Horkýže slíže - Osemnásť - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Horkýže slíže - Osemnásť

"Hurá, mám osemnásť!" vykríkla si od radosti,
"Hooray, I'm eighteen!" she exclaimed with joy,
Podarilo sa ti prekročiť hranicu dospelosti.
You have managed to cross the threshold of adulthood.
Na duši príjemný pocit, keď je človek plnoletý,
A pleasant feeling in your soul when you are an adult,
S kľudom môžeš chlastať alkohol a fajčiť cigarety.
You can calmly drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.
Radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
We'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Ale radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
But we'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Smieš si kúpiť pornožurnál, pustia ťa aj do kina,
You are allowed to buy a porno magazine, they will let you into the cinema,
Aj na taký film, ktorý deťom nič nepripomína.
Even for a film that doesn't remind children of anything.
S grázlami sa vláčiť no a? Veď nie si pod zákonom,
To hang out with thugs - so what? You are no longer under the law,
Vulgárne sa vyjadrovať a navyše drzým tónom.
To express yourself vulgarly and moreover in a brazen tone.
Radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
We'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Ale radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
But we'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Byť za všetko zodpovedná, stať sa ženou, byť dospelá.
To be responsible for everything, to become a woman, to be an adult.
Od malička si to chcela, to si chcela, to si chcela.
You've wanted this since you were a little girl, you wanted it, you wanted it, you wanted it.
Možno, že sa nenazdáš a bude z teba koza stará.
Maybe before you know it you'll turn into an old goat.
A tak preto iba dodám, ricom-picom, hip, hip, hurá.
And so therefore I'll just add, ricky-picky, hip, hip, hooray.
Radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
We'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Ale radšej zostaneme pri tej našej téme,
But we'd rather stick to our topic,
že my mladí to hádam dáko prežijeme,
that we young people will probably survive it somehow,
Tak poďme na to pivo, nahúliš sa ako kozmonaut.
So let's go get that beer, you'll get high like an astronaut.
Mám taký dojem, že tu máme ďalšieho poslucháča, koho máme na linke?
I have the feeling that we have another listener here, who do we have on the line?
Žaneta z Nitry.
Janeta from Nitra.
Ahoj Žanetka, tak koľko tipuješ?
Hello Janeta, so what's your guess?
No nie si ďaleko, skúšaj, skúšaj!
No, you're not far off, try, try!
Ďalšia odvážna je?
Is the next brave one?
Jožo zo Smrdák.
Jozo from Smrdáky.
Prepáč, Jožko.
Sorry, Jozko.
To nič, nič, no, aká bola otázka?
That's nothing, nothing, what was the question?
myslím, že dáme šancu niekomu ďalšiemu.
I think we'll give someone else a chance.
Kde je dům holubí, kdopak z vás cestu
Where is the house of doves, who of you knows the way
Míval stáj roubenou, bílej štít
Used to have a log stable, white shield
Kde je dům holubí, kdopak z vás cestu
Where is the house of doves, who of you knows the way
Míval stáj roubenou, bílej štít
Used to have a log stable, white shield
A kde je dům holubí, kdopak z vás cestu
And where is the house of doves, who of you knows the way
Míval stáj roubenou, bílej štít
Used to have a log stable, white shield
Kde je dům holubí, kdopak z vás cestu
Where is the house of doves, who of you knows the way
Míval stáj roubenou, bílej štít
Used to have a log stable, white shield

Авторы: Horkýže Slíže, Peter Hrivnak

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