Horkýže slíže - Kapely - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Horkýže slíže - Kapely

Prišla dobrá rada z Veľkej Británie. Ak chceš platiť iným ľuďom, celebritám nie.
Good advice came from Great Britain. If you want to pay other people, not celebrities.
Naleješ do svojej hviezdy drahý alkohol a o rok si nespomenieš ani kto to bol.
You pour expensive alcohol into your star and in a year you won't even remember who it was.
Čo by som si nespomenul, spevák z R.E.M. Kurva ma neprerušuj, nech to dopoviem.
What would I not remember, the singer from R.E.M.? Don't interrupt me, damn it, let me finish.
Máš v tom trocha hokej. Mám v tom NHL.
You're a bit off the mark. I'm in the NHL.
Ser na tie drísty, aké to celebrity. Ser na tie drísty, že bez nich je to celé v riti.
Ignore that nonsense, who are these celebrities. Ignore the nonsense that without them it's all down the drain.
Nerieš to kámo, kapely sa vykrádajú, aj tieto tóny na Desmod sa podobajú.
Don't worry about it dude, bands steal from each other, even these tones on Desmod are similar.
Viem, že dnes, máš svoj deň a preto...
I know that today, you have your day and therefore...
Nechcem zostať v očiach iných kapiel debilom. Niektoré sa vykrádajú iba omylom.
I don't want to be thought of as an idiot in the eyes of other bands. Some steal from each other only by mistake.
V amerických hitparádach lámu rekordy Shakira a DJ Bobo na tri akordy.
In the American charts, Shakira and DJ Bobo break records on three chords.
Vymenia sa štyri sračky na pódiu, zahrajú vám furt istú melódiu.
Four pieces of crap change places on the stage, they play the same melody for you over and over again.
Bubeník si šľahol Éčko, lebo nestíha, my len strofu, on refrén, kurva kde si, há?!
The drummer slammed the punk, because he can't keep up, we only have a verse, he already has the chorus, where the hell are you, huh?!
Ser na tie drísty, aké to celebrity. Ser na tie drísty, že bez nich je to celé v riti.
Ignore that nonsense, who are these celebrities. Ignore the nonsense that without them it's all down the drain.
Nerieš to kámo, kapely sa vykrádajú, aj tieto tóny na Offspring sa podobajú.
Don't worry about it dude, bands steal from each other, even these tones on Offspring are similar.
Náj na na na náj, náj na na na na náj...
Ny ny ny ny ny ny, ny ny ny ny ny ny...
Takto sa to celé roky točí dokola. Pozitívna bola dopingová kontrola.
That's how it's been going round and round for years. The doping test was positive.
Náhodou, náhodou. Speváčka z Verony prekonala zápal pľúc.
Accidentally, accidentally. The singer from Verona overcame pneumonia.
A všichni ruce nahoru!
And everyone, hands up!
Ser na tie drísty, aké to celebrity. Ser na tie drísty, že bez nich je to celé v riti.
Ignore that nonsense, who are these celebrities. Ignore the nonsense that without them it's all down the drain.
Nerieš to kámo, kapely sa vykrádajú, aj tieto tóny na Nagya sa podobajú.
Don't worry about it dude, bands steal from each other, even these tones on Nagy are similar.
Kadekto súťaží o rýchlejší úder...
Everyone's competing for a faster hit...

Авторы: Peter Hrivnak

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