it,
Uap šu vari vari, uuú, Pročko
Uap shu vari vari, uuu, Pročko
Hosted it,
Uap šu vari vari, uuú, Pročko
Uap shu vari vari, uuu, Pročko
Hosted it,
Uap šu vari vari, uuú.
Uap shu vari vari, uuu.
Štvrtok 5.júla, 18. plavby deň,
Thursday, July 5th, 18th day of the voyage,
Guvernérov sluha ako prvý
The governor's servant was the first to
Zbadal zem.
Spot land.
Znova na lodi vládne radostný
Once again, the ship is ruled by joyful
Spev, krik a hluk.
Singing, shouting, and noise.
Z čejsi mandolíny zaznel
From someone's mandolin came the sound of
Progresívny zvuk.
Progressive music.
To sa mi asi sníva, zrejme to je
I must be dreaming, this must be an
Očný klam,
Optical illusion,
Ihneď si vypýtam od šamana
I'll immediately ask the shaman for his
To s mi asi sníva, žasnem nad
I must be dreaming, I'm amazed at
Tou nádherou,
This beauty,
Z ostrova nám kýva banda
A group of black rappers is waving
čiernych raperov.
At us from the island.
Piatok 6.júla, 19. plavby deň,
Friday, July 6th, 19th day of the voyage,
Bola to vidina, fatamorgána, či
It was a mirage, a fata morgana, or a
Všetko sa to v nás rúti a nikto
Everything is crashing down on us and no one
Nie je zvedavý.
Is curious.
či po našej smrti niekto denník
Whether, after our death, someone will
Discover the diary.
V kapitánovej izbe o pol roka.
In the captain's cabin in half a year.
Snáď o rok
Perhaps in a year
Na guľatom písme odbaví sa
An expert in handwriting will examine the
Round writing.
Ak čítaš tieto riadky, nikomu to
If you're reading these lines, don't tell anyone
Môj život bol krátky a krásny,
My life was short and beautiful,
na jednu vec!
Except for one thing!

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