Hrdza - Zabava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Hrdza - Zabava

hrajte dačo pre nás ľudí, na čo sa baviť
Play something for us folks, something we can dance to
Kričí pánko na kapelu, vzbudzuje obavy
Shouts the gentleman to the band, causing concerns
Jasne vidím, že si vypil, no čo ak pravdu?
I can clearly see he has been drinking, but what if he is right?
Hráme sa tu na umelcov no a on chce srandu
We are pretending to be artists here, and he wants to have fun
je pri ňom chlap jak hora, bolo mu to treba
Now a giant of a man is standing next to him, he deserved it
Leží pánko pod pódiom, no a hromží beda
The gentleman is lying under the stage, and he is grumbling with woe
Beda tomu na zábave, kto sa nevie baviť
Woe to the one at the party who does not know how to have fun
Kapela chce rozbiť davy, no nie vždy sa darí
The band wants to rock the crowd, but it does not always work
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Veseliť sa, dostávať samé dobré správy
To have a good time, to receive only good news
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Zabudnúť na starosti, prevetrať si hlavy
To forget about their worries, to clear their minds
Doma do mňa mamka hučia, aby som sa krotil
At home, my mom yells at me to calm down
Zase prídeš zo zábavy odretý a bosý
You will come home from the party bruised and barefoot again
Platím nosom, platím okom, bez bitky to nejde
I pay with my nose, I pay with my eye, there is no way without a fight
Veď sme všetci za jedného a za všetkých jeden
After all, we are all one for one and one for all
Taká u nás obyčaj, že valašku si vezmi
That is our custom, to take a stick with you
Keď idem na zábavu, tancujem jak besný
When I go to a party, I dance like crazy
Dám si pierko za klobúčik, uhnem ho na krivo
I put a feather in my hat, I bend it crooked
Zaspievam si s kamarátmi, dám si ešte pivo
I sing with my friends, I have another beer
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Veseliť sa, dostávať samé dobré správy
To have a good time, to receive only good news
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Zabudnúť na starosti, prevetrať si hlavy
To forget about their worries, to clear their minds
Len nech je jedla aj pitia veľa
As long as there is plenty of food and drinks
Nech každá zábava plný stôl
Let every party have a full table
Len nech je hudba pekne veselá
As long as the music is cheerful
V našom svete tŕnistom
In our thorny world
Nehrajte mi muzikanti žiadne smutné piesne
Do not play me any sad songs, musicians
Len mi hrajte veselučko, bo mám rany presné
Just play me something cheerful, because I have the right moves
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Veseliť sa, dostávať samé dobré správy
To have a good time, to receive only good news
Každý sa chce baviť, hej heja heja hop
Everybody wants to have fun, hey hey hey hop
Zabudnúť na starosti, prevetrať si hlavy
To forget about their worries, to clear their minds

Авторы: Slavomir Gibarti

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